Aplusceilings - Aplusceilings Community 2024-03-20T14:08:56-05:00 Aplusceilings 2024-03-20T14:08:56-05:00 2024-03-20T14:08:56-05:00 Embracing the Sacred: Daily Spiritual Practices for the Modern Woman Lauren Olaya In the fast-paced whirlwind of modern life, it's easy for the small, sacred moments to get lost in the chaos of deadlines, responsibilities, and constant connectivity. As women navigating the intricate tapestry of work, relationships, balance, and self-discovery, it becomes crucial to carve out moments of reflection and connection with our inner selves. The infusion of spiritual practices serves as both an anchor and a guiding beacon, illuminating the path toward a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

The Morning Ritual: A Sacred Beginning

Initiate your day with intention by establishing a morning ritual that grounds you in the present moment. Before the world imposes its demands, take a few moments for yourself. Whether through meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simply savoring a warm cup of coffee or tea, this sacred time allows you to connect with your inner self and set a positive tone for the day ahead.

Mindful Movement: Nourishing Body and Soul

In a society that often glorifies busyness, it's easy to overlook the importance of caring for our physical bodies. Integrating mindful movement into your routine, such as yoga, not only enhances physical well-being but also nurtures the soul. As you gracefully move through each pose or flow, let it be a dance between the physical and the spiritual, fostering a deeper connection to the present moment and the divine within.

Gratitude Journaling: Cultivating an Attitude of Appreciation

In the hustle of daily life, it's common to fixate on what's lacking rather than appreciating the abundance around us. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude by maintaining a journal where you jot down moments of joy, love, and accomplishment. Reflecting on these positive aspects not only uplifts your spirits but also transforms your perspective toward a more positive and appreciative mindset.

Sacred Spaces: Crafting Tranquility in Your Surroundings

Surround yourself with an environment that mirrors your spiritual journey. Create sacred spaces within your home – a cozy corner with soft lighting, a comfortable chair, candles, and perhaps a few items that are meaningful to you. These spaces serve as reminders to pause, breathe, and reconnect with your inner self, even amid the chaos of daily life.

Connection with Nature: Rediscovering the Divine in Creation

Modern life often tethers us to screens and indoor spaces, distancing us from the natural world. Take time to reconnect with nature, whether it's a stroll in the park, a hike in the mountains, or simply sitting by a body of water. The beauty of nature has a profound way of grounding us in the present and reconnecting us with the divine energy that flows through all living things.

Mindful Silence: Listening to the Wisdom Within

In a world filled with noise and constant stimulation, the power of silence is often underestimated. Carve out moments of mindful silence in your day, allowing yourself to simply be without the distractions of technology or external chatter. In these moments, you may find the whispers of your inner wisdom, guiding you toward a deeper understanding of your purpose and the meaning woven into your daily existence.

Acts of Kindness: Nurturing the Soul Through Service

One of the most potent spiritual practices is the act of kindness. Take time each day to perform small acts of generosity and compassion. Whether it's lending a listening ear, offering a helping hand, or simply smiling at a stranger, these acts not only uplift others but also nurture the loving spirit within, fostering a sense of interconnectedness and purpose.

Reflection and Contemplation: Unveiling the Layers of Self

In the midst of our fast-paced lives, it's crucial to set aside moments for reflection and contemplation. Engage in practices such as journaling, meditation, or prayer to delve into the depths of your thoughts and emotions. Through self-awareness, you can uncover the layers of your being, understanding your desires, fears, and aspirations, and in turn, finding profound meaning in the tapestry of your daily life.

Nurture Your Inner Creativity: Expressing the Divine Within

Creativity is a powerful force that allows us to express the divine within. Set aside time to nurture your inner creativity, whether through artistic endeavors, writing, or any form of self-expression that resonates with you. Engaging in creative practices can be a sacred act, unlocking a channel for the flow of inspiration and connecting you with the deeper aspects of your being.

Cultivate Meaningful Connections: Weaving a Tapestry of Community

Human connections are threads that weave a tapestry of meaning in our lives. Cultivate meaningful connections with others, whether through deep conversations, shared experiences, or simple moments together. These connections form a supportive network that nurtures the soul, fostering a sense of belonging and interconnectedness on your spiritual journey.

Conclusion: Weaving Spirituality into Everyday Moments

As modern women, the pursuit of a meaningful life is not a luxury but a necessity. By embracing spiritual practices in our daily lives, we create a sacred space within, allowing the divine to permeate every aspect of our existence. In the dance between the ordinary and the divine, we discover that meaning isn't a distant destination but a continuous journey, found in the richness of each moment lived authentically and purposefully. Embrace the sacred, for it is within you, shaping the narrative of your life with purpose and grace.

]]> 2024-02-07T11:31:57-06:00 2024-02-07T11:31:57-06:00 Empowering Boundaries: The Art of Saying “No” for a Balanced Life Team Olaya "Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others."
– Brené Brown

In the whirlwind of life's demands, mastering the art of saying "no" emerges as a crucial skill for maintaining balance. This is particularly true for women, where the ability to set boundaries without guilt is essential for empowerment and preserving mental and emotional well-being. In this blog, we'll explore the unique challenges women face, the power of saying 'no,' its impact on mental health, and practical strategies for navigating both personal and professional spheres.

The Unique Challenge for Women in Saying 'No':

From a young age, societal expectations often condition women to be accommodating and nurturing, which can lead to a tendency to prioritize others' needs over their own. The pressure to conform to traditional gender roles exacerbates the reluctance many women feel when it comes to asserting their boundaries. It is crucial to recognize that setting limits is not a sign of selfishness but an act of self-care.

Understanding the Power of ‘No”:

Saying 'no' is a declaration of self-worth, allowing you to define your limits and protect your time, energy, and emotional well-being. When you learn to say 'no' without guilt, you reclaim control over your life, fostering a sense of empowerment that positively impacts all aspects of your life. Here’s why saying ‘no’ is so crucial:

  • Saying ‘no’ to non-essential requests allows you to conserve your energy for what truly matters.
  • Saying ‘no’ helps you stay focused on what’s most important to you.
  • Overcommitting can lead to stress, burnout, and a compromised work-life balance. Saying ‘no’ is an act of self-care.
  • Saying ‘no’ can free up time for tasks that make a real difference in your life and work.
  • Asserting your boundaries can earn you respect and help others understand your limits. It's not about shutting people out; it's about setting clear expectations.

Overcoming Guilt and Obligation:

One of the most common barriers to saying 'no' is the feeling of guilt or obligation. Women often worry about disappointing others or being judged for prioritizing their needs. Overcoming this internal conflict requires a mindset shift. Understanding that setting boundaries is a form of self-love, not selfishness, can help alleviate guilt. Flexing your 'no' muscle is a journey. It's about finding your voice, setting boundaries, and embracing personal growth in the process.

Building Healthy Relationships:

Empowered boundaries form the foundation of healthy relationships. Whether in friendships, family dynamics, or romantic partnerships, the ability to communicate limits fosters mutual respect and understanding. Women who confidently express their boundaries are more likely to attract and maintain relationships built on genuine connection and reciprocity.

Navigating Professional Settings:

In the workplace, women may encounter unique challenges when it comes to setting boundaries. Fear of being perceived as assertive or difficult can make saying 'no' particularly challenging. However, the ability to decline additional tasks or projects is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

How to Say 'No' Assertively & Respectfully:

Mastering the art of saying 'no' involves practice and self-reflection. Here are some practical tips to consider when setting boundaries:

1. Practice self-reflection.

Before agreeing to anything, take a beat. Assess your plate and be realistic about what you can handle. It's not about saying 'no' to others; it's about saying 'yes' to yourself.

2. Be clear and direct. 

Skip the elaborate excuses. Simply say, “No,” with a clear and confident tone. For example, “No, I can’t commit to that.”

3. Express gratitude.

Start by expressing appreciation for the opportunity or request, then decline. For instance, “I appreciate your offer, but I have to decline at this time”.

4. Offer an alternative.

If possible, suggest an alternative solution or person who may be able to help. For example, “I can’t assist, but you might want to reach out to [Name], who could be available.”

5. Buy Time.

If you need more time to consider, say something like, “Let me think about it and get back to you,” to avoid giving an immediate answer.

6. Use ‘I’ statements.

Express your decision as a personal choice. For example, "I've got my hands full right now, so I can't commit to more."

7. Prioritize your well-being.

Emphasize your need for self-care and well-being, such as, “I have to decline because I need some time to recharge.”

8. Maintain assertive body language.

Accompany your verbal ‘no’ with assertive body language, like maintaining eye contact and a confident posture.

9. Practice self-compassion. 

Understand that saying 'no' is a skill that improves with practice. Be kind to yourself during the learning process.


In a world that often expects women to be endlessly accommodating, learning the art of saying 'no' is a powerful act of self-empowerment. By establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries, you can protect your mental and emotional well-being, build stronger relationships, and navigate both personal and professional spheres with confidence. Saying 'no' is not a rejection but a declaration of self-worth, and mastering this art is a crucial step toward a more fulfilling and balanced life. Remember, your journey toward a more balanced life starts with that one powerful word: ‘No.’

]]> 2024-01-09T11:09:04-06:00 2024-01-09T12:18:57-06:00 How Your Mindset Shapes Your Weight Loss Journey - Plus 10 Essential Mindset Shifts Lauren Olaya When you think of weight loss, what's the first thing that comes to mind? Is it the daunting image of restrictive diets and calorie deficits, or the exhaustion of rigorous exercise routines? Many of us associate weight loss with these stress-inducing tactics, but what if I told you there's a game-changer you might be overlooking – your mindset. 

Think back to times in the past when you attempted weight loss. How did you feel? Did you think you could do it? Were you discouraged by a slow scale? What kind of things did you tell yourself?

How you see yourself, your body, and your approach to health plays a pivotal role in achieving lasting and meaningful weight loss. Your mindset shapes your feelings, which influence your actions and behaviors. This realization is your first step toward transformative change. 

For instance, imagine waking up one morning, stepping on the scale, and seeing a higher number than expected. With the typical “dieter’s mindset,” you might feel discouraged, thinking, “I'll never reach my goal.” This thought induces a sense of failure, impacting your decisions throughout the day. You might even contemplate abandoning healthy eating altogether, deeming it “pointless” since the scale isn’t cooperating.

But what if you had a different thought? What if after seeing that higher number, you acknowledged that weight loss is not linear? Your thought might sound like – “This is just a moment in time and will not determine my long-term success. I’m working towards my goals every day.” This positive shift in thought can lead to feeling encouraged, prompting actions that support your goals.

Let’s explore the intricate connection between your mindset and weight loss, and how cultivating the right mindset can be the key to unlocking your full health potential. We’ll also share ten essential mindset shifts to kickstart your journey towards a healthier, more empowered you.

Understanding Your Mind-Body Connection

Before we dive into the details of how mindset influences weight loss, let's acknowledge the powerful connection between your mind and body. Your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs have a profound impact on your physical well-being. It's more than just a philosophical concept; it's a tangible reality that the state of your mind can significantly shape the state of your body.

Consider the dynamic interplay between your thoughts and physical responses. Stress or negativity triggers the release of cortisol, the stress hormone, affecting weight gain, especially around the abdominal area. On the flip side, cultivating a positive mindset acts as a powerful antidote. Optimism releases endorphins, the "feel-good" hormones, reducing stress and enhancing overall well-being.

Your self-perception is equally vital. If you have a positive self-image, you're more likely to see exercise and nutritious eating as acts of self-care rather than punishment. On the flip side, a negative self-perception can lead to unhealthy behaviors like emotional eating, binging, and a sedentary lifestyle.

In essence, the mind-body connection is a dynamic relationship where your mental state influences your physical state and vice versa. It goes beyond conventional weight loss wisdom, emphasizing the need to nurture both your body and mind.

Reducing Stress for Weight Loss and Emotional Well-Being

As we mentioned before, stress triggers the release of cortisol, a hormone that, in excess, can contribute to weight gain. Developing a healthy mindset involves finding alternative ways to manage stress and emotions.

Enter mindfulness and meditation – powerful tools that offer a sanctuary amidst life's chaotic demands. Mindfulness, the practice of being fully present in the moment without judgment, has been linked to reduced stress levels and improved overall well-being. By cultivating mindfulness, you create a mental space where stressors lose their grip, allowing you to respond to challenges with greater clarity and resilience.

Meditation, a companion to mindfulness, provides a structured way to quiet the mind, fostering relaxation and inner peace. Whether through guided meditation sessions, focused breathing exercises, or mindfulness apps, incorporating meditation into your routine can be a game-changer in mitigating the impact of stress on your weight loss journey.

Beyond these practices, it's equally crucial to identify activities that bring you genuine joy and relaxation. Engaging in hobbies or pursuits that resonate with your passions can act as a natural stress reliever. Whether it's taking a leisurely walk in nature, indulging in creative endeavors, or spending quality time with loved ones, these activities contribute to a positive mindset, creating a buffer against the negative effects of stress.

10 Essential Mindset Shifts

1. Redirect Your Focus:

Instead of fixating on physical appearance, focus on enhancing overall health. Journal about your motivations beyond looks—health markers, playing with your kids, self-confidence. When motivation wanes, revisit this list for a recharge.

2. Choose Sustainability Over Speed:

Avoid crash diets promising quick results. Learn habits that sustain weight loss. Ask yourself: Can I do this long-term? If not, it's time to recalibrate.

3. Set Realistic Goals and Celebrate Your Progress:

A healthy mindset involves setting realistic and achievable goals. Unrealistic expectations can lead to frustration and disappointment, potentially derailing your weight loss journey. Instead, focus on small, attainable goals and celebrate your incremental progress. By acknowledging your achievements, you're more likely to stay committed to your health goals over the long term.

4. Sleep is a Priority:

In the chaos of life, sleep often takes a back seat. Prioritize it for muscle recovery and digestion. Wind down before bed with screen-free time, light stretching, or a warm cup of herbal tea.

5. Say No to Diets:

Restrictive diets harm long-term health. Focus on balance by adding more nourishing, colorful foods rather than taking away or cutting calories. 

6. Think About Your Future:

Visualize your ideal future. How will your life change? Who will you become? How will you eat, move, and speak to yourself? Connect to this version of yourself and make the choices this version of you would make! 

7. Practice Joyful Movement:

Exercise should bring joy, not just burn calories. Consider activities you genuinely enjoy—like walking, biking, hiking, kickboxing, or yoga. Anything that gets you moving (especially outside) is a win.

8. Move Past All or Nothing Thinking:

Perfectionism hinders progress. Weight loss isn't seamless; ups and downs are normal. Accept and move forward. Practice self-compassion and take balanced steps toward your goal.

9. Don't Divide Food into "Bad" and "Good":

Shift away from labeling foods as inherently good or bad. Foster a balanced approach, recognizing that moderation is key. Enjoy a variety of foods without attaching moral judgments.

10. Cultivate Mindful Eating:

Engage in mindful eating by paying attention to the present moment during meals. Savor each bite, listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues. This approach promotes a healthier relationship with food, emphasizing nourishment over mindless consumption.


Ready to embrace a mindset that propels you toward your weight loss goals? Take it slow, pick a few mindset shifts, and start from there. Remember, your thoughts influence your actions. Stay positive, be kind to yourself, and witness the transformative power of a mindset geared for success. Your journey to a healthier, empowered you starts now!

]]> 2023-12-06T11:34:06-06:00 2023-12-06T11:34:06-06:00 Thriving Solo: How to Embrace Being Single with Confidence, Joy, and Self-Love Lauren Olaya In a world that often glorifies romantic relationships, being single isn’t always easy. However, the solo journey can be a time of incredible self-discovery, growth, and fulfillment.

In this blog, we’ll explore how to embrace independence and savor every moment of the single life, unlocking the doors to a more confident, joyful, and loving existence. But first, let’s explore why the fear of being single still persists.

Why We Fear Being Single

For many, the fear of being single is deeply rooted in societal or family expectations and cultural norms. From an early age, we're often conditioned to believe that our worth and happiness hinge on finding a romantic partner, and societal timelines often dictate when we are expected to enter into committed relationships, get married, and start families. It's like life has this checklist, and we're frantically trying to tick all the boxes. The pressure to conform to this narrative can lead to anxiety, self-doubt, and a fear of missing out on what life “should” look like by a certain point. 

Additional factors such as fear of loneliness, comparison, fear of judgment, and insecurity around independence can contribute. The idea of relying solely on oneself for emotional, practical, or even financial support can be intimidating for those who have not cultivated a strong sense of self-reliance. 

Self-worth and validation can also play a role. If you’ve been led to believe that your value or attractiveness is tied to your relationship status, being single can imply a lack of desirability or success.

Overcoming the fear of being single often involves challenging societal norms, building self-confidence, and fostering a positive relationship with yourself. Let’s dive into some of the ways you can embrace and thrive in this time of your life.

Embracing Self-Discovery and Personal Growth

One of the most profound advantages of being single is the opportunity for self-discovery and personal growth. Rather than focusing on someone else, you can focus on understanding yourself better and prioritize your own needs and desires. Take this time to reflect on your passions, interests, and goals without the influence of a partner. Embrace solitude as an opportunity to connect with your inner self, fostering a deeper understanding of who you are and what truly brings you happiness.

Reconnect with hobbies and activities that bring you genuine joy, and consider pursuing new experiences that will expand your horizons, such as traveling solo to a new destination! This period of self-discovery can be transformative, laying the foundation for a more authentic and confident version of yourself.

Embodying Independence and Confidence

Being single offers a unique opportunity to revel in independence, build unshakeable confidence, and develop a strong, self-reliant foundation. Rather than seeing this time as a placeholder until the next relationship, consider it as a chance to develop a deep and empowering connection with yourself.

Embracing Independence:

Being single allows the freedom to chart your own course, free from the compromises often inherent in romantic partnerships. Use this time to revel in the independence that comes with making decisions solely for yourself. Whether it's choosing your career path, exploring new hobbies, or deciding what to have for dinner without considering someone else's preferences, relish in the autonomy that being single provides.

Cultivating Unshakeable Confidence:

Confidence is not a byproduct of being in a relationship; it's a quality that grows from within. Confidence blooms when you appreciate your strengths, celebrate your achievements, and navigate life's challenges independently. As a single individual, you have the freedom to shape your destiny on your terms, fostering a sense of empowerment that can positively impact all aspects of your life.

Building a strong relationship with yourself is the foundation for building meaningful connections with others. It's not about closing yourself off but about realizing that you are enough on your own, and your worth isn't determined by your relationship status.

Building Strong Social Connections

Independence doesn't mean isolation. Contrary to the misconception that single life equals loneliness, it can actually be an opportunity to cultivate diverse and meaningful relationships. When you're not tied to a romantic partner, you have the flexibility to invest time in friendships, family relationships, and new connections. 

Friendships and social connections are an integral part of the human experience and contribute significantly to our overall well-being. Use this as an opportunity to actively engage with friends, seek out new social opportunities, and invest time in relationships that bring you joy and support.

The single life provides the freedom to nurture a wide array of relationships, fostering a sense of belonging and connection. Building a strong social foundation not only enriches your life but also contributes to a robust support system that can be essential during challenging times.

Cultivating Self-Love and a Positive Mindset

Instead of viewing solo status as a temporary condition, embrace it as a valuable and meaningful phase of life that offers the opportunity to cultivate a positive mindset and deep sense of self-love. 

Treat yourself with unwavering kindness and compassion, acknowledging both your triumphs and trials. Engage in self-care practices that resonate with your well-being, whether it's through pursuing cherished hobbies, regular exercise, or simply allowing yourself moments of peaceful relaxation.

In the face of societal expectations and potential negativity, actively challenge any undermining thoughts. Recognize that being single is not indicative of your worth but rather an invaluable opportunity to prioritize and care for yourself. 

Remember, the foundation of thriving solo lies not only in external pursuits but also in the internal landscape of self-love and a resilient positive mindset. As you navigate this path, let these qualities be your companions, uplifting you and reinforcing the empowering narrative of your solo adventure.

Timing, Perspective, and Future Journeys

Amidst the excitement of self-discovery and solo adventures, it's crucial to acknowledge the power of perspective in the timing of relationships. Recognize that both you and your future partner are on individual healing journeys. While you're doing the work to be the person they need in a relationship, they are on a similar path of self-improvement.

Understanding that everything happens in the right time is essential. Embrace the idea that your future partner is actively working to be the best version of themselves, just as you are. When the time is right, you'll come together to continue your journeys in a shared space. This perspective adds a layer of patience and trust to your solo life, knowing that the universe is orchestrating the perfect timing for your paths to align.

Bonus: Is Being Single Always A “Phase”?

The concept of being single as a "phase" is often a way people describe a period in their lives where they are not in a committed romantic relationship. However, it's essential to recognize that being single is not a one-size-fits-all experience, and it's certainly not a temporary condition for everyone.

For some individuals, being single may indeed be a transitional phase between relationships, a time of self-discovery, personal growth, or simply a break from romantic entanglements. However, for others, being single may be a lifestyle choice, a preference, or a long-term circumstance that brings them fulfillment and contentment.

Society sometimes implies that being single is just a waiting room for the next relationship, but that perspective overlooks the value and richness that can come from a life lived independently. People can lead happy, fulfilling lives regardless of their relationship status. The idea that being single is merely a transitional phase might inadvertently contribute to the pressure to conform to societal expectations.

Conclusion: Celebrating the Single Journey

In conclusion, while being single can be a phase for some, it's crucial to recognize and respect the diverse ways individuals navigate their relationships and life choices. It's perfectly valid for someone to embrace and find fulfillment in a single lifestyle without viewing it as a temporary state.

]]> 2023-11-30T12:01:21-06:00 2023-11-30T12:01:21-06:00 Why Positive Affirmations Feel Forced—and What to Do Instead Lauren Olaya In the pursuit of personal development, many of us have turned to affirmations as a tool for fostering positivity and self-empowerment. However, a common challenge arises when the words we repeat to ourselves don't align with our true beliefs. In the best-case scenario, affirmations might seem ineffective, but in the worst case, they can become a manifestation of toxic positivity.

According to experts, when we neglect our more challenging emotions by masking them with false positivity or non-stop “love and light”, they persist in our subconscious and may even intensify over time. This can create additional tension in our minds and bodies, leading to a cycle of emotional suppression.

Let's explore practical steps for transforming affirmations into a genuine and transformative practice.

Align Affirmations with Authentic Beliefs

Traditional affirmations often involve repeating positive statements, even if they feel disconnected from our inner reality. To break the mold, take some time for self-reflection and tailor your affirmations to align with your genuine beliefs. Instead of asserting statements that feel forced, craft affirmations that resonate with the core of your being.

For example, if an affirmation like, "I love my body," feels forced due to a personal struggle with self-image, consider a more aligned statement such as, "I am learning to appreciate and care for my body, one step at a time”.

If the affirmation is "I am always confident," but you're navigating self-doubt, modify it to align with your current state, such as "I am learning to embrace my confidence, even in moments of doubt."

Acknowledge Both Positive and Challenging Emotions

To truly harness the power of affirmations, it's essential to navigate the complex terrain of the subconscious mind. This involves acknowledging and embracing our authentic emotions, even the challenging ones, instead of pushing them aside in the pursuit of false positivity.

Instead of rigidly adhering to affirmations that deny challenging emotions, imagine crafting statements that acknowledge both positive and difficult feelings. For instance, "I embrace the challenges in my life as opportunities for growth and learning”, or "I embrace both my joy and challenges, recognizing that growth happens in both." This approach fosters a more authentic and sustainable form of positivity.

Visualize Your Affirmations

Take your affirmations a step further by incorporating visualization. Picture yourself embodying the qualities or achieving the goals outlined in your affirmations. See the details—the way you carry yourself, the expressions on your face, and the positive outcomes of your confident demeanor.

For instance, if your affirmation is "I am confident," visualize yourself confidently navigating a challenging situation. See the details—the way you carry yourself, the expressions on your face, and the positive outcomes of your confident demeanor.

Turn Your Affirmations Into ‘Iffirmations’

Affirmations often start with “I am” and then state a desired outcome or feeling. However, a refreshing alternative is the concept of 'iffirmations'—posing questions that start with "what if." These questions open up a realm of possibilities and feel more authentic than making statements that may not align with current beliefs.

Some examples:

  • What if things are always happening for my highest good?
  • What if it’s okay to feel this way right now?
  • What if I am free to be who I truly am?
  • What if I am deserving of love and affection from myself and others?
  • What if I can embrace my imperfections?
  • What if I can let my old stories and self-judgments go?
  • What if I am capable of achieving more than I think?
  • What if setbacks are guiding me toward a better path?
  • What if I am exactly where I need to be right now?
  • What if every 'end' is a prelude to a new beginning?

Asking these “what if” questions can feel more authentic than stating an affirmation, and they resonate at a deeper level. They prime the brain to find creative answers to whatever question you’re asking.


In the pursuit of personal growth, positive affirmations can be a powerful ally, but their effectiveness lies in their authenticity. By aligning affirmations with individual beliefs, embracing the full spectrum of emotions, incorporating visualization, and exploring the possibilities within 'what if' questions, a genuine transformation unfolds—one that resonates with authenticity, curiosity, and the limitless potential inherent in every moment. 

As you embark on your personal journey of self-discovery, consider how these insights can reshape your approach to affirmations, fostering a positive mindset that truly aligns with your authentic self.

]]> 2023-11-20T13:32:26-06:00 2023-11-20T13:32:26-06:00 Beyond the Grind: What’s REALLY Causing Your Burnout Lauren Olaya Do you ever feel like you haven’t “earned” your burnout?

Recently, I was talking to a friend who said she didn’t have the “right” to feel as burnt out as she did – that she hadn’t worked hard enough to feel so physically and emotionally exhausted. 

It's a sentiment shared by many, but here's the thing: burnout isn't only about the quantity of work; it's about the quality of your connection to your work and your overall well-being. Your thoughts, emotions, traumas, lifestyle, and environment are all significant contributing factors. 

Let's discuss what really causes burnout, and what you can do to de-stress and regain a sense of balance and peace in your life.

Values & Alignment

Research shows that we feel the most energized when we find purpose and meaning in what we are doing. On the flip side, we can feel depleted and burnt out when we don't take time to do the things that are inspiring or important to us. 

Burnout often stems from a misalignment between our values and our work. When what we do doesn't resonate with our core beliefs, it can lead to a profound sense of emptiness and fatigue. Reconnecting with our values and ensuring they align with our daily pursuits is crucial for preventing burnout.

What you can do: Create some space and time to reconnect with yourself and reflect on your core values. Answer the question, “What's most important to me?” Adjust your tasks or find aspects of your work that align with these values.

Perfectionism and Recognition

The relentless pursuit of perfection coupled with a lack of recognition can be a recipe for burnout. The constant drive to meet impossibly high standards without acknowledgment takes a toll on our mental and emotional well-being. Embracing imperfection and seeking recognition are key steps toward a healthier work-life balance.

What you can do: Set realistic goals and celebrate small victories. Don't hesitate to communicate your achievements to others.

Personal Well-being and Self-care
Burnout often arises when boundaries are blurred and expectations are unclear. Establishing clear boundaries, both in the professional and personal spheres, and communicating realistic expectations can alleviate the pressure that contributes to burnout.

What you can do: Clearly define your work hours and communicate them to colleagues. Learn to say no when necessary to maintain your boundaries.

Balance and Social Support

Achieving a harmonious balance between work and personal life is crucial for preventing burnout. Cultivating a support system, both at work and in your personal life, provides a safety net during challenging times and reinforces a sense of connection and belonging.

What you can do: Schedule regular social activities or check-ins with friends and family. Share your experiences and listen to theirs.

Environmental Factors

The physical and social environment in which we work plays a significant role in our well-being. Toxic work cultures, lack of autonomy, and unsupportive surroundings can contribute to burnout. Evaluating and, if necessary, changing our environment is a proactive step towards a healthier work life.

What you can do: Create a personalized, positive workspace. Surround yourself with elements that inspire and motivate you.

Mind-Body Connection

Recognizing the intricate link between our mental and physical well-being is essential. Practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and yoga can help foster a strong mind-body connection, enhancing our ability to cope with stress and prevent burnout.

What you can do: Start with short daily mindfulness exercises. Practice deep breathing or meditation to bring awareness to the present moment.

Thoughts and Emotions

Our thoughts and emotions play a pivotal role in our experience of burnout. Negative thought patterns and unaddressed emotions can create a cycle of stress and exhaustion. Developing awareness of your thoughts and emotions, practicing self-reflection, and seeking therapeutic support can be transformative in breaking this cycle.

What you can do: Keep a journal to track your thoughts and emotions. Identify patterns and consider seeking professional guidance if needed.

Bonus Practice: Turn Toward Your Emotions

Feeling exhausted at the end of the day? While there can be physical reasons for feeling fatigued (lack of sleep, dehydration, not enough movement, etc.) there are also emotional reasons. 

High-intensity emotions like anger, fear, excitement, and exhilaration (yes, even positive emotions!) can all be depleting. Not to say that you should never feel these emotions, but it’s important to turn toward your emotions so you can choose how to channel them in a supportive and nourishing way.

Consider the following steps:

1. Pause and Identify: Take a moment to identify the underlying emotions causing exhaustion.

2. Acknowledge Without Judgment: Recognize and accept your emotions without judgment, understanding they're natural responses.

3. Mindful Breathing: Engage in mindful breathing to create a space between your emotions and reactions.

4. Journaling: Keep a journal to express and explore your emotions, gaining insights into patterns and triggers. 

5. Choose Constructive Outlets: Channel emotions into positive activities, like hobbies, exercise, or time in nature.

Turning toward your emotions is an ongoing practice that requires self-compassion. By building awareness and implementing supportive strategies, you can cultivate a healthier relationship with your emotions, promoting greater resilience and well-being.

Traumas and Balancing the Nervous System

Unresolved traumas can significantly impact our ability to cope with stress and contribute to burnout. Understanding the effects of trauma on the nervous system and seeking therapeutic interventions, such as counseling or somatic experiencing, can be pivotal in restoring balance and resilience.

Tip: Explore trauma-informed practices, such as EMDR, calming breathwork, and grounding exercises to help regulate your nervous system.

The Holistic Path to Balance

To combat burnout, we must embark on a holistic path, acknowledging and addressing our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. This holistic approach demands introspection – assessing what in our lives no longer serves us, identifying unmet needs, and aligning ourselves with our authentic selves.

Tip: Create a personalized well-being plan that includes activities for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual nourishment. Set aside time each week to prioritize these activities.


Burnout is a complex interplay of our connection to work and overall well-being. Whether rooted in misaligned values, relentless perfectionism, or neglected self-care, the journey to resilience demands attention to our holistic selves.

In acknowledging the impact of our environment, the significance of our thoughts and emotions, and the potential shadow of unresolved traumas, we uncover pathways to balance. From cultivating support systems to embracing imperfections, each insight contributes to a tapestry of well-being.

So, as you navigate the intricate dance between your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs, remember that you deserve and are fully capable of living a thriving life. Using the steps above, you can reclaim your life and show burnout the way out. The power to own your life lies within, awaiting activation—one mindful step at a time.

]]> 2023-11-13T13:55:27-06:00 2023-11-13T20:27:49-06:00 5 Morning Habits That Disrupt Your Hormones (And What To Do Instead) Lauren Olaya Your morning routine plays a pivotal role in shaping your mindset for the day ahead, influencing not only your energy levels and mood but also the delicate dance of hormones within your body. Hormonal balance is not just a factor in physical health but is intricately tied to overall well-being. These chemical messengers regulate a myriad of processes, from metabolism and stress response to sleep patterns and mood regulation. 

Unfortunately, some seemingly harmless habits may be quietly sabotaging your hormonal balance. In this blog, we'll delve into five morning habits that could be adversely affecting your hormones and explore practical alternatives for a healthier start to your day.

1. Skipping Breakfast or Opting for Sugary Starters

Hormone Havoc: Skipping breakfast or consuming foods like pastries, oatmeal, cereals, granola bars, bread, and fruit (without adequate protein or fats) can trigger blood sugar spikes, setting off an insulin rush. This disrupts hormonal balance, leading to a rollercoaster of energy highs and crashes throughout the day.

Healthier Alternative: View breakfast as essential fuel for your day, opting for a balanced mix of macronutrients. A vegetable omelet with whole-grain toast, Greek yogurt with berries and nuts, or a quinoa breakfast bowl provide a nutritious and sustainable energy source. These choices help stabilize blood sugar levels, fostering a more consistent hormonal environment.

2. Overloading on Caffeine (Or Black Coffee on an Empty Stomach)

Hormone Havoc: Excessive caffeine intake stimulates the release of stress hormones like cortisol, potentially causing increased anxiety, disrupted sleep, and hormonal imbalances. Furthermore, black coffee (without the addition of protein and fat to slow down the absorption of caffeine) creates blood sugar imbalances and metabolic/hormonal disruptions.

Healthier Alternative: Rather than starting your day with a caffeine jolt, consider moderating your intake. A warm cup of herbal tea or water with a splash of lemon provides hydration and a gentler, more sustainable energy boost. This alternative ensures you remain energized without negatively impacting your hormonal equilibrium. 

If you can’t skip that morning cup of coffee, try adding a healthy fat or pairing it with a protein, such as collagen, ghee, MCT oil, raw milk, coconut milk, or protein powder. Even better, drink coffee after you eat a balanced meal.

3. Ignoring Natural Light Exposure

Hormone Havoc: Lack of exposure to natural light disrupts your circadian rhythm, affecting melatonin and serotonin production crucial for regulating sleep and mood.

Healthier Alternative: Embrace morning sunlight by spending a few minutes outdoors, whether on a short walk or enjoying your morning beverage on the porch. This exposure regulates your internal clock, enhancing mood and promoting a healthy hormonal balance. If sunlight is limited, consider investing in a lightbox to simulate natural light exposure.

4. Grabbing Your Phone and Scrolling in Bed

Hormone Havoc: The blue light emitted by electronic devices suppresses melatonin production, interfering with your body's natural sleep-wake cycle and disrupting hormonal balance. This habit also puts you into the energy of consumption and reaction for the rest of the day.

Healthier Alternative: Incorporate a screen-free morning routine. Allocate at least 30 minutes of electronic-free time after waking up. Engage in activities such as stretching, reading a physical book, or practicing mindfulness to ensure a gentle and hormone-friendly start to your day.

5. Stressful Mornings and Rushed Routines

Hormone Havoc: Hitting the snooze button, rushing through your morning routine and starting the day in a state of stress can elevate cortisol levels, negatively impacting hormonal harmony.

Healthier Alternative: Plan and organize your morning the night before. Integrate calming activities into your morning routine, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or gentle stretching. These practices help reduce stress, promoting a more balanced hormonal response and setting a positive tone for the day. And don’t forget to get a good night’s sleep!


By recognizing and modifying these potentially harmful morning habits, you can positively impact your hormonal health. Embracing a balanced breakfast, moderating caffeine intake, exposing yourself to natural light, minimizing electronic usage, and cultivating a stress-free morning routine can contribute to a more harmonious start to your day and overall well-being.

]]> 2023-11-06T10:57:42-06:00 2023-11-06T21:25:29-06:00 The Secret to a Happy Life Lauren Olaya What We Learned from an Eight Decade Study on Happiness

If I offered you the secret to genuine happiness, would you take it? And would you believe that it’s actually a whole lot simpler than we’ve made it out to be?

As we navigate the complex journey of life, our quest for happiness can sometimes feel like a roller coaster, with super high highs, and uncomfortably low lows. So, I think it’s safe to say that most of us would gladly accept a little more joy and fulfillment in our lives (especially on a more consistent basis). 

Enter Dr. Robert Waldinger, the director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development – a research initiative following individuals from adolescence through old age. The study, the longest of its kind, began in 1938 and now spans thousands of lives, including the original participants and their children. 

This eight-decade study sheds light on a simple yet profound truth: the key to a happy and healthy life lies in the quality of our connections with others.

The Surprising Connection Between Relationships and Health

In 2015, Dr. Waldinger gave a TEDx Talk summarizing the study's findings, which became one of the 10 most-viewed talks in TED's history. At the core of his message was a simple scientific discovery: individuals who cultivate good, warm connections with others throughout their lives tend to be the happiest and healthiest. Those with strong connections not only reported higher levels of happiness but also exhibited physical strength and sharper mental faculties as they aged.

The implications of this revelation challenge the conventional understanding of health and happiness, suggesting that the foundation for both lies in the fabric of our relationships. 

Action Point: Make an effort to spend quality time with loved ones regularly, fostering positive connections for your overall well-being.

The Stress-Regulating Role of Relationships

The question naturally arises: How do relationships shape our happiness and physical health? Dr. Waldinger offers a compelling explanation grounded in the concept of stress. Stress, an inevitable part of daily life, takes a toll on our well-being. However, good relationships act as stress regulators. When faced with an upsetting event, having someone to talk to, be it a friend or a family member, helps the body return to equilibrium. On the contrary, individuals without such support systems may find themselves trapped in chronic stress, leading to inflammation and the breakdown of various bodily systems.

Action Point: Identify a trusted confidant and share your thoughts or concerns with them, recognizing the stress-regulating power of open communication.

Essential Relationships for Well-Being

The study further explored the types of relationships crucial for well-being. Participants were asked a simple question: Who could you call in the middle of the night if you were sick or scared? The answer revealed a fundamental truth – having at least one person in your life who truly has your back is essential for maintaining happiness and health. As participants reached their 80s, reflecting on their lives, they consistently highlighted the strength and warmth of their connections as the most meaningful aspect.

Action Point: Take a moment to express appreciation to that one person in your life who has always been there for you, recognizing the significance of this essential relationship.

Diverse Connections Matter

Contrary to the belief that only intimate relationships contribute to well-being, Dr. Waldinger emphasizes that all types of connections play a role. Friendships, family ties, work relationships, and even casual encounters contribute to our overall happiness. The study even showed that engaging in conversations with strangers could have a positive impact, offering a surprising yet effective way to boost well-being.

Action Point: Initiate a conversation with someone new today, expanding your social circle and embracing the positive impact of diverse connections.

Social Fitness: Strengthening Your Connections

The concept of social fitness emerges as a key takeaway from Dr. Waldinger's insights. Similar to physical fitness, maintaining strong connections requires proactive effort. Individuals are encouraged to take the initiative, reach out to friends, establish routines, and revitalize long-standing relationships. Just as physical fitness is a practice that needs continuous attention, social fitness demands ongoing efforts to nurture and strengthen connections.

Action Point: Set a goal to engage in a social activity at least once a week, actively working on your social fitness and reinforcing the bonds that contribute to your well-being.

A Challenge for Positive Change

Dr. Waldinger concludes his TED Talk with a simple yet powerful challenge: reach out to someone you miss. In a world where small actions can have ripple effects, this challenge serves as a reminder that even the smallest gestures can significantly impact our well-being. The takeaway is clear – investing in our connections with others is a choice that can lead to a healthier and happier life.

Action Point: Reach out to someone you miss, reigniting a connection that can bring positivity to both your lives.


As we navigate the intricate tapestry of existence, it becomes evident that the secret to genuine happiness is not hidden in complex formulas or elusive pursuits. Instead, it resides in the warmth of our relationships, in the tapestry of connections we weave throughout our lives.

In a world where the smallest gestures can have profound ripple effects, let this be a reminder that the choice to invest in our connections is a choice for lasting happiness and enduring health. As we embrace the challenge to strengthen our social fitness, we not only enhance our own well-being but also contribute to a collective tapestry of joy, resilience, and fulfillment.

So, let us step forward with intentionality, weaving the threads of connection into the fabric of our lives. For in these connections, we discover not only the key to our own happiness but also the transformative power to uplift the well-being of those around us.

]]> 2023-10-30T10:33:32-05:00 2023-10-31T02:02:39-05:00 Embracing Wellness: Tips from the World's Healthiest Countries Lauren Olaya In our pursuit of a healthier and more fulfilling life, why reinvent the wheel? Some of the world's healthiest countries offer valuable lessons that we can incorporate into our daily lives. From Iceland's emphasis on outdoor activities to Japan's mindful eating practices, these nations provide a blueprint for holistic health and longevity. Let's explore the transformative tips and habits that contribute to the well-being of citizens in the world's healthiest countries.

Connect with Nature Like Icelanders and Norwegians

Iceland and Norway consistently rank high in global health indexes, and a significant contributor to this is their deep connection with nature. 

Icelandic people engage in regular outdoor activities, taking advantage of their breathtaking landscapes. Whether it's hiking, swimming in hot springs, or simply taking a stroll, nature is an integral part of their daily lives. 

Norwegians engage with nature through outdoor activities like hiking and skiing, promoting both physical and mental well-being.

What You Can Do: Allocate time for outdoor and nature-based activities. It could be as simple as a nature walk, a hike, or simply spending time in a local park. Nature has a therapeutic effect, and even short, regular interactions can positively impact your well-being.

Practice Mindful Eating like the Japanese

Japan, renowned for its exceptional life expectancy, places a strong emphasis on mindful eating. The practice of "hara hachi bu," eating until 80% full, is a widespread mantra. The traditional Japanese diet, rich in fish, vegetables, and fermented foods, significantly contributes to their longevity. Cultivating mindful eating habits, relishing each bite, and incorporating a variety of nutrient-dense foods can form the foundation of a healthier lifestyle.

What You Can Do: Next time you sit down for a meal, savor each bite. Try to be present in the moment and pay attention to your body's signals of fullness. It's a simple practice that can lead to healthier eating habits and a better relationship with food.

Prioritize Work-Life Balance like the Swiss

Switzerland consistently tops the charts for work-life balance. The Swiss highly value leisure time, and their work culture emphasizes efficiency. Striking a balance between professional and personal life is integral to overall well-being.

What You Can Do: Establish clear boundaries between work and personal time. Take breaks during your workday, and engage in activities that bring you joy outside of work hours. This could be a hobby, spending time with loved ones, or simply enjoying moments of solitude.

Foster Connection like the Spaniards and Italians

Spain and Italy, ranked among the healthiest countries, attribute their well-being in part to a strong emphasis on family and community. Their lifestyle encourages regular social interactions and communal activities, fostering a sense of belonging and emotional well-being. Meals are often shared events, reinforcing bonds and promoting a Mediterranean diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and olive oil.

P.S. The Mediterranean diet, abundant in fresh ingredients, also contributes to lower rates of chronic diseases!

What You Can Do: Initiate regular family or friend gatherings. It doesn't have to be elaborate—simple dinners, game nights, or weekend outings can foster a sense of community. Adopting the Italian and Spanish approach to meals as social events and embracing a nutrient-rich diet can elevate overall health and build meaningful connections.

Enjoy Balance and Outdoor Activities like the Swedes and Austrians

Sweden and Austria, renowned for their high quality of life, champion a balanced lifestyle that intertwines outdoor activities with a nutritious diet. 

The Swedish people prioritize physical activity, fostering a strong culture of hiking, cycling, and skiing. The Swedes also adhere to a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, promoting heart health and overall longevity. 

Austrians embrace outdoor activities such as surfing, hiking, and cycling, taking advantage of the country's diverse landscapes. 

Adopting an active lifestyle can contribute to your overall well-being, reduce your risk of chronic diseases, and support you in enjoying a healthier, happier life.

What You Can Do: Incorporate outdoor activities into your weekly routine, and make it fun! Whether it's a weekend hike, a round of golf, a bike ride, or even a daily walk, finding joy in movement can significantly contribute to your overall well-being.

Keep the Environment Clean like the Singaporeans

Singapore's clean air and water, along with low rates of infectious diseases, create a conducive environment for well-being. Singapore's reputation as a safe and low-crime country also adds to the overall sense of well-being. By adopting Singapore's commitment to maintaining a clean environment, individuals can contribute to their overall health and enjoy a safe, thriving community.

What You Can Do: Take conscious steps to minimize your environmental impact. Recycle responsibly, reduce single-use plastic consumption, and participate in community clean-up initiatives. Additionally, support local environmental policies that promote sustainability. Taking personal responsibility for a cleaner environment not only benefits your health but also contributes to the well-being of your community.

Respect Indigenous Wisdom like New Zealanders

New Zealand, revered for its stunning landscapes, promotes well-being through an outdoor lifestyle deeply connected to Maori indigenous wisdom. The Kiwi way of life includes activities like hiking, water sports, and a strong connection to nature. New Zealand's commitment to environmental sustainability aligns with its focus on health, recognizing the interdependence of personal well-being and the health of the planet.

What You Can Do: Educate yourself about the indigenous cultures in your region. Learn about their sustainable practices and incorporate them into your lifestyle. Support initiatives that respect and preserve indigenous wisdom. Connecting with local traditions can deepen your connection to the environment and promote well-being.

Embrace Diversity and Multiculturalism like Canadians

Canada, recognized as one of the healthiest and happiest countries, places a strong emphasis on diversity and multiculturalism. Embracing people from various backgrounds fosters a rich tapestry of experiences, contributing to a vibrant and inclusive society. By embracing diversity in your community and advocating for inclusivity, you can contribute to a healthier and more harmonious society.

What You Can Do: Engage with people from different backgrounds. Attend cultural events, try diverse cuisines, and educate yourself about different cultures. Foster an inclusive mindset in your community, recognizing and celebrating the value of diversity.


Incorporating elements from the lifestyles of the world's healthiest countries doesn't require a drastic overhaul of our routines. Instead, it involves making small, sustainable changes that align with the principles of well-being embraced by these nations. Whether it's spending more time in nature, adopting mindful eating habits, embracing a more active lifestyle, or prioritizing work-life balance, these tips offer a roadmap to a healthier and more fulfilling life. By learning from the world's healthiest countries, we can embark on a journey toward holistic wellness that extends beyond physical health to encompass mental, emotional, and societal well-being.

]]> 2023-10-23T11:00:09-05:00 2023-10-24T21:54:39-05:00 Navigating Love: A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Partner Lauren Olaya How to Know if He’s “The One”

Wondering if he’s “the one”? It’s a question that often enters our thoughts as we navigate a partnership. But relationships can be…complicated (we’re human after all), and that initial spark doesn’t always stand the test of time. The excitement of a new relationship, or the comfort of an existing one, can lead us to hope that we’ve found our soulmate. However, the enjoyment of good times or being in our “comfort zone” doesn’t automatically translate to him being your ideal life partner. So, how can you discern if he’s truly the right guy for you? 

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of what makes someone 'the one,' let's get real about something – there's no such thing as a perfect person. Perfection is like that elusive unicorn – charming but mythical. Instead, what we're really after is someone who vibes with us, supports us, and makes us a better person. Someone who, in their own imperfect way, makes us go, "Yep, this is it!"

So, how do you know if you've stumbled upon this gem of a human? Let’s break it down.

Know Yourself

Embarking on the quest for a life partner is a journey filled with twists, turns, laughter, tears, and a whole lot of self-discovery. 

Before diving into the intricacies of choosing a partner, it's crucial to understand yourself. Reflect on your values, goals, and the kind of life you envision. Knowing your own strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations will provide a solid foundation for choosing a partner who aligns with who you are. 

Make a list of your non-negotiable values (such as honesty, loyalty, and respect), and consider your long-term goals and what you aspire to achieve in life.

And don’t forget to accept and celebrate your quirks and imperfections! They're part of what makes you uniquely you. Embracing them can help you find someone who appreciates you for who you are, leading to an even deeper connection.

Friends First

Being friends first is more than a cliché; it's a blueprint for enduring love. A foundation built on friendship often weathers storms more resilient than one rooted solely in romance.

Shared Values and Interests

While opposites can attract, a solid foundation is often built on shared values and interests. Assess whether your potential partner aligns with your fundamental beliefs and enjoys similar activities.

Discuss long-term goals such as career aspirations, family planning, and lifestyle preferences. Compatibility in major life goals is essential for a harmonious relationship.

Shared hobbies and interests can also strengthen the bond between partners. Find common ground that brings joy and fulfillment to both of you.

Kindness as a Cornerstone

This may seem like a no-brainer, but if you find a guy who is generally kind, don’t take it for granted. Kindness is an amazing quality in a partner, expressed not just in grand gestures but in the everyday actions that make your heart smile. Whether it's a thoughtful note or a helping hand, kindness builds a bridge to deeper connection.

Communication is Key

Effective communication is the foundation of any successful relationship. Ensure that you and your partner are open and honest about your thoughts, feelings, and aspirations. A healthy relationship requires the ability to discuss both joys and challenges openly.

And don’t forget the importance of active listening! A good partner listens actively, showing genuine interest in your thoughts and feelings. If you're with someone who not only talks but listens, who navigates conflicts with dialogue, consider this a green light on the road to a robust connection.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage emotions, both yours and your partner's.

It's the compass that guides you through the complexities of a relationship, fostering empathy and creating a space where emotions can be expressed without judgment. As you seek ‘the one,’ emotional intelligence becomes a guiding light in the journey of mutual understanding.

Healthy Conflict 

It’s also crucial to assess how your potential partner handles conflicts. Disagreements will happen. Find someone who doesn’t turn it into World War III. A healthy debate is cool; unnecessary drama or anger, not so much. 

And remember, conflicts are not roadblocks but stepping stones. Each disagreement is an opportunity to learn, understand, and strengthen the bond that ties you together.

P.S. Another great sign? He’s not afraid to say he’s sorry. If your man is someone who apologizes after you have a fight, it shows that he’s self-reflective, curious and willing to take responsibility for his own missteps. Doing this is a key sign that he’s ready for a long-term relationship.

Emotional Support: A Pillar of Strength

When life throws curveballs, a partner who stands by you, offering genuine emotional support, becomes indispensable. Look for someone who not only celebrates your victories but also holds you up during life’s challenging moments. And remember, emotional support is a two-way street. Just as your partner is there for you, be that pillar of strength when they need it most.

Authentic Expression

You don’t want to be with someone who you can’t be yourself around. You want to be able to show your future partner all of who you are: the good, the bad and at times, the messy. Otherwise, he’ll never know the real you.

Fun & Laughter

Being with someone who helps you have fun and embrace your inner child every now and then is essential for a lasting relationship. Injecting humor into your daily life is not just a luxury but a necessity. Whether it's sharing a joke, engaging in playful banter, or finding joy in the simplest things, laughter becomes the melody that accompanies the journey of love.

Trust and Respect: Non-Negotiables

Trust and respect form the pillars of a strong relationship. Partners who value each other's boundaries, opinions, and individuality lay the groundwork for a relationship that stands strong in the face of challenges. Pay attention to how your partner treats you and others. Observing how your partner interacts with others can reveal their level of respect for people in general.

In terms of trust, look for a partner whose actions align with their words. Transparency and consistency contribute to a trusting relationship.

Time Together

From bringing you coffee in the morning to texting you sweet messages in the middle of the day, nothing will stop a man who is in love from finding ways to show you he cares about you. If your partner takes time out of his busy schedule to do any of those things, it means you’re a priority to him.

Yet, remember, it's not just about quantity but the quality of time spent together. A genuine connection is forged in moments where you feel seen, heard, and valued.

Independence in Togetherness

While being deeply connected is vital, maintaining individual identities adds richness to a relationship. Seek a partner who not only supports your individual growth but actively encourages it. It's in fostering each other's personal aspirations that you find a true companion, one who stands by your side as you both evolve and flourish.

You Don’t NEED Each Other

The best relationships happen when you don’t need each other to make yourselves happy. The relationship is a choice, not a necessity. When you both know who you are, what you want in life, and what makes you happy, it shows that you and your partner are your own person. This takes the pressure away from the other person having to “complete you” and instead, you can both complement and uplift each other.

You Bring Out the Best in Each Other

Ultimately, a relationship where you bring out the best in each other is a continuous journey of becoming better together. It's not about perfection but about progress, not about reaching an endpoint but about enjoying the process of growth. Celebrate not just the shared victories but also individual achievements. Your relationship becomes a canvas where each stroke adds to a masterpiece of collective and personal success.


Choosing the “perfect” partner is a nuanced process that involves self-reflection, effective communication, shared values, emotional intelligence, trust, and respect. It's not just about finding someone who checks all the boxes but someone with whom you can build a life of mutual growth and happiness. The journey might be challenging, but the rewards of finding the right partner are immeasurable. 

As you decode the signs, remember that your journey is unique. These pivotal signs are not one-size-fits-all, but rather guideposts to help you navigate the intricate path of love. Prioritize those that resonate with your values and aspirations, and as you embark on this quest for 'the one,' trust your instincts and savor the beautiful journey of finding and building a lasting connection. 

And now, dear reader, take a moment to reflect on your own journey. What aspects resonate with your experiences? What signs speak to the kind of connection you seek? 

May your path be filled with genuine connections, shared laughter, and the warmth of a love that grows with each passing day. 💖✨

]]> 2023-10-16T09:07:26-05:00 2023-11-14T23:55:08-06:00 Mind Matters: The Real Impact of Golf on Women’s Well-Being Lauren Olaya 10 Powerful Mental Health Benefits of Golf

Life can feel like an unending rollercoaster, especially for us women juggling a myriad of responsibilities. But here's a little secret I discovered – golf is so much more than a sport. In fact, golf has become my personal therapist, transforming the greens into a sanctuary for my mental well-being. If you've ever felt that post-round zen or been revitalized by the whoosh of the club, sister, you're in good company. What used to be a game of precision is now my powerful ally in the quest for mental health.

From stress relief to confidence boosts, golf is our ticket to a happier, healthier state of mind. So, let's explore 10 ways the game we love is doing wonders for our minds and our overall sense of well-being.

1. Stress Relief in Every Swing

Picture this - the sun setting, a gentle breeze, and you – swinging away the day's stress.

Golf stands as a natural antidote to stress. The leisurely pace, rhythmic swings, and the peaceful vibes of the course create a stress-free haven. With each swing, it's like waving goodbye to tensions, welcoming mental clarity, and wrapping yourself in a refreshing space of calm. The golf course becomes a sanctuary where the pressures of everyday life are replaced by a refreshing state of deep peace and relaxation.

2. Connection on the Green

Beyond being a physical activity, golf is inherently a social sport. Whether playing a round with longtime friends or meeting new acquaintances at the clubhouse, the connections built on the green fosters a true sense of community. Social connections are integral to mental well-being, and golf provides a unique setting for building and strengthening those vital bonds. It's not just about the game; it's about creating connections that feel like family, connections that are the heartstrings of our mental well-being.

3. Nature's Therapeutic Embrace

Golf courses serve as natural sanctuaries. The expansive green landscapes, the gentle rustle of leaves, and the vast open skies envelop players in an immersive experience that soothes the mind. The therapeutic effect of being surrounded by nature cannot be overstated, providing us women with a much-needed break from craziness of our daily lives.

4. Mindful Focus for Mental Clarity

Golf demands a particular kind of concentration and mindfulness – I consider it my “mental” workout. Planning each shot, strategizing for the next hole – it's a dance that pulls me away from my constant stream of thoughts. This focused attention becomes my meditation, offering a break from life's relentless pressures and a chance to find clarity in the present moment.

5. Confidence Beyond the Course

At its core, golf is a confidence-building sport. Conquering challenging holes or perfecting a tricky swing can translate into a profound sense of achievement that extends far beyond the golf course. Personally, I’ve seen it spill over into all aspects of my life, positively influencing everything I do, and the person I’ve become.

6. Me-Time in the Swing Zone

In the midst of socializing and strategic thinking, golf offers precious moments of solitude. Whether enjoying a solo round or spending quiet time at the driving range, these opportunities for self-reflection are invaluable. The golf course becomes a haven where we can disconnect from external pressures, recharge, and indulge in well-deserved me-time.

7. Anxiety and Depression Relief Through Activity

Engaging in physical activity has been consistently linked to a reduction in symptoms of anxiety and depression. The combination of exercise, exposure to fresh air, and the strategic focus required in golf provides a holistic approach to mental health. The golf course becomes an arena where we can actively combat the challenges of anxiety and depression, one swing at a time.

8. Patience as a Virtue, On and Off the Course

Patience is not just a virtue; it's a skill cultivated on the golf course. Navigating challenges, adapting to diverse terrains, and persisting through setbacks are all integral components of the game. This acquired patience becomes a valuable asset, positively influencing our approach to challenges in daily life.

9. Improved Sleep Quality After a Day on the Green

After a day on the course, I easily fall into a deep, rejuvenating sleep.

Quality sleep is foundational to mental health, and golf can contribute to better sleep patterns. The combination of physical exertion, exposure to natural light, and the mental engagement during a round can enhance sleep quality. A day spent on the green often means more restful nights, waking up refreshed and ready to tackle the day.

10. A Holistic Approach to Mental Well-Being

Golf is my holistic healer. With its mix of physical activity, social engagement, and communion with nature, it offers a complete mental well-being package. Beyond the fairways, it's a therapy for my mind, body, and soul. The golf course transforms into a space where we can nurture our mental health, embracing a lifestyle that promotes overall well-being.


As you step onto the golf course, you are not merely perfecting your swings; you’re engaging in an enriching experience that nurtures your mind, body and spirit. From stress relief to community connection and confidence-building, golf unfolds as a tapestry of benefits that extend far beyond the course. It's a therapeutic journey with powerful benefits for our mental health and well-being.

]]> 2023-10-10T11:47:38-05:00 2023-10-28T21:36:18-05:00 10 Wellness Trends That Are Actually Worth It Lauren Olaya From ancient practices to cutting-edge technologies, the wellness industry has witnessed a surge in innovations aimed at improving physical, mental, and emotional well-being. You can sound bathe in a forest, practice yoga with goats, plunge into an ice bath, or practice floating meditation…all while indulging in a functional mushroom hot-chocolate.

But given the ever-growing list of trends and treatment options that are considered “wellness” today, it can be difficult to know what’s actually beneficial, and what’s simply a passing fad. Read on to explore wellness practices that are not only worth your attention, but will continue to reshape the way we approach our health and well-being for years to come.

1. Mindfulness and Meditation: A Timeless Practice

The practices of mindfulness, meditation, and even breathwork are not passing trends; they are timeless and transformative approaches to well-being. These techniques, which encourage being fully present in the moment, cultivating self-awareness, and regulating your breath, have been around for centuries. Numerous studies have shown their effectiveness in reducing stress, anxiety, and improving overall mental health.

2. Functional Fitness & Exercise Recovery: A Holistic Approach to Wellness

Unlike extreme workout regimens, functional fitness focuses on movements that mimic real-life activities, improving your ability to perform everyday tasks. This approach prioritizes strength, balance, flexibility, and mobility, which can help prevent injuries and promote long-term physical well-being. Examples of functional fitness exercises include squats, lunges, deadlifts, push-ups, pull-ups, planks, bridges, and balance exercises.

Furthermore, we are embracing exercise recovery as an essential part of a wellness routine. Practices like foam rolling, stretching, and restorative yoga have proven their worth in optimizing physical performance and reducing the risk of injuries, enabling individuals to maintain consistent and sustainable fitness regimens.

P.S. Hot and cold therapy techniques, such as saunas, cold showers, and cryotherapy, continue to gain popularity for their role in promoting recovery, reducing inflammation, and enhancing overall physical well-being.

3. Digital Detox: A Necessary Reset

A digital detox refers to intentionally disconnecting from screens and social media for a certain period of time to promote mental and physical well-being. In our hyperconnected world, taking intentional breaks from technology to reduce stress, improve sleep quality, and strengthen interpersonal relationships remains a vital aspect of well-being.

4. Forest Bathing: Connecting with Nature

Shinrin-yoku, or forest bathing, is a wellness trend that encourages spending time in nature for improved mental and physical health. Research has shown that immersing oneself in natural settings can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and boost mood. Even short walks in a nearby park can provide substantial benefits.

5. Adaptogenic Herbs & Functional Mushrooms: Nature's Nutrient Powerhouses

Adaptogenic herbs, derived from plants and herbs, continue to be an integral part of the wellness landscape. As the name may suggest, these potent ingredients are Mother Nature’s way of helping your body adjust (or adapt) to physical or chemical stress, such as managing anxiety, finding balance, and supporting cognitive function. With herbs like Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, and Ginseng gaining popularity, the adaptogenic trend is far from a passing fad. 

At the same time, functional mushrooms have emerged as a wellness trend with proven health benefits. They provide immune system support, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, cognitive-enhancing properties, and adaptogenic effects to help your body cope with stress and fatigue. 

Some functional mushrooms to be on the lookout for are lion’s mane for focus and memory, reishi for stress reduction, chaga to reduce inflammation, turkey tail to strengthen the immune system, tremella for skin health and anti-aging, and cordyceps to increase energy levels.

6. Gut-Brain Connection: The Foundation of Wellness

Recognizing the profound impact of the gut on overall well-being, the Gut-Brain Connection has emerged as a pivotal focus in the wellness world. By prioritizing a balanced gut microbiome through diet and lifestyle, individuals aim to enhance not only their digestive health but also support mental clarity and emotional well-being. 

Probiotic-rich options like yogurt, kefir, and fermented foods contribute to gut health, while fiber-packed fruits, vegetables, and whole grains provide essential nutrients. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and nuts further support this connection, promoting not only digestive health but also mental clarity and emotional balance.

7. Sleep Optimization and Circadian Health: A Non-Negotiable

Recognizing the crucial role of quality sleep in overall health, sleep optimization involves adopting strategies and technologies to improve sleep, such as creating a sleep-friendly environment, establishing consistent sleep routines, aligning our sleep patterns with the natural rhythms of day and night, and utilizing sleep-tracking devices or apps to monitor sleep patterns.

8. Sound Healing: Harmonizing Mind and Body

Sound is truly the future of wellness. In the realm of holistic wellness, sound healing emerges as a trend captivating individuals seeking balance and tranquility. Rooted in ancient practices, this therapeutic approach employs various sound frequencies to promote healing and relaxation. Instruments such as singing bowls, gongs, and tuning forks create resonant tones that interact with the body's energy, encouraging a sense of harmony.

Sound Healing recognizes the profound impact of vibrations on both the mind and body. As individuals immerse themselves in sound baths or engage in intentional listening, they experience a therapeutic resonance that can reduce stress, enhance meditation, and contribute to overall well-being.

9. Wellness Travel: Journeying Towards Holistic Well-Being

Wellness travel recognizes the interconnectedness of travel and well-being, emphasizing the rejuvenating power of immersive experiences. From yoga retreats in serene landscapes to spa getaways promoting relaxation, this trend encourages individuals to view travel as a holistic means of self-care.

As an evolving practice, wellness travel fosters a mindful and intentional approach to exploring the world. It underscores the idea that travel can be a transformative journey, not only for discovering new places but also for nurturing one's overall well-being.

10. Women's Health and Cycle Syncing: Empowering Wellness

Women's health and cycle syncing are gaining prominence as women recognize the power of aligning their wellness routines with their menstrual cycles. This trend goes beyond fleeting fads; it's a movement towards empowering women to understand and embrace their unique hormonal fluctuations, promoting better physical and emotional well-being.

For more information on cycle syncing, read our blog: “Cycle Syncing: A Woman's Guide to Health & Hormones”.

Conclusion: Embracing Holistic Wellness

The above trends underscore a fundamental truth: wellness is diverse and individualized. Whether prioritizing sleep, fostering a balanced gut-brain connection, or immersing in the healing tones of sound, the emphasis is on an active commitment to overall well-being.

Ultimately, the key to a successful wellness journey is to find what resonates with you personally and fits seamlessly into your lifestyle.

May your days be infused with mindfulness, intentional nourishment, and a profound understanding that true well-being is an ongoing journey. Here's to thriving in the embrace of holistic wellness.

]]> 2023-10-02T16:13:17-05:00 2023-10-03T01:16:09-05:00 10 Habits That Will Transform Your Hormone Health Team Olaya Think of hormones as the unsung heroes within your body, orchestrating everything from your energy levels to your mood and even your waistline. Keeping these chemical messengers in harmony is crucial for your health and wellness, and might just be the key to feeling and looking your best.

The following habits and lifestyle choices are your pathway to not just hormonal balance, but also a profound sense of overall well-being. Get ready to enhance your mood, reduce stress, optimize digestion, and embrace a happier, healthier life.

1. Nourish Your Body with a Balanced Diet

The food you consume plays a significant role in hormone regulation, so a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrients is essential. 

  • Prioritize whole foods like vibrant fruits, fresh vegetables, lean proteins, and heart-healthy fats.
  • Embrace omega-3 rich foods like salmon and walnuts, as they can help reduce inflammation and support hormonal balance. 
  • Make sure to incorporate plenty of magnesium rich-foods (like leafy greens, dark chocolate, nuts and seeds, and avocado) which play a crucial role in hormone production. 
  • It can also be helpful to limit sugar and processed foods. Excessive sugar and processed foods can lead to insulin resistance and hormonal imbalances. 

P.S. A high protein diet packs a punch by stabilizing blood sugar, improving insulin sensitivity, and reducing cravings!

2. Sip Coffee Mindfully 

Don’t worry – I’m not here to tell you to completely cut out all coffee. That being said, it’s important to understand how caffeine impacts our hormones, and how we can consume coffee in a hormone-friendly way. 

How to consume coffee in a hormone-friendly way:

  • Allow your body to wake up naturally. Cortisol levels rise to their peak in the morning. When you allow your body to wake up naturally, before having coffee, you avoid overloading your body with added stimulants and raising your cortisol even further. 
  • Start with water. Rather than reaching for coffee first thing, start your morning with a big cup of lemon water or decaf-tea. Aim to drink around 2L of water each day, and drink at least one glass of water before your first cup of coffee.
  • Don’t overdo it. Drinking 1-2 cups rather than 3-4 will help reduce your stress response and blood sugar imbalances. 
  • Enjoy your coffee with (or after) a nourishing meal. Coffee is no substitute for breakfast. Caffeine on an empty stomach raises cortisol, stresses the adrenals, and is hugely taxing for your hormones. Make sure to eat a balanced meal with a protein, fat, and carb to help balance your hormones and blood sugar. 
  • Switch to organic coffee to avoid toxic herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers. 
  • Avoid added sugar.
  • Swap it out. Try cacao, matcha, chai, a turmeric latte, dandelion, chicory, mushroom, or herbal coffee instead. 

A note on decaf coffee: If you are going to drink decaf, make sure it’s from a brand that uses a non-chemical based method of decaffeination. 

3. Manage Stress

Chronic stress can disrupt hormone levels and lead to a range of health issues. Practice stress-reduction techniques like meditation, deep breathing, yoga, or even a simple walk in nature. These activities can help lower cortisol, the stress hormone, and promote hormonal harmony.

Interested in more ideas to reduce stress and increase overall well-being? Read our blog on “How to Stay Sane and Healthy When You’re Crazy Busy”.

4. Get Quality Sleep

Quality sleep is crucial for hormone health. Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. During deep sleep, your body repairs tissues and balances hormones like growth hormone and insulin. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule and creating a comfortable sleep environment can improve the quality of your rest.

P.S. Make sure to block blue light at night, as blue light (from overhead lights and electronic devices) can throw off your body’s biological clock and increase cortisol.

5. Stay Hydrated

Proper hydration is often overlooked but is essential for hormone balance. Water supports digestion, circulation, and the elimination of toxins. Dehydration can stress the body and affect hormone production, so make it a habit to drink enough water throughout the day. 

P.S. A pinch of sea salt or trace minerals enhances electrolyte balance, while herbal teas like chamomile, peppermint, and ginger nurture hormonal equilibrium while keeping you refreshed.

6. Move Your Body

Physical activity is a powerful ally in the pursuit of hormonal health. Regular exercise can help regulate insulin, reduce inflammation, and boost mood-enhancing hormones like endorphins. 

To reap the hormone-balancing benefits of exercise, it's essential to establish a well-rounded fitness routine. Make sure to incorporate aerobic activity, strength training, flexibility, and mobility exercises. You can also tailor your exercise routine to your menstrual cycle. During your follicular phase, when energy levels are higher, focus on more intense workouts. In the luteal phase, opt for gentler exercises to alleviate PMS symptoms and stress.

Make sure to pay attention to how your body responds to exercise throughout your cycle. If you're experiencing extreme fatigue, pain, or discomfort, it's okay to modify your workouts or take a rest day. Overtraining can negatively impact hormonal balance.

P.S. Walking is one of the best exercises for hormonal balance, and can impact your daily calorie expenditure even more than your strength or cardio workout. Aim for 8k steps a day if possible. If you are not even close to that, try to add 1-2k steps weekly to your current average step count.

7. Prioritize Gut Health

Your gut and hormones are closely connected. To promote gut health, include plenty of fiber-rich foods (fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes) and probiotics (yogurt, kefir, kimchi, and sauerkraut) in your diet. 

And don't forget the prebiotics – garlic, onions, leeks, asparagus, and bananas – these non-digestible fibers feed the beneficial bacteria in your gut and support a flourishing microbiome.

8. Minimize Exposure to Environmental Toxins

If you want to live a truly healthy life, you cannot ignore the health of your home.  

Toxins in the environment, such as endocrine-disrupting chemicals found in some plastics and household products, can interfere with hormone function. Reduce your exposure by choosing natural, chemical-free alternatives whenever possible and being mindful of the products you use.

P.S. Your home should be a safe, nurturing place that supports your overall health and wellbeing. For more tips on reducing toxic exposure in your home, read our blog: “Top 10 Ways to Reduce Toxins and Chemicals in Your Home”.

9. Expose Your Eyes to Sunlight

Sunlight exposure is crucial for our overall health and well-being, primarily due to its impact on our circadian rhythm, commonly referred to as our internal body clock. Sunlight exposure early in the morning and in the evening can help the body regulate the sleep-wake cycle, supports Vitamin D synthesis, and regulates hormone production. 

P.S. If spending time outdoors isn't possible, consider using light therapy lamps or bulbs that mimic natural daylight. These can be especially beneficial during the winter months when sunlight exposure may be limited.

10. Consider Cycle Syncing

As women, it’s amazing how little we are taught about our menstrual cycles, especially considering the massive impact they have on all dimensions of our wellbeing. 

Cycle syncing is an intriguing approach to optimizing hormone health that aligns lifestyle habits and activities with the natural hormonal fluctuations that occur throughout a woman's menstrual cycle. It's based on the idea that tailoring your diet, exercise routine, and self-care practices to your menstrual cycle can help balance hormones, manage symptoms, and promote overall well-being. 

For more information on cycle syncing, read our blog: “Cycle Syncing: A Woman's Guide to Health & Hormones”.


Taking care of your hormone health is essential for overall well-being and vitality. By adopting these ten habits, you can transform your hormone health and enjoy a happier, healthier life. But remember - it’s not a one-size-fits-all journey. Be patient with yourself, seek professional advice when needed, and know that small changes in your daily routine can have a big impact on your hormonal balance. Start incorporating these habits today. Your body will thank you for it!

]]> 2023-05-01T12:12:18-05:00 2023-11-10T22:07:11-06:00 How to Connect More Deeply in Your Relationship Team Olaya Building a deep connection is crucial for a happy, long-lasting relationship. While the excitement of a new bond can fuel the first few months (or even years) of your partnership, sustaining the connection requires effort and intention.

Here are 10 impactful ways to connect with your partner on a deeper level:

1. Be Present

How often are you truly present in a conversation with your partner? If you’re thinking about something else, checking your phone, or focusing on how you’re going to respond, you aren’t giving them your full, undivided attention. 

Instead, actively listen and pay attention to their needs, thoughts, and feelings. Let them feel listened to and, more importantly, heard. Try not to be distracted or distant when you’re together. If you are, explain to them why. By prioritizing presence, you can create a more fulfilling and meaningful connection.

2. Communicate

Communication involves sharing your thoughts, feelings, and needs in a non-judgmental, respectful way. It helps build trust, intimacy, and understanding, while also preventing misunderstandings and conflicts.

Speaking of conflicts – the way you handle problems matters. Don’t yell, use name-calling, or give them the silent treatment. Talk about your problems when they arise, and do your best to be honest, compassionate, and calm. Remember that you’re a team, and you want to resolve the argument as partners. Be okay with being wrong, and don’t be too proud to apologize for your mistakes.

3. Understand Your Love Languages

Did you know there are five main love languages that people use? They include words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. 

If you and your partner have different love languages, your actions can be misinterpreted and your needs neglected due to a lack of understanding and awareness. By learning about and understanding your love languages, you can better recognize each other's needs and actions, which will support you in deepening your relationship.

4. Share Experiences

Shared experiences create a sense of intimacy and connection that can deepen your bond and foster feelings of love and companionship. Whether it's traveling together, trying new activities, cooking together, or simply going for a walk, shared experiences allow you to create memories that you can look back on and cherish. Shared experiences can also help you and your partner navigate difficult times, as you have a foundation of positive experiences to draw upon.

5. Get Physical

Studies have shown that couples who regularly engage in physical touch are often more satisfied with their relationship overall. It helps to build intimacy, trust, and a deeper emotional connection. Touch also releases oxytocin, a hormone that creates feelings of bonding and affection, reduces stress, and increases feelings of happiness and relaxation. Holding hands, hugging, or cuddling can create feelings of warmth and closeness. 

It’s also important to be honest and open about your sexual needs. A lot of couples in long-term relationships encounter a problem of monotonous sex. Don’t let this happen to you! Be curious and open-minded, communicate about sex openly, and don’t be afraid to try new things.

6. Support Each Other Emotionally

Emotional support involves being there for your partner during times of stress or difficulty, providing a safe and supportive space for them to express their emotions, and offering encouragement and validation. This can help you to feel more connected and understood in your relationship, and can also improve your ability to handle challenges together. By providing emotional support, you can build a stronger bond and develop greater trust and intimacy with your partner. 

7. Avoid Assumptions and Judgement

Your relationship should be a space of non-judgment. Making assumptions about your partner's thoughts, feelings, or intentions without seeking clarification can lead to misunderstandings and conflict. Similarly, when you judge your partner's actions or decisions, you can erode the trust and respect that are essential to a healthy relationship.

It’s especially important to stop and consider your partner’s perspective when you’re fighting. Don’t assume that you know what’s going on in their head. Make an effort to actually understand how their mind works by considering their perspective.

8. Be Vulnerable

Don’t be afraid of being vulnerable with your partner. Share your fears and doubts. Open up to each other and show your human side. When you share your vulnerabilities with your partner, you show them that you trust them and are willing to be open and honest. 

By being vulnerable, you allow yourself to be seen for who you truly are, and you create space for your partner to do the same. It can be scary to open up in this way, but the rewards of a strong, intimate relationship make it worth it.

9. Share Your Goals and Dreams

When you share your aspirations with your partner, it creates a sense of shared purpose and a deeper understanding of each other's values and priorities. Discussing your goals and dreams also helps to build trust and mutual support, as you work together to achieve your shared objectives. By sharing your goals and dreams, you can build a stronger bond with your significant other and create a shared vision for your future together.

10. Express Gratitude

When you take the time to acknowledge and appreciate your partner's contributions and efforts, you create a sense of mutual respect and affection. Regularly expressing gratitude can also help to build a stronger bond between partners, as it fosters feelings of closeness and intimacy. Gratitude can also help to mitigate conflict and negative emotions by shifting your focus to the positive aspects of your relationship. By making gratitude a habit, you can create a healthier, more supportive, and more loving relationship.

Bottom Line

A deep connection is essential for creating a meaningful and fulfilling partnership. When you share a deep connection with your partner, you feel seen, heard, and understood. You feel safe and supported in your vulnerabilities and have a greater sense of mutual trust and respect. Cultivating a deep connection requires intentional effort, but the rewards are well worth it.

]]> 2023-04-17T05:07:06-05:00 2023-08-12T22:09:38-05:00 Why Dieting and Restriction Aren’t the Answer Team Olaya If you’re a woman, chances are you’ve followed some sort of restrictive diet in your life: low carb, under 1200 calories, juice cleanse, low fat…you know the drill. 

In fact, studies show that 90% of women have attempted some form of weight loss in their lifetime, and an even more shocking study found that on average, a woman will spend a total of 17 years of her life trying to lose weight. 

Dieting and restriction have become a common approach to weight loss and “improved health”. But the truth is – dieting, restricting, or forcing yourself to follow strict rules can end up doing more harm than good, to both your physical and mental health. 

And here’s the kicker: dieting doesn’t even work. According to the latest research, 95% of dieters end up regaining the weight they lost within two years, and their diet often leads to even more weight gain in the long run.

In this article, we’ll explore why dieting and restriction are not the answer to your health or weight loss goals – and why you should jump off the dieting train (for good) to live your healthiest, happiest, and most nourishing life. 

Yo-Yo Dieting

Yo-yo dieting, also known as weight cycling, is a common result of dieting and restriction. It refers to the cycle of losing weight and then gaining it back, often with additional weight gain. This can be damaging to both your physical and mental health, as it can lead to increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and depression.

Temporary Results

Most diets involve severe calorie restriction or the elimination of entire food groups, which can lead to rapid weight loss in the short term. However, once the diet ends, many people find that they regain the weight they lost, and often even more. This is because restrictive diets can actually slow down your metabolism, making it harder to lose weight in the future.

Nutrient Deficiencies

When you eliminate entire food groups or severely limit your calorie intake, you may not be getting all the essential nutrients your body needs to function properly. This can lead to fatigue, anemia, a weakened immune system, and other health issues. In addition, nutrient deficiencies can lead to cravings for unhealthy foods, which can sabotage your weight loss efforts.

Slowed Metabolism

Dieting can also lead to a slower metabolism, as your body perceives it as a threat to survival. When you reduce your calorie intake, your body goes into "starvation mode" and starts conserving energy. This can make it harder to lose weight in the long term and can also lead to weight gain once you stop dieting.

Loss of Muscle Mass

If you aren’t getting enough protein and calories from food, your body will start to break down muscle tissue for energy, which results in a loss of muscle mass. Ironically, your muscle is actually the “engine” of your body’s fat and calorie burning mechanism. Increased muscle mass can lead to lower body fat, a stronger immune system, improved energy levels, and reduced stress. 

Emotional Eating and Eating Disorders

Dieting creates a mindset of deprivation and restriction. This often triggers feelings of anxiety, stress, guilt, or shame around food and body image, which can lead to emotional eating and disordered eating patterns. In severe cases, dieting can trigger eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorder, which can have serious physical and mental health consequences and may require professional support.

Poor Body Image

Dieting promotes the idea that being thin or a certain size is “necessary” for health and happiness. This can lead to an unhealthy preoccupation with weight and appearance, along with feelings of shame, guilt, and anxiety about your body. Poor body image can also lead to disordered eating patterns and an unhealthy relationship with food, while impacting your mental health and self-esteem.

Mental Health Issues

A strict diet can cause feelings of stress and anxiety, and a focus on food and weight can lead to obsessive thoughts and behaviors. When you diet, you often set unrealistic expectations for yourself, leading to feelings of failure and inadequacy when you don’t get the results you want. 

This constant restriction of food and the fear of "messing up" can lead to guilt and shame, ultimately damaging self-esteem and self-worth. In severe cases, it can also lead to depression, social isolation, and other mental health issues. Overall, diets can have a detrimental effect on mental health, and it's essential to prioritize overall wellness over strict rules and expectations.

Unhealthy Eating Habits

When you focus too much on what you can't eat, you can develop a negative relationship with food. Additionally, when you restrict certain food groups or severely limit your calorie intake, you may become overly reliant on processed and packaged foods that are low in nutrients and high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats. This can lead to a cycle of unhealthy eating habits that can be difficult to break.

Social Isolation 

Dieting can create anxiety around social situations that involve food. People may avoid such events altogether, or feel uncomfortable eating in front of others, leading to a loss of connection with friends and family. This can further impact mental health and overall well-being.

The Bottom Line

Clearly, dieting and restriction are not healthy approaches to weight loss or improved health. They can have negative effects on both physical and mental health, leading to nutrient deficiencies, slowed metabolism, eating disorders, poor body image, mental health issues, and unhealthy eating habits.

Instead of focusing on weight loss or restriction, aim to develop healthy habits that promote overall health and wellness, such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress-reducing activities such as yoga or meditation. By taking a holistic approach to health and wellness, you can achieve your goals in a way that is sustainable, enjoyable, and promotes your overall well-being.

]]> 2023-04-10T10:06:42-05:00 2023-11-05T20:09:02-06:00 How to Stay Sane and Healthy When You’re Crazy Busy Team Olaya Your Ultimate Guide to Well-Being Amidst a Hectic Lifestyle

Do you ever feel like you're racing against the clock and can never seem to get everything done? Sometimes it seems like there aren’t enough hours in the day, and when it comes to taking care of yourself and your well-being, finding the time can seem like an impossible task. 

Trust me, I get it. Life can be crazy busy and overwhelming at times, leaving you feeling like you’re constantly on the go without a moment to catch your breath. 

And when you’re juggling work, your personal life, and everything else on your to-do list, self-care often takes a back seat. 

In this article, we'll be sharing some practical tips and strategies to help you stay sane, balanced, and healthy amidst the chaos of your busy lifestyle. Take a deep breath, and let’s get started.

Slow Down Your Mornings

Tired of hearing about the "perfect" morning routine that involves waking up before dawn to tackle a laundry list of tasks? The list of what “productive” people do before 9am can be exhausting just to think about. Thankfully, there’s another option… 

In reaction to our hectic, over-scheduled lives, a counter movement is emerging: the slow morning. Rising early, proponents enjoy the start of their day without technology or distractions – engaging instead in activities like meditation, journaling, or simply enjoying a cup of coffee. 

Starting the day slowly and intentionally can improve mental and physical health, enhance productivity and creativity, and promote a better work-life balance. It also sets a more positive tone for the rest of the day, allowing you to approach tasks with a calm and clear mind. Give it a try, and see how a slow morning can make all the difference.

Prioritize Self-Care

When you're busy, it's easy to put your own needs on the back burner – but self-care is not a luxury; it's a necessity. You deserve to feel your best and perform at your highest level, even when things get crazy. And the best way to do that is by prioritizing your mental and physical health. 

There are plenty of simple self-care practices you can incorporate into your daily routine. Whether it's taking a few moments to meditate or breathe deeply, going for a leisurely walk, practicing yoga, enjoying your favorite hobby, or treating yourself to a relaxing bath – these small acts of self-care can make a huge difference in your stress levels and overall happiness.

P.S. You don't have to dedicate hours to self-care. Just 10-15 minutes each day can go a long way towards reducing stress and improving your well-being. So take a deep breath and give yourself permission to prioritize your own needs. You'll thank yourself later, and you'll be able to tackle your busy schedule with a clear and refreshed mind.

Move Your Body

It's no secret that regular exercise is essential for maintaining good health and balance. Not only can it help reduce stress and improve mood, but it can also give you a much-needed energy boost to power through your busy day.

Now, I know what you might be thinking. "Exercise? I can barely find time to sleep!" But trust me. It doesn't have to take a lot of time, and the benefits are well worth it. In fact, exercise can actually make you more productive throughout the day!

To make it sustainable, it's important to find a routine that you enjoy, and that fits into your schedule. This could mean biking to work, taking a brisk walk during your lunch break, practicing yoga in the comfort of your own home, taking the stairs whenever possible, or doing a quick workout before or after work.

If time is really tight, consider breaking up your exercise into shorter sessions throughout the day. You could do a quick 5-minute session of squats, lunges, pushups, crunches, or jumping jacks every hour (or any time you take a bathroom break). Every little bit of movement counts!

So go ahead and give it a try - find an exercise routine that works for you and watch as your energy levels and productivity soar.

Practice Time Management

Effective time management is critical to maintaining good health, particularly when you're busy. Without proper time management, it's easy to become overwhelmed, stressed, and exhausted. 

Prioritizing your schedule, setting realistic goals, avoiding multitasking, and delegating tasks can help you maintain a healthy work-life balance. Additionally, scheduling breaks into your day can help you stay energized, focused, and reduce stress levels. By managing your time effectively, you can prioritize your health and well-being, and reduce the risk of burnout.

Learn to Say No

Setting boundaries and learning to say "no" is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance and preventing burnout. It can be tempting to say "yes" to every request or opportunity that comes your way, but it can quickly lead to overcommitment and stress. 

By setting clear boundaries and priorities, you can focus on the things that matter most to you and avoid spreading yourself too thin. Make sure to communicate your boundaries with others, say no to requests that don't align with your goals, and don’t be afraid to be assertive when necessary. Remember, saying "no" doesn't make you a bad colleague or friend, it's simply a way to protect your time and well-being.

Separate Your Work and Personal Life

After a long day at work, it can be tough to switch off and relax if you're constantly thinking about your never-ending to-do list, and this can take a toll on your mental health and productivity. Setting boundaries between work and personal time is essential for avoiding burnout, maintaining healthy relationships, and avoiding unnecessary stress.

This doesn’t have to be complicated – simply engage in non-work-related activities and conversation. Additionally, finalize your to-do list for the next day before you come home, which will help you leave work with confidence. 

Optimize Your Evening Routine

Implementing a mindful evening routine is a simple lifestyle change that will lead to positive shifts in your mind, body, and soul.

Although nighttime routines are often overlooked due to busy schedules and chaotic lifestyles, the way you spend your evenings has a huge impact on your life. It’s important for both your physical and mental wellbeing that you take some time every night to relax, unwind, and de-stress before you sleep. This could mean turning off electronic devices an hour before bedtime, reading a book, meditating, or taking a warm bath. 

Getting enough sleep is also crucial for maintaining good health and achieving balance. Without enough rest, you may experience fatigue, irritability, and poor concentration, making it challenging to get through a busy day. So, make a commitment to prioritize your sleep (aim for 7-8 hours each night) and create a relaxing bedtime routine that works for you. 

Nourish Your Body

Let's talk about the importance of eating well and staying hydrated! It's no secret that a balanced and nutritious diet is key to maintaining your health and keeping your energy levels up, especially when you're busy. It can be tempting to reach for fast food or processed snacks for convenience, but these foods can leave you feeling sluggish and unproductive. To combat this, try planning and preparing healthy meals and snacks in advance, so you have nutritious options on hand when you're in a time crunch.

You may also forget to drink enough water when you're busy. Make sure to drink at least eight glasses each day, and keep a water bottle with you as a reminder to stay hydrated. Your body will thank you! 

Connect with Others

Life can sometimes feel hectic and overwhelming, but it's important to remember that you don’t have to do it all alone. Connecting with others is vital for maintaining good mental health and keeping a healthy work-life balance. By building a strong support network, you'll have people to turn to during challenging times, and you'll also benefit from a sense of belonging and connection.

To make the most of your social life, it's important to prioritize it just as you would your work or other responsibilities. Make time for regular catch-ups with loved ones, attend social events, and consider joining a club or group that aligns with your interests and values. By nurturing these relationships, you'll feel more energized, fulfilled, and supported when life gets crazy. 

Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude is a powerful way to cultivate a positive mindset, boost resilience, and stay healthy when you're busy. When you're juggling multiple responsibilities, it's easy to focus on what's going wrong or what you don't have. However, taking time to reflect on what you're grateful for can help shift your perspective and reduce stress. 

Research shows that regularly practicing gratitude can improve sleep, increase self-esteem, and even reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Simple practices like keeping a gratitude journal or taking a few minutes each day to reflect on what you're thankful for can make a big difference in your overall well-being.

The Bottom Line 

Finding balance in a busy lifestyle may seem overwhelming, but it's totally achievable with the right mindset and commitment. 

And know this – you don’t have to do it all at once. Achieving balance is a journey, not a destination. It's essential to be patient with yourself and celebrate small wins along the way. 

By prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries, managing your time effectively, staying connected, nourishing your body, and practicing gratitude, you'll be on your way to a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

]]> 2023-04-03T09:43:09-05:00 2023-10-15T00:52:39-05:00 Ways to Stay Healthy on the Golf Course Team Olaya Golf isn’t just a sport…it’s an opportunity to get out into nature, soak up sunshine, breathe in fresh air, and move your body in a nourishing way. And whether you’re a seasoned pro or a total newbie, there’s nothing quite like spending a gorgeous day out on the course. 

However, like any sport, golf can take a toll on your body and mind if you don’t take care of yourself properly. It's not just about hitting a ball into a hole; it's about being focused, calm, and in control of your body. With that in mind, here are some wellness tips that will keep you swinging strong and feeling amazing (both mentally and physically) while on the golf course:

1. Stay Hydrated

Golf can be a long and physically demanding sport, especially if you're walking the course. The average round takes several hours to complete, so it's important to replenish your fluids to avoid feeling drained and dehydrated. Be sure to bring a water bottle and drink regularly, and avoid alcohol or caffeinated drinks, which can dehydrate you and impair your performance. Trust us, your body (and your golf game) will thank you!

2. Protect Your Skin and Eyes

Listen up golfers. This is a crucial step you don't want to miss! We all love soaking up the sunshine, but those UV rays can be a real pain in the neck (and face, and arms, and legs...) if you’re not careful. Too much sun exposure can lead to sunburn, skin damage, and even skin cancer. So please, protect your skin with a hat or visor, and apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. 

And don’t forget to protect those gorgeous eyes! The sun can do a number on your vision over time, so make sure to wear sunglasses with UV protection. Plus, you’ll look like a total pro on the course. 😉

3. Use Proper Gear 

Having the right gear can be a game-changer – helping you prevent injuries, promote good posture and alignment, and perform at your best. Invest in comfortable, supportive shoes with good traction, and choose clubs that are the right length and weight for your body type and swing. Using gloves can also help improve your grip and prevent painful blisters.

And hey, while you're at it, why not snag a golf dress that actually flows with your swing, rather than against it? Aplusceilings has got you covered, ladies. Our golf dresses just happen to be the most comfortable and best looking women’s golf apparel on the market. Swing on over and check them out! 

4. Warm Up Before You Tee Off

We know you're eager to hit the course and show off your skills, but hold up just a sec. You wouldn't start running a marathon without stretching, right? Same goes for golfing. Before you start swinging like a pro, make sure you take a few minutes to warm up your muscles and joints, particularly those in your back, hips, shoulders, and arms. Trust us, a proper warm-up will not only help prevent injuries, but it'll also improve your flexibility, range of motion, and ultimately, your performance on the course. 

5. Practice Proper Technique, Posture, and Alignment 

If you want to swing like a pro, you gotta nail down the basics - starting with your technique, posture, and alignment. So, let's start from the ground up. Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Shoulders back and down, chin up. Align your body towards the target and grip the club with both hands, placing your dominant hand at the top of the grip. These simple, yet crucial tips will pay off big time with a smoother, more consistent swing and less risk of injury. 

6. Use Your Core Muscles 

Want to take your game to the next level? It's time to give your core the attention it deserves. Your core muscles, including your abs, obliques, and lower back, play a crucial role in maintaining balance and stability during your swing. So, engage those muscles throughout your swing to improve your power and accuracy. But don't just stop there! Make sure to incorporate core-strengthening exercises into your workout routine, such as planks, side bends, and Russian twists. 

7. Take Breaks 

Golf can be a long and physically demanding sport, so it's important to take breaks and rest when needed. Make sure to take a breather every few holes to stretch out your muscles, hydrate, and let your body recharge. Not only will this help prevent fatigue, but it can also give your game a boost! Trust us, a little rest can go a long way towards improving your performance on the course.

8. Listen to Your Body

Listening to your body is crucial for staying healthy and avoiding injuries. If you're feeling tired, sore, or experiencing pain or discomfort, take a break and rest. Pushing yourself too hard can lead to injuries and long-term health issues, so it's important to pay attention to your body and adjust your activity levels accordingly. Remember, your body is your best tool on the course, so take good care of it and it will take care of you!

9. Eat Healthy Foods 

What you eat can have a big impact on your performance as a golfer. If you go out on the course hungry, your energy will fade fast. On the other hand, a heavy, fatty meal will weigh you down, causing sluggishness. Instead, eat a balanced meal of lean protein (chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, Greek yogurt), a high fiber carb (whole-grain bread, brown rice, vegetables, fruit), and healthy fat (nuts, avocado, olive oil). 

Make sure to also pack healthy snacks such as fruit, nuts, or natural trail mix to keep you fueled throughout the round. Avoid sugary drinks and snacks, which can lead to energy crashes and poor performance.

10. Practice Mindfulness 

Golf can be a mentally challenging sport, and staying calm and focused is key to performing your best on the course. Incorporating mindfulness techniques into your pre-game routine can help you stay focused, boost your confidence, and play with a clear mind. So take a deep breath, visualize your shot, and let go of any distracting thoughts. It's like hitting a reset button for your brain, giving you the mental clarity you need to make every shot count.

11. Focus on Your Breath

Breathing is often overlooked in golf, but it can make a big difference in your performance. When you take slow, deep breaths, you help to calm your mind and reduce tension in your body. This can help you stay focused on the present moment, which, as we discussed above, is key for success on the course. So, next time you're about to take a shot, take a moment to breathe deeply and release any stress or anxiety. You might be surprised at the difference it makes!

The Bottom Line 

To stay healthy and perform at your best on the golf course, you need to take care of both your body and mind. By implementing these tips and practices, you can enjoy the health benefits of golf while improving your performance and overall well-being. Remember, golf is a great way to stay active and enjoy the outdoors, so take care of yourself, and don’t forget to have fun!

]]> 2023-03-27T16:46:28-05:00 2023-10-12T22:08:07-05:00 15 “Healthy” Foods That Aren’t So Healthy Team Olaya Eating healthy has become a major trend in recent years, as people are becoming more conscious about their health and wellbeing. As a result, navigating the grocery store in search of nutritious foods has become increasingly complex as more and more “healthy” products fill the shelves.

Unfortunately, not all foods that claim to be healthy are actually good for you. In fact, many foods marketed as “healthy” or “natural” are loaded with sugar, salt, unhealthy fats, or additives that can harm your health over time. 

Read on for some of the most popular “healthy” foods that aren’t as good for you as you may think…

1. Granola and Granola Bars

Granola is often marketed as a healthy breakfast, but most commercial brands are high in calories, sugars, oils, and unhealthy additives, which can contribute to weight gain and other health problems. Make sure to read the labels and choose brands that are lower in sugar and made with whole grains, or consider making your own with nutritious ingredients like nuts, oats, and dried fruits.

2. Pre-made Smoothies or Protein Shakes 

Homemade smoothies can be a nutritious way to add extra fruit, veggies, and protein to your day. However, pre-made smoothies and shakes are often loaded with sugar or fruit juice, added ingredients, and preservatives that can lead to weight gain and cause digestive issues like bloating. 

If you are buying a smoothie on the go, choose a brand that’s lower in sugar. Alternatively, make a healthy homemade smoothie with a combination of fruit and veggies, protein, and healthy fat. You’ll minimize the sugar content, get more fiber, and avoid any added ingredients or preservatives. 

3. Energy and Protein Bars

Similar to granola bars, many protein and energy bars are high in calories, unhealthy additives, and sugar equivalent to that of a candy bar. Some also contain high levels of saturated fat or hydrogenated oils. Do your best to choose low-sugar options made with whole ingredients, high quality protein, and fiber.

4. Agave Nectar

Agave nectar is often marketed as a healthier alternative to sugar, but it is actually higher in fructose than table sugar. Fructose is a type of sugar that can be harmful in large quantities, as it is metabolized differently than other types of sugars. While small amounts of agave nectar may be okay for some people, it is essential to use it in moderation and to choose brands that are lower in fructose.

5. Fat-Free and Low-Fat Foods

Being fat-free or low-fat doesn't make something healthy. In fact, manufacturers often replace the fat with sugar, vegetable oils, and other additives to make up for the loss of flavor and texture. What’s more, fat-free products are usually less filling, since fat is a macronutrient that supports satiety. You’re better off going with the full fat option, which will keep you full longer.

6. Gluten-Free Foods

While a gluten-free diet is necessary for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance, many gluten-free products are higher in calories, sugar, and unhealthy additives. Additionally, gluten-free items tend to be lower in protein, fiber, and certain vitamins and minerals than their gluten-containing counterparts. It is essential to read the labels carefully and choose products that are made with whole ingredients and without added sugars.

7. Nut Butter

It is no secret that nut butters like peanut and almond butter are delicious and filling. But not all nut butter contains healthy ingredients, and even in their purest form, they’re an easy way to consume a lot of calories without realizing it. 

Many nut butters also come with added salt, sugar and oils, added to improve their taste, mixability and shelf life. Choose nut butters without added sugar, oil, or additives, or eat whole nuts for a healthier option. 

8. Flavored Yogurt 

Yogurt is often marketed as a healthy snack, but many commercial varieties are loaded with sugar and artificial flavors to improve taste and extend shelf life. Some contain as much sugar as a candy bar, which can contribute to weight gain and other health problems. Instead of buying flavored yogurt, opt for plain yogurt and add your own fruit, nuts, and honey for flavor.

9. Veggie Chips

Veggie chips are often marketed as a healthy alternative to potato chips, but many commercial varieties are fried in unhealthy oils and contain as much salt as potato chips, which can contribute to high blood pressure and other health problems. Instead of buying veggie chips, opt for whole veggies like carrots, celery, and cucumbers and add a dip like hummus for a nutritious snack. 

10. Pre-Packaged Lunch Meat

Pre-packaged lunch meats are often highly processed and contain high levels of sodium, preservatives, and additives such as nitrites and nitrates. These additives are used to enhance flavor and increase shelf life, but they can also be harmful to health. Excessive sodium intake can lead to high blood pressure and an increased risk of heart disease, while nitrites and nitrates have been linked to an increased risk of cancer. Additionally, pre-packaged lunch meats may contain less protein and more unhealthy fats compared to freshly cooked meats. Do your best to consume fresh, unprocessed meats whenever possible.

11. Plant-Based Meat Products 

While plant-based meats can be a good alternative for those looking to reduce their meat consumption, they are not always a healthier option. Some contain high levels of sodium, saturated fat, and calories, which can contribute to health problems such as high blood pressure and obesity. Additionally, many plant-based meats are highly processed and contain additives such as preservatives and flavor enhancers. Instead of relying on store-bought products, try using whole-food ingredients to make your own at home. 

12. Pre-Packaged Salads 

Pre-packaged salads are convenient, but they may not always be the healthiest option. Many pre-packaged salads contain high levels of sodium, added sugars, and unhealthy fats in the form of dressings or toppings. It’s best to prepare your own salads with fresh ingredients, and to use healthier dressings and toppings such as olive oil, vinegar, nuts, and seeds.

13. Plant-Based Milks

Plant milks can be an excellent alternative to dairy products for those who are vegan or intolerant to milk products. However, not all nut milks are as healthy as you think. Unless explicitly stated on the bottle, most plant milks contain added sugar to improve their taste. Additionally, some plant-based milks contain added fillers and gums, and many are low in protein and don’t provide the same nutrient content as dairy milk. For this reason, it’s good to choose unsweetened nut milks with added protein, or make your own and sweeten it with dates to moderate your intake of refined sugar.

14. Diet Soda 

Even though diet soda contains no sugar and generally zero calories, it is still loaded with artificial sweeteners and other unhealthy additives. Studies show that those who drink it regularly are more likely to develop health issues than people who don’t. For example, diet soda has been linked to an increased risk of metabolic syndrome, a group of symptoms that include increased belly fat, blood sugar, blood pressure, and blood fat levels. 

15. Fruit Juice 

Fruit juice is often marketed as a healthy alternative to soda, but it's often made from concentrate, loaded with sugar, and lacking the fiber found in whole fruit. Furthermore, fruit juices from grocery stores often have added food coloring, flavors, and other additives. Even scarier – a study in the US examined 45 fruit juices of different flavors and found that more than half of the juices had elevated levels of lead that could cause neurodevelopmental problems in children. Instead of drinking fruit juice, opt for whole fruit or homemade smoothies. 

The Bottom Line

Regardless of what their packaging or marketing may tell us, many “healthy” foods aren’t as good for us as we’ve been led to believe. These products often contain added sugars, salt, and artificial ingredients, which can adversely impact your well-being. Furthermore, many foods marketed as "healthy" are heavily processed and lack essential nutrients. 

Do your best to read labels, choose whole foods, and limit your consumption of processed foods to optimize your health and wellbeing. 

]]> 2023-03-20T15:12:55-05:00 2023-11-15T20:40:06-06:00 Top 10 Ways to Reduce Toxins and Chemicals in Your Home Team Olaya Nowadays, many of us are aware of the importance of healthy eating and the food we put into our bodies. But what about the health of our environment? 

If you want to live a truly healthy life, you cannot ignore the health of your home.  Your home should be a safe, nurturing place that supports your overall health and wellbeing – especially nowadays, with many people spending more time indoors. 

Consider this: The Environmental Protection Agency reports that the typical American spends about 90% of his or her time inside, and levels of indoor air pollutants may be as much as 100 times greater than levels outdoors. That would make sitting on your couch more hazardous for your health than being outside in some of the nation’s worst-polluted cities.

Our homes can be filled with hundreds of different chemicals, and 150 chemicals found in the home are connected to allergies, birth defects, cancer, psychological disorders, reproductive disorders and autoimmune diseases. 

Fortunately, there are simple steps you can take to reduce the amount of toxins and pollution inside your home. 

Here are 10 ways you can reduce toxic exposures and protect your health:

1. Leave your shoes at the door.

Dirt, germs, pesticides, bacteria and viruses come into your home via the bottom of your shoes, so this is an easy hack to reduce contaminants. Have everyone slip off their shoes and leave them by the door, go barefoot, or have slippers ready for chillier days. 

2. Use houseplants.

Plants are a natural, inexpensive way to purify the air in your home and scale back pollutants like formaldehyde, benzene xylene, ammonia, trichloroethylene and carbon monoxide. Breathe easier by adding philodendron, spider flower, gerbera daisy, chrysanthemums, bamboo palm, peace lily, ficus, mother-in-law’s tongue, snake plants, English ivy, or Chinese evergreen species.

3. Choose green cleaning products. 

The average American uses about 25 gallons of products with hazardous chemicals per year in their home, and a major portion of these can be found in household cleaning products.

So many of our household cleaners are full of toxic chemicals and harsh additives, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), phthalate-containing fragrances, asthma-causing fumes, and skin irritants.

Opt instead for natural cleaning products, or make your own cleaners using products like vinegar, baking soda and lemon. 

Dr. Bronner’s castile soap is another great alternative that can be used as an all-purpose cleaner. Use it for dishes, laundry, mopping, pets, fruit/veggie rinse, and more. You can also use it in the shower as a face and body wash, shaving cream, or shampoo. 

4. Ditch the dryer sheets.

Dryer sheets come with a laundry list (pun intended) of toxic ingredients that can have a negative impact on your overall health and wellness. Many aren't regulated by the FDA and come with a nasty list of potential side effects. 

Opt for these adorable, eco-friendly wool dryer balls instead!

5. Bring on the filters. 

Make sure to change the filter for your air conditioner every 90 days, or three months. You could also purchase a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) purifier.

Filters are also helpful for removing fluoride, chemicals, and heavy metals from your drinking water and shower head. You can install a whole house filtration system, or purchase individual filters for your sink, shower heads, bathtub faucets, and drinking water. Not all water filters remove all contaminants, so make sure the one you purchase is NSF-certified and has two-stage filtration.

6. Avoid synthetic air fresheners. 

They may make your house smell nice, but artificial, plug-in, and aerosol air fresheners release chemicals that you definitely don’t want to breathe in. 

Instead, use a diffuser and essential oils or organic/non-toxic candles to freshen up your home. 

7. Reduce plastics. 

Avoiding or replacing plastics is one of the best things you can do for both your own health, and the health of the environment. Plastic products contain chemical additives that have been associated with serious health problems, such as hormone disorders, cancer, infertility, and neurodevelopmental disorders like ADHD and autism.

Eliminate as many plastics (especially single-use) as you can, and consider these helpful swaps:

  • Plastic wrap → beeswax food covers 
  • Plastic tupperware and disposable containers → reusable steel or glass containers/jars 
  • Plastic ziplock bags → reusable, food-grade silicone bags 
  • Shampoo and conditioner bottles → shampoo and conditioner bars
  • Water bottles → reusable bottle 
  • Plastic pads or tampons → period underwear, reusable fabric pads, or menstrual cups
  • Plastic bags → reusable cloth bags 
  • Conventional sponges → eco-friendly cloths/sponges or brushes

By staying away from plastics, you’ll greatly reduce your exposure to phthalates, BPA, and other endocrine-disrupting chemicals.

8. Sleep clean. 

We spend roughly one-third of our lives in our beds, so it’s crucial that you aren’t sleeping on and breathing in harmful toxins. If possible, swap your regular mattress for an organic mattress made without pesticides and manufactured by chemical-free processes. If you can’t (as they can be expensive), cover your regular mattress with an organic mattress cover. 

You can also use organic bedding and sheets, and remember to replace your pillows every 1-2 years.

9. Embrace clean beauty. 

Your skincare and makeup products are applied directly to your skin, and can be absorbed straight into your bloodstream. Replacing conventional beauty products with clean alternatives is one of the best things you can do for your health, and to reduce your body’s intake of harmful chemicals. 

10. Consider your food (and how you cook it).

Every year, the Environmental Working Group releases their updated list of the Dirty Dozen — the 12 fruits and vegetables that are most likely to have toxic pesticide residues. These are the fruits and veggies you should buy organic if you don’t have the budget to go 100% organic.

Along with the food itself, it’s also important to consider how you are cooking your food. Avoid non-stick cookware, which is coated with teflon, aka PFOA. Studies have linked PFOA exposure to cancer, and the World Health Organization lists it as a possible carcinogen. Opt for non-toxic, stainless steel, or cast-iron cookware instead. 

If you can, it’s also best to avoid the microwave. Yes, they’re convenient, but it’s really not worth the negative health effects. Studies show that microwaving your food exposes you to toxic carcinogens, electromagnetic radiation, and free radicals. It also damages the nutritional value of your food.

Finally, opt for gentler cooking methods such as roasting and steaming, and make sure to use oils with a high smoke point for high heat cooking

5 Bonus Tips

  1. Dust and vacuum often, as “dust bunnies” are found to be magnets for chemicals.
  2. Open your windows on a daily basis. Recycling the air is so important!
  3. If you treat your lawn, seek out alternatives to chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Many companies are now offering organic options.
  4. Watch out for areas in the home that may have too much moisture, which can lead to mold. Use a dehumidifier if you aren’t able to keep the humidity below 60%.
  5. Use non-VOC paint.

Reducing the toxins in your home doesn’t need to feel overwhelming, and it’s worth it when it comes to protecting your health and the health of your family. 

Commit to making the change, decide where you want to start, and then make the transition gradually, one step at a time. 

]]> 2023-03-13T09:56:47-05:00 2023-10-03T01:15:02-05:00 Natural Ways to Reduce Your Biological Age Team Olaya Optimize Your Health and Longevity With These Simple Tips

Before we dive into the different ways you can optimize longevity and reduce your biological age, I want to make one thing clear – this article is not about anti-aging as a way of “stopping” the passage of time or shaming yourself for getting older. 

It’s about taking care of yourself, honoring your body, and implementing behaviors that will help you increase your health span, live longer, and ward off disease and chronic pain. There is a huge difference between resisting the aging process and supporting your body for optimum vitality as you age. 

Many people believe that past a certain point they will begin to slow down, become less agile, lose their memories, or experience chronic diseases. We consider these things “inevitable” signs of aging, when they’re actually signs of disease that can be prevented and even reversed by addressing the root cause. 

What really matters here, according to scientists and health experts, is not your chronological age (how old you are), but your biological age (the age that your body functions, feels, and behaves). 

Lifespan vs. Health Span

As advancements in healthcare are leading to increased lifespans, the quality of those extra years is increasingly important. 

The term “health span” refers to the number of years that you are healthy and free from age-related diseases, rather than just the number of years you are alive. For example, if you live to be 80, but the last 20 years of your life are spent experiencing chronic illness, your health span is only 60 years. 

While your chronological age cannot be changed, your biological age and health span absolutely can, and they are greatly influenced by your lifestyle choices and daily habits.

How to Reduce Your Biological Age 

Reversing your biological age doesn’t require expensive biohacking techniques or a strict drug regimen. It can be achieved through relatively simple lifestyle shifts. In fact, since lifestyle factors affect how your genes are expressed, your behaviors and environment actually impact your biological age even more than your genes

10 Powerful Ways to Reduce Your Biological Age:

1. Relieve Stress and Anxiety

A stressful lifestyle can damage your body at the cellular level, accelerating your biological age. Chronic stress and anxiety can lead to chronic inflammation, which sharply raises your risk for diseases like dementia, heart disease, and stroke. 

The good news is, there are many practices you can utilize to relieve stress, such as:

  • Mindful movement
  • Meditation and breathwork 
  • Time in nature
  • Yoga
  • Journaling
  • Listening to relaxing music
  • Sleep
  • Laughter
  • Social connection
  • Eating healthy foods

Make sure you avoid excess caffeine and alcohol, smoking, overeating, over exercising, overworking, or too much time on social media – these habits can all cause further stress on the mind and body. 

A positive mindset also works wonders on stress levels and has actually been proven to add years to your life. I’m not saying you have to be happy every second of every day (that’s not realistic), but do your best to focus on the good, practice gratitude, and shift your mindset when you notice negative thoughts, judgment, or self-talk.

Finally, don’t be afraid to seek help from a trained psychologist. You don’t have to do it alone. 

2. Move Your Body

Exercise in general can help you slow your body’s aging process. It bolsters immunity, lowers high cholesterol, reduces your risk for heart disease, lengthens telomeres, and keeps your brain young. According to a Bringham University study, exercising for 40 minutes, five days a week can reduce your biological age by nine years.

“Exercise is the closest thing we’ve found to a magic pill for combating the effects of aging”, says Dr. Linda Fried of Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. 

Get physical by engaging in activities you enjoy, and mix it up with a combination of cardio, strength training, and flexibility or mobility training. 

  • Cardio and aerobic exercises strengthen your heart and lungs and boost circulation. Research by the Mayo Clinic has shown that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) slows cellular aging by boosting the regeneration of mitochondria (your body’s energy-producing powerhouses) by up to 69%.
  • Strength Training: Studies show that building muscle is one of the keys to longevity, and can reduce your risk of dying from cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. It also boosts growth hormone, which helps you retain bone-building calcium and fat-burning muscle as you age. Women, in particular, should prioritize bone-building exercises, because our bone density decreases dramatically when we go through menopause. Aim for 2-3 weight/strength sessions for every cardio session. 
  • Flexibility/Mobility: Flexibility (your muscles’ ability to stretch) and mobility (your joints’ ability to reach their full range) are both important in ensuring proper movement and balance later on in life. Practice yoga, animal movements, a mobility flow, or take time to stretch throughout your work day. University of California research found that sitting for ten hours a day increases your biological age by eight years. 
3. Eat a Balanced, High Quality Diet 

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) found that a healthy diet – one rich in high quality protein, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and low in red meat, added sugars and saturated fats – appears to slow the effects of aging in women. 

Consider the following eating and nutrition habits to reduce your biological age:

  • Limit processed and junk foods.
  • Avoid refined sugar, flour, and vegetable oils.
  • Consume a plant-rich diet, which improves heart health, boosts the immune system, and positively affects the degradation of telomeres.
  • Eat foods rich in healthy fats, which help lower your risk of heart disease, improve cholesterol levels, control your blood sugar, and reduce inflammation. Some of the best options include avocado, olive oil, raw nuts and seeds, and fatty fish. 
  • Increase antioxidants. Foods high in antioxidants – green, leafy vegetables, colorful fruit (especially berries), nuts, seeds, and spices – promote longevity by neutralizing oxidative stress and free radicals, two of the major causes of aging and disease. 
  • Focus on gut health. Maintaining a healthy microbiome boosts your  immune system and prevents inflammation, leading to a younger biological age. Consume a well-balanced diet that includes fiber-rich foods and fermented/probiotic foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, kombucha, miso, tempeh, and grass-fed, organic yogurt. It can also help to consume prebiotic-rich foods, which help good bacteria grow in your gut, Prebiotic foods include dandelion greens, jerusalem artichoke, onion, garlic, chicory root, leeks, asparagus, bananas, oats, apples, flaxseeds, seaweed, and cacao. 
  • Include high quality protein, ideally 1 gram per lb of ideal body weight. For example, if your ideal weight is 135, you’d want to aim for 135g of high quality protein per day. One of the easiest ways to do this is to front load your day with protein (aim for 30 grams of protein at breakfast). If you eat animal products, try to purchase organic, grass-fed options when possible. If you do not eat animal products, make sure to include complete protein sources into your diet, such as quinoa, tofu, tempeh, edamame, pistachios, chia seeds, hemp seeds, amaranth, spirulina, and buckwheat. 
4. Drink More Water!

Optimal water intake can protect your health and longevity and reduce your risk of age-related diseases. As the body’s most important nutrient, water helps remove toxins through the liver and kidneys, lubricates your joints, carries oxygen and nutrients to the cells, aids digestion, regulates body temperature, and improves circulation. 

So how much water does the average adult need? According to the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, an adequate daily fluid intake is about 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) for men and 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) for women.

These recommendations cover fluid from water, other beverages, and food. About 20% of daily fluid intake comes from food, and the rest from drinks. So a woman, for example, would want to aim for 8-9 glasses of water per day, as she will likely obtain the remaining fluid from her food.

Some of the best foods for increasing your water intake include watermelon, cucumber, tomatoes, watercress, apples, celery, lettuce, peaches, and zucchini.

5. Get Enough Sleep 

Getting adequate sleep is one of the most impactful ways to live longer and reduce your biological age. 

Lack of sleep drives most of the hallmarks of aging. Short-term effects of poor sleep include reduced alertness, impaired memory, and mood changes. In the long term, sleep deprivation of less than seven hours per night can accelerate epigenetic aging and lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, anxiety and depression, obesity, impaired immune function, and a lower sex drive. 

For the best, longevity-supporting night’s sleep, aim for 7-9 hours. This amount of sleep will slow the onset of aging, improve your mental health, and reduce your risk of developing chronic disease. 

P.S. – While it can be tempting to scroll through social media, watch TV, or check your phone one last time before bed, limit your use of technology in the hour or two before you go to sleep. Screen time exposes you to artificial light, which disrupts your body’s natural circadian rhythm.

6. Stay Social 

Humans are naturally social creatures, and the quality of your social interactions has an impact on your aging and health. In fact, a 2018 study found that loneliness can actually decrease telomere length, increasing the signs of aging. 

Committing to maintain social connections is one of the best investments you can make towards healthier aging. Being socially connected means physically going out of your home and interacting with other people. Whether it’s visiting friends, volunteering, joining a club, engaging in your local community, or attending a concert or social event, staying engaged as you age will support you in combating chronic disease and reducing your biological age. 

7. Never Stop Learning

One of the best ways to maintain cognitive function (mental ability) is to learn something new. Doing so forms new neural pathways in the brain that strengthen and protect it. 

Having a hobby that allows for continued growth and improvement — playing an instrument, learning a new language, or doing something creative — has been linked with a lower risk of dementia and a boost in overall health.

8. Get Some Morning Sunshine

If you want to wind back your biological clock, it’s crucial to expose your body to early morning sunlight. Early morning sun exposure stimulates bone growth, muscle relaxation and mitochondrial health, ensures the proper functioning of your metabolism, regulates glucose, lowers your risk for diabetes, heart disease and cancer, and generally lifts your mood. 

9. Try Contrast Therapy

Switching from hot to cold temperatures resets your nervous system , flushes toxins, increases blood circulation and blood flow to the brain, and boosts your immune system. It’s based on the concept of hormesis – intentionally putting your body through a light amount of stress so that it bounces back even stronger and more resilient. Consider spending time in a sauna, steam bath, or hot back before hopping into a cold shower, ice bath, or cold plunge. 

10. Clarify Your Purpose 

Research shows that having a sense of purpose may actually help you live longer. A sense of purpose can drive healthy behavior, reduce inflammation, and make you more resilient to stress. Interestingly, having a sense of purpose is even more strongly associated with longevity in women, lowering their risk of all-cause mortality by 34% compared to men, whose risk was reduced by 20%.


While your chronological age cannot be reversed, your biological age can, and it plays a major role in how you look, feel, and function throughout your entire life. Through simple lifestyle shifts and supportive behaviors, you can create vibrant, optimal health and feel younger at any age.

]]> 2023-03-06T13:18:12-06:00 2023-11-07T21:32:29-06:00 10 Ways to Embody Confidence on the Golf Course Team Olaya Whether it’s your first day on the course or you’re a seasoned golfer — being a woman in a sport dominated by men can feel intimidating and uncomfortable.

Many of us already deal with self-judgment, doubt, and negative self-talk in our daily lives. We expect perfection, both on and off the course. 

But here’s the thing – golf is not a game of perfection. It’s a game of practice, progress, concentration, and most importantly, confidence

Confidence is perhaps the most crucial characteristic of an exceptional golfer. It will support you in feeling secure when things don’t go your way or you’re faced with an uncomfortable situation. It’s the extra boost you need to overcome fear, have a positive mindset, and master anything that comes your way.

Read on for 10 ways to boost your confidence, be comfortable golfing with players of any level, and most importantly – relax and have fun! 

1. Develop a relaxing pre-round routine.

How you feel (mentally, emotionally and physically) as you step onto the first tee is going to make a big difference to how well you play throughout the round.

Get into the swing of things (literally) with a relaxing pre-round routine. Since your practice shots don’t count, hitting the driving range or putting green before you play is a great way to calm your nerves and boost your confidence. It allows you to try out different techniques, find what feels good, and calm your nerves. 

You can also use this time to focus on the present, practice deep breathing, remind yourself of past successes, and visualize success in the round you are about to play. Imprinting these images into your subconscious will help them become a reality. 

Bonus: Take 5 minutes for this pre-golf meditation

2. Focus on your body language.

Do you ever feel uncomfortable or nervous teeing up in front of others? If so, you’re not alone. 

Thankfully, there’s a simple hack you can use to increase confidence – body language! 

How you position your body in space can shift specific hormones that impact confidence levels. In fact, standing in a “power pose” for just a minute increases testosterone (a hormone that increases feelings of confidence) and decreases cortisol (the stress hormone). 

If you hit a shot you’re not happy with, avoid slouching, lowering your head, or making yourself smaller. Instead, stand tall, raise your chin, and take up space!

P.S. – Don’t forget to smile 🙂 Smiling activates muscles in your face that tell your brain to release endorphins, AKA “happy hormones”. It creates a feeling of positivity and well-being, helping to boost confidence. 

3. Start each hole with a positive thought.

The truth of the matter is, if you’re going to invest time and energy in golf, it’s a lot easier to be positive.

Make a conscious choice to start each hole with a positive thought or mantra (a meaningful phrase that inspires and motivates you). Words are powerful, and your mantra will help you redirect your brain from negative thoughts, frustration, or self-judgment.

Consider one of the following, or create one of your own:

  • I am focused.
  • I am present. 
  • I feel confident and relaxed. 
  • I have a naturally steady swing. 
  • I stay calm under pressure. 
  • I am grateful for this moment. 
  • I love and enjoy playing golf. 
  • I trust myself and my swing.

Don’t allow anything that happens on the course to upset you. Maintain a positive mindset and remember – you don’t have absolute control of where the ball goes, but you do have control of where your mind goes. By changing your thoughts, you will change your results. 

“In golf, when negative self-talk pops into players pre-performance routines, simple putts go awry. The ability to control your thoughts and images during a performance is crucial.”
– Sian Beilock 
4. Be present and release expectations.

When you have expectations, you set yourself up for disappointment. So rather than stressing about the results, focus on the present moment and your pre-shot routine (the process). 

Don’t speculate in the middle of the round about what your score will be, or where you stand in the tournament. Stop analyzing your shots and criticizing yourself.

Instead, focus on each shot as it comes, and let that be all you care about. 

“A golfer has to learn to enjoy the process of striving to improve. 
That process, not the end result, enriches life.”
― Bob Rotella, Golf is Not a Game of Perfect
5. Focus on your breath and visualize the shot.

Your pre-shot routine may already include practice swings, but what about visualization and breathwork? 

These are two essential components to add to your routine. Visualizing your shot and steadying your breath will help you lessen anxiety, improve your swing, and build your confidence.

So how exactly does this work?

Step 1: Visualize and feel. 

    Visualization doesn’t require any physical skill to learn, and it’s one of the most powerful tools you have on the golf course. Visualization has been proven to:

    • Stimulate the muscles necessary to perform an action
    • Program the mind and muscles prior to playing 
    • Control pre-round nerves and relax the body and mind
    • Re-frame from negative to positive outcomes
    • Help with swing changes
    • Improve concentration
    • Reduce doubt and increase confidence

    Your subconscious mind (which controls athletic movement) doesn’t know the difference between a real and imagined action. So, when you visualize a desired action, you’re stimulating the same muscles that you would use to perform the action in real life. In doing so, you synchronize your body and mind to increase your chance of success. You plant a positive image into your mind, and your body takes the necessary motions to bring that image into reality.

    Seeing what you want to happen also gives your brain a sense of familiarity, which helps you feel more in control.

    To visualize a shot, you need a clear image of yourself hitting the shot, and your desired ball flight. Make the picture as vivid as you can, and consider some of these prompts when visualizing your shot:

    • What do you look like as you’re playing the shot?
    • Is it a fade or a draw? 
    • Low or high? 
    • What speed does the ball have? 
    • How far onto the green does the ball land?
    • How does it bounce when it lands? 
    • How does it roll to the hole? 
    • Does it go in?
    • Does it barely make it? Or does it hit in the back of the hole and bounce in?
    • How do you feel? 

    Don’t underestimate the power of the final question. When visualizing, it’s important to experience the positive emotions you want to feel.

    Step 2: Focus on your breath. 

      By bringing your attention to your breath, you no longer focus on what happened in the past (your last shot), or what will happen in the future. Conscious breathing brings you into the present moment – the process of hitting a good shot. Try this breathing exercise to feel more relaxed, focused, and confident before every shot:

      • Place your hands on your stomach. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, feeling your belly expand like a balloon. 
      • Pause briefly at the top.
      • Exhale slowly through your mouth, pursing your lips as if you’re going to whistle. By pursing your lips, you have more control over how quickly you exhale. Feel your belly deflate underneath your hands.
      • When your lungs feel empty, begin the inhale-exhale cycle again.
      • Repeat this cycle three or four times.
      6. Focus on what you do well. 

      Confidence grows in a nurturing environment, and that nurturing environment begins internally – with yourself.  

      Many golfers focus too much on the “bad” things that happen during their rounds, and don’t give themselves enough credit for their good shots. 

      It’s important to avoid ruminating on your weaknesses or the mistakes you’ve made. We attract what we focus on, so when you think about what you don’t want, you create a self-fulfilling prophecy.

      Instead, focus on what you do well. When you finish your round, reflect on your shots, internalize the good ones, and celebrate them. The more you can relive the great shots you played, the more confident you will become. 

      P.S. – Don’t forget to have fun! If you’re not having fun, there’s something wrong. Remember why you love golf. Enjoy the moment, and be grateful that you have the opportunity to play. 

      7. React indifferently to bad shots.

      One of the keys to becoming a better, more confident player is letting go of the past and staying in the present. 

      During a round, avoid becoming emotionally attached to bad shots. The longer you hold onto them, the more negative emotion you create, and the longer it will take to regain your confidence. If you hit a bad shot, look up to the sky or focus on the beauty of your surroundings to bring yourself back to the present moment.

      When you finish your round, take a non-emotional, analytical view of what went wrong and think about what could have been done differently. And remember - focus mostly on what went well!

      8. Create a highlight reel of your past success. 

      Create a “highlight reel” by saving your greatest shots in your memory bank.

      When you feel your confidence dipping, try to see those moments as vividly as possible, and remember how powerful you felt. 

      Recalling your greatest shots elevates your brain waves to produce similar movement patterns, lifts your spirits, and catapults your confidence levels.

      9. Believe in yourself.

      Given two players of equal skill, the one who thinks more positively about themselves and their abilities will win every time. 


      Your body reacts to the degree of trust you’ve nurtured in your conscious and subconscious mind. When you believe in yourself, you have faith in your ability to complete tasks and achieve your goals. By judging yourself to be capable of success, you increase your probability of actual success. 

      When you doubt your ability, your body is more likely to lose its rhythm, grace, and timing. When you trust your shot, your body performs more freely and gracefully.

      Stop doubting yourself. Trust your swing, and believe that you will succeed. 

      10. Dress the part.

      As a female golfer, there are a lot of rules regarding what you can and can’t wear, and it can be challenging to find golf apparel that you really love. It may look good, but feel uncomfortable. Or it’s comfortable, but has no style. 

      Not feeling confident with how you look (coupled with the insecurities that often come with being a female golfer) can create self-doubt and anxiety on the course. 

      On the other hand, feeling good about how you look is an easy way to put yourself in the right mindset and feel more confident. And that’s exactly why we created Aplusceilings.

      Being a female founded and run company, we understand what you go through on the course. We know what you want and need to feel your best. 

      Aplusceilings is designed to flow with your swing, and also happens to be the most comfortable and best looking women’s golf wear made, if we do say so ourselves. 😉

      Dress the part, and you’re guaranteed to look and feel your best – all while giving your A-game. 


      Hitting a shot in front of friends, driving a ball off the first tee, or playing in a tournament are all settings where you would love to feel more confident. And you don’t have to reach a certain skill level for it to happen. By implementing any (or all) of these tips, you can look your best, feel your best, and embody true confidence now.

      ]]> 2023-02-27T12:22:39-06:00 2023-11-06T21:25:08-06:00 How to Clarify Your Vision and Create Your Dream Life Team Olaya If nothing was holding you back…
      If you were free from the shackles of fear, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs…
      If you had infinite resources, money, support, time and energy…
      And zero excuses…
      What would you do differently? 
      Who would you BE, and how would you show up in the world?
      How would you feel?  
      What would you create? 
      How would your life impact others?

      Take a moment to check in with yourself. Are you living the life you truly desire? If not, why? 

      Now, before you go down the rabbit hole of all the reasons you can’t, aren’t ready to, or aren’t worthy of the life of your dreams…let me stop you.

      Because the truth is, there is only one thing stopping you from living the life you desire. And that thing is you.

      YOU are your greatest limit. And it’s time for that to change. 

      It’s time to put aside the doubt, procrastination, and confusion about who you came here to be. Stop leaving your dreams and desires to chance, quit making excuses, and start taking responsibility for your life. 

      You are not meant to shrink yourself or play it small. You are meant for so much more. You, my friend, were wonderfully and beautifully created for purpose. 

      It’s time to get out of your own way and become an active participant in your own unfolding, so that you can embody your highest expression and create the life that is meant for you.

      I’m not saying it’s easy. It takes courage to claim what you want and step out of your comfort zone. 

      But it is worth it.

      Your dreams are your birthright, and I believe in your ability to create them. But my believing in you isn’t enough – you have to believe in yourself. 

      Your dreams are YOUR responsibility to show up for, take action on, pursue, and believe in. They are what will make you come alive and grow into who you are meant to be.

      You deserve to wake up every day and know in your heart that you are living a life of love, joy, fulfillment, and purpose. 

      And my wish – the only thing I ask of you – is that you turn towards your dreams. Start believing in your power and take action to bring them into existence. 

      Are you ready? 
      The song that you’ve been holding back
      Is the cause of your heartache.
      Don’t wait!
      You’ve got to sing your song as if
      your whole life depends on it.

      – Michael Beckwith

      The Importance of Your Dreams and Vision

      Simply wishing for success to come into your life isn’t enough. The world’s most successful people have a clear vision that keeps them focused on what truly matters

      A clear personal vision paints a picture of your desired future. It is aligned with your heart’s deepest dreams, values, and priorities – what you believe in and what you want to become or create. 

      Your vision inspires and motivates you, and provides a clear sense of direction. Think of your vision as a compass – a lighthouse – showing you the way and guiding you towards what is meant for you. Your vision reminds you that any current challenge is temporary, and there is always something greater ahead. 

      It’s important to note here that your vision is not the same as your goals. Goals are a means to an end – milestones created to help you move towards your visions and achieve your dreams. 

      Your vision will support you in living a happy and successful life on your terms, aligned to your values, purpose, and soul. By living in alignment with your vision, you will make a more positive impact on the world, utilizing your talents, gifts and strengths to contribute to something greater than yourself, and inspiring others to do the same. 

      What’s Stopping You From Living Your Dream Life? 

      There are many reasons you may be blocking or resisting your dream life. Here are some of the ways you may be holding yourself back from the dreams that are meant for you: 

      • Your ‘why’ isn’t strong enough. 
      • You limit what you claim for yourself because you are thinking about what is realistic or “possible”, rather than what you truly desire. 
      • You feel lost, confused, or stuck. You lack direction and don’t know where to start in order to connect your dreams to your reality. 
      • You have too many excuses – you don’t have the money or time, don’t know how, are too young/old, etc. 
      • You aren’t taking action or holding yourself accountable. 
      • You fear failure. 
      • You care too much about what other people think. 
      • You procrastinate or spend too much time researching. 
      • You’re comfortable where you are.

      Too many people spend their entire lives coming up with reasons and excuses for why they can’t live the life of their dreams. But the truth is, there is no deadline, no age at which you’re “supposed” to make it happen. There are no rules or requirements. And you have everything you need, right now, to make your dreams a reality. 

      Do not spend another day wishing you had done it. Stop asking yourself, “What if it doesn’t work out?” 

      Because what if it DOES? What if what’s meant for you happens, and all you had to do was turn towards it and start walking? 

      Avoid the Comparison Trap 

      Comparison is truly the thief of joy, and even worse, it robs you of your heart's true expression. 

      In today’s world, we are constantly comparing ourselves to what other people are doing, achieving, and creating. Social media often paints an image of perfection, and it’s easy to think that if only we could be in that person’s shoes, we would be happy. 

      Measuring the self against others can, in some ways, be helpful. If it motivates you to take healthy, inspired action in your own life, great. The problem comes when comparison leaves you feeling inferior, unworthy, or depressed. Furthermore, comparing your life to someone else’s may cause you to define your dreams and goals off of their version of success, which might not actually match up to your own. 

      Because guess what? There is only one you. No one else has your exact DNA, thoughts, experiences, passions, beliefs, and aspirations. NO ONE has your exact dream and purpose. So it’s imperative that you stop looking at or longing for someone else’s path. It’s time to step onto your own path – the one uniquely perfect for you and no one else. 

      How to Clarify Your Vision and Create Your Dream Life

      Let’s break down the process of manifesting your dream life, and then we’ll discuss each phase in detail.

      1. Get crystal clear on what you desire – your heart centered vision. 
      2. Begin to release what is not in alignment with your dream life. 
      3. Take inspired action.
      4. Live in gratitude. 


      Step 1: Get Crystal Clear on What You Desire

      If you knew you could be, do, and have anything you desire, what would that look like? What do you truly want for your life? What would be so magical, if you could just make it happen?

      This is the first step to creating the life of your dreams. Before you can manifest, you need to get crystal clear on what you want. 

      It can be scary to admit what you really want – to be radically honest with yourself. But you will never live your dream life if you can’t even claim what your heart and soul truly long for. 

      Throughout this practice, be honest with yourself. Have fun crafting this vision and don’t limit yourself to things that seem practical or reasonable. Use your imagination and allow yourself the freedom to dream big. There is no right or wrong way to do this. The only limits are the ones you place on yourself. What you focus on expands, so make sure you focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. Your attention has power, and that power can create serious change in your life. 

      And remember – the manifestation of your happiness benefits more than just you. When you celebrate your divine nature and live your heart centered vision, it creates a positive ripple effect that benefits others and the world at large. 

      How to Clarify Your Vision 

      Let’s start with a practice for gaining clarity on what your dream life looks like.

      Before you begin, take a moment to create a supportive and calming space. Get comfy, light some incense or candles, play uplifting or relaxing music, grab your journal, and make sure you’ll have this time undisturbed.

      Now close your eyes. Take five deep breaths, and allow your body to relax and release any tension.

      Envision your ideal life, three years from now. Think about what you desire in all areas of your life: health, relationships, career, spirituality, creativity, personal growth…

      Imagine yourself waking up in your dream home. 
      Where are you living? What do your surroundings look like? 
      How do you start your day? What does your daily routine look like?
      What do you do for fun? What are your hobbies, passions, and interests? 
      Who are the people around you?
      What is your dream career? 
      What is your income level? How are you using your money? 
      Do you travel? Where?
      How do you look? How do you care for and support your body?
      How do you feel?
      What impact are you making on the world around you?

      Craft a crystal clear vision of what your life looks like, and write down everything you saw in this vision. No judgments. No holding back. 

      Complete your written vision with this statement: 

      I declare with absolute certainty that I am worthy of this, and I am completely open to receiving it.

      Along with writing this out in your journal, consider writing or taking photos of it on your phone so that you can read it daily. 

      It can be incredibly supportive through this process to also consider (and journal on) how your dream life will have a positive impact on others. Consider the following questions: 

      • How can you use this experience to help others?
      • How does your vision help you be of more service to the world?
      • Who will be blessed along the way?
      • What is the best possible outcome for everyone involved?

      After your initial visualization, continue to hold your vision, be patient, and have unwavering faith until your dream manifests. Consider a daily meditation to support you in anchoring into the energy of your dream life. 

      A note on fear and doubt: Read through your vision and take note on what feelings, thoughts, and beliefs arise. Often, when a big vision or goal is set, a little voice in your head will rear up and say you can’t have it. It’s not realistic, you don’t deserve it, or it’s not possible. Notice these thoughts. This voice wants to keep you safe, but safety is not freedom. True happiness does not live in your comfort zone. 

      Yes, there will be challenges. There will be moments of doubt and fear. But know that you can overcome anything you set your mind to. 


      Step 2: Begin to Release What is Not in Alignment With Your Dream Life

      At this stage, you may become aware of things that are not in alignment with your highest vision. It could be situations, limiting beliefs, practices, thoughts, habits, a job, or even relationships. 

      Take some time to journal on what you want to release moving forward. What you truly want cannot come into your life if there isn’t space for it. So begin to recognize what you need to let go of so that you can more fully embody the life you desire. 

      By releasing what no longer serves, you can begin to call in what is in alignment with your dream life: new experiences, your dream career, more supportive relationships, inspiring beliefs, positive thoughts, and so much more. 

      Consider practicing a releasing ritual or meditation to support you in letting go.


      Step 3: Take Inspired Action 

      In order to bring your dreams and desires into reality, you have to play your part in co-creating them through aligned and inspired action.

      Taking inspired action means showing up fully to meet your vision. What actions can you take today, and this month, that will align you with your dreams and desires? 

      Make a list of all the things you can do right now and commit to actually taking these steps. 

      If you aren’t sure where to start, listen to your intuition. Set your intentions – what you want to manifest – and follow any intuitive hits that show up along the way. 

      Remember, there are no coincidences. Any time you hear about or witness something that aligns with your vision, know that the Universe is sending you an opportunity. Look for signs and synchronicities showing you that yes, you are on the right track

      Journal on the following questions at the beginning of each month to clarify what you’d like to do, create, and experience over the next 30 days:

      • What do I feel called to do this month? 
      • What do I feel called to create this month?
      • How do these actions align with my vision? 
      • What do I need to commit to each week to achieve my goals? 
      • What do I need to commit to every day to achieve my goals? 
      • How motivated am I to take inspired action towards these goals? 

      Daily: On a daily basis, write out your top 3 goals and any inspired action steps you can take today, in alignment with those goals. 


      Step 4: Live in Gratitude 

      Gratitude goes hand in hand with manifestation, and it is one of the most powerful practices you can utilize when creating your dream life. 

      Gratitude is helpful for manifestation because it creates a state of inner abundance. We attract what we ARE – our state of vibration. When you’re tuned into the frequency of joy, abundance, and gratitude, you will attract more of it. 

      Gratitude isn’t about pretending to be happy. True gratitude is a powerful vibration of happiness and appreciation in the NOW. It is a grounding, calming, high-frequency emotion that centers you in the feeling of contentment. When you genuinely feel gratitude for the things in your life, you resonate on a higher level, which raises your energetic vibration and brings you into alignment with your desires.

      Doing this consistently, through meditation, visualization, or a gratitude journal, will help you shift your reality and draw your desired future into your life. Rather than vibrating at a frequency of lack or waiting, you are vibrating at a frequency of already having it. You become an energetic match to your dream life, and the Universe will see that it comes. 

      “Gratitude has been something that has changed everything for me. 
      You can’t be manifesting the life of your dreams and not be grateful for the things you currently have. It can be quite emotional when you live with an attitude of gratitude. You stop taking for granted the beautiful things you have in your life and you open up the space required to attract more.”
      – Kathleen Cameron

      A simple way to practice gratitude is with a gratitude journal. Every day, write down three to five things you are thankful for. As you write them, focus on why you are grateful, and spend some time really sitting with the feelings that come up.

      You can also use a gratitude reframe to shift your mindset when a challenging situation arises: 

      • Stuck in traffic? → I’m grateful for my car, roads, the ability to drive…
      • Feeling sick? → I’m grateful for my body’s ability to heal itself, medicine, a doctor, tea, nourishing food, relaxation, sleep…
      • Work related stress?  → I’m grateful to have a job, a sense of purpose, a way to give back, financial resources…

      Finally, a gratitude meditation or visualization can be a powerful way to anchor the energy and frequency of gratitude for the rest of your day. 


      From this day forward, give yourself permission to claim what you want and live in alignment with your highest expression. 

      By clarifying your vision, releasing what is no longer serving you, taking inspired action, and living in gratitude, you can manifest everything you desire. 

      You are the artist of your life, and you have the power to create your reality. 

      Congratulations on creating the life of your dreams!

      ]]> 2023-02-20T12:09:47-06:00 2023-11-11T22:14:09-06:00 13 Ways to Heal & Nourish Your Nervous System Team Olaya How to Calm Your Mind, Relax Your Body, and Regulate Your Nervous System for Optimum Health & Wellbeing

      I think we can all agree that the past few years have been interesting, to say the least. Living through a global pandemic. Witnessing the ups and downs of life. Changing careers, relationships, beliefs, or perhaps even your view of the world.

      Whether your experience has been chaotic, challenging, beautiful, transformative, or all of the above – it’s safe to say your nervous system has been through a lot.

      The truth is, most of us are operating with elevated levels of stress – so much so that we may not even be aware of it. For women in particular, stress seems to be an unavoidable part of life, as we often balance responsibilities both at work and at home. In fact, a 2016 study showed that women are twice as likely to suffer from severe stress and anxiety than men.

      As women, we often aspire to do it all…to be the “perfect” mom, daughter, partner, or business owner. We do everything we can to meet the needs of others, but rarely take the time to nourish ourselves. 

      And when we don’t reach this unattainable ideal, we feel guilty, and even more stressed. It’s truly a vicious loop that is, undoubtedly, taking a toll on our overall health and wellbeing. 

      How Does Stress Affect Women’s Health? 

      Stress presents itself in many different ways. For women, symptoms can include:

      • Depression or anxiety
      • Agitation 
      • Insomnia or difficulty sleeping
      • Headaches or migraines 
      • Forgetfulness 
      • Lack of energy, motivation, or focus 
      • Social isolation
      • Fertility issues
      • Irregular periods or PMS
      • Acne 
      • Stress-related weight gain 
      • Gastrointestinal issues (upset stomach, gas, bloating, or IBS)
      • Heart problems

      Read on for 13 powerful practices you can use to help heal, nourish, and regulate your nervous system:

      1. Believe You Deserve It

      The first step towards regulating your nervous system is to believe that you are worthy and deserving of healing. 

      Recognizing and truly believing that you are worthy may feel challenging at times, especially if you have negative or limiting beliefs programmed into your psyche from childhood. 

      But the truth is, you do not have to do anything to be worthy of love, happiness and fulfillment. You are worthy simply because you exist. 

      Whenever you notice thoughts or feelings of shame, self-judgment or unworthiness, use it as an opportunity to remind yourself of how capable, worthy, and resilient you truly are. You are more powerful than you could possibly imagine, and you are so much more than the thoughts that have kept you small. 

      In need of a little reminder? Try one of these meditations:

      2. Meditate

      The vagus nerve – the largest nerve in your autonomic nervous system – connects the brain and digestive tract and is responsible for regulating your parasympathetic nervous system.

      Meditating is one of the most powerful ways to increase parasympathetic activity. It will bring your body in a state of calm, telling your vagus nerve that there is no need for a fight-or-flight response.

      A meditation practice can be as simple as focusing on your breath for a few moments. To practice a simple form of meditation, find a comfortable, upright position, close your eyes, and observe the sensations of breathing. If you get distracted by a thought, notice it briefly, and then gently guide your attention back to the breath. By practicing this technique regularly, you will begin to develop mindfulness in all aspects of your life. 

      If you have a challenging time quieting the mind, start with listening to soothing music or follow a recorded guided meditation. 

      If you’re still struggling to benefit from seated meditation, there are many meditation alternatives you can try, such as a walking meditation, yoga nidra, or breathwork.

      Meditation Apps: Insight Timer, Balance, Waking Up, Calm, or Headspace

      3. Focus on Your Breath 

      Five to twenty minutes a day of deep breathing through the nose is clinically proven to reduce stress levels and activate your parasympathetic nervous system.

      By consciously focusing on your breath and learning different techniques to amplify its therapeutic benefits, breathwork can serve as a valuable tool. During times of difficulty or stress, your breath becomes your best guide. 

      You can stimulate the vagus nerve by taking deep, deliberate breaths from your belly. The tendency with stress is to take short, shallow breaths, so shifting to long, deep breaths will help shift the nervous system. Generally, your nervous system is best supported through lengthening and deepening the exhale

      While more complex practices exist, many easy, quick exercises (like this 5 Minute Mindful Breathing Practice) can be worked into your daily wellness routine.

      Here are a few other practices you can try:

      P.S. Even something as simple as yawning can make a difference. Yawning is a built-in repair circuit which activates the parasympathetic nervous system and signals rest/digest processes for the body. 

      Breathwork Apps: Breathwork, Open, Othership, Oak, Balance, iBreathe

      4. Use Your Voice 

      Who knew singing in the shower was an act of self-care?

      Practices like singing, humming, chanting, and vocal toning create vibrations that massage the section of the vagus nerve near your vocal cords. This stimulates your relaxation response and signals to your parasympathetic nervous system that you are safe.

      5. Listen to Music or Binaural Beats

      Music is a powerful tool for shifting your mood, and the right kind of music can calm the nervous system through – you guessed it – the vagus nerve. 

      When you listen to music, the vibrations resonate in your eardrums before traveling through the vagus nerve. When the vagus nerve is activated, it triggers a parasympathetic response that soothes the body into a more relaxed state.

      If you’re feeling stressed, try listening to calming music or binaural beats (like 432 Hz). You can find many different options through Spotify, Apple Music or YouTube, such as this sound healing by Mei-lan Maurits, this music to regulate your nervous system, or this gentle music to calm the nervous system.

      6. Move Your Body

      Regular physical exercise is shown to stimulate the vagus nerve, lower activity of the sympathetic nervous system, and encourage the parasympathetic nervous system. It also increases your brain’s growth hormone, supports your mitochondria, and helps reverse cognitive decline. 

      There is no specific exercise you should perform, rather, find what feels good for you and listen to your body. 

      That being said, if you find yourself experiencing a state of fight-or-flight, avoid high-intensity exercise as this can momentarily activate the sympathetic nervous system. Instead, opt for mindful movement to help you release tension and return to a state of rest-and-digest. 

      Meditative practices like yoga (gentle, yin, or restorative), Tai Chi, Qi-gong, or simply walking can help you release tension and increase the vagal tone, activating your parasympathetic nervous system and your body’s ability to down-regulate. 

      Bonus Practice: Shake it off. Difficult experiences, including trauma, can build up energy in the nervous system, and there’s some evidence to suggest that shaking can help release it. Shaking, or practices like TRE (Trauma Release Exercises) can help regulate the nervous system and calm the body when it's overstimulated. Consider shaking at home or with a certified provider if you want to ease stress.

      7. Spend Time in Nature

      There are so many benefits to spending time in nature and truly experiencing the beauty of the natural world. Some positive impacts of time in nature include:

      • Greater relaxation and feelings of calm
      • Reduced risk of stress, anxiety and depression
      • Increased resilience
      • Stronger immune system
      • Lower blood pressure and heart rate

      And, of course, spending time in nature activates the parasympathetic nervous system. So find more ways to get outside. Take a walk in the park, go for a hike, spend time in your garden, or try grounding/earthing (walking barefoot to connect with Earth’s electromagnetic field). When you walk barefoot, the Earth’s surface electrons transfer into your body, promoting physiological changes and improved health.

      If you’re unable to go outside, research shows that you can still enjoy some benefits by viewing nature photos or listening to nature sounds. 

      P.S. Exposure to sunlight helps regulate the nervous system by helping the body produce vitamin D and regulating our sleep-wake cycle. Expose your body to early morning sunlight without using sunscreen for 10 to 15 minutes daily. If you don’t have access to natural light, use a light therapy lamp to simulate sunlight. 

      8. Find Ways to Connect

      As humans, we are meant to connect and be with other people.

      When the vagus nerve is activated, we operate through a system known as the “Social Engagement System”. In social situations where you feel safe and confident, your heart rate and breathing slows, your blood pressure drops, and your stress response switches off. 

      Relationships with loved ones (and even pets!) can help you regulate your nervous system, so make sure to carve out time for those who matter.

      Keep in touch with old friends and develop new relationships with people who share similar interests as you.

      Even simple actions such as smiling or saying “hi” to a stranger will help you grow the capacity for social engagement in a safe space.

      9. Touch 

      Speaking of connection…hugs and cuddles are two great ways to aid parasympathetic balance. They activate acupressure points that release oxytocin (the love/bonding neurochemical) and send signals of safety to the autonomic nervous system. 

      Not in the mood to cuddle? Research has shown that placing your hand over your heart and taking deep breaths can sooth your mind and your body. 

      Hands-on healing and bodywork can also be incredibly therapeutic. 

      Try exploring different options – like massage, craniosacral therapy, acupuncture, rolfing, reflexology or reiki – to see what you like best. All of these therapies can help to turn off your stress hormones, easy emotional tension, and release trauma stored in the body. 

      10. Get Some Sleep

      Quality sleep is one of the best things we can do for our overall health and wellbeing. Benefits of sleep include lower levels of stress and anxiety, balanced hormones, faster healing, and so much more. 

      ​​During sleep, your sympathetic nervous system gets a chance to relax. The parasympathetic nervous system takes over (rest and digest, remember?), and is essential to our capacity to get a good night’s sleep.

      Studies have shown that when we're deprived of sleep, sympathetic nervous system activity increases. If you’ve had a stressful day, your sympathetic nervous system will be dominant, your mind will be racing, and sleep will be more challenging. This will result in a poor night’s sleep, as your body struggles to relax and recover properly.

      If you often find yourself struggling to fall (or stay) asleep, here are a few ways you can assist your parasympathetic nervous system before going to bed each night:

      11. Shift Your Relationship with Caffeine

      Coffee and caffeine-containing beverages can be incredibly taxing and stimulating to the nervous system. Caffeine increases heart rate and blood pressure, stimulates the secretion of stress hormones, disrupts your circadian rhythm, and stops the production of adenosine (a key player in making you sleepy). 

      If you’ve been struggling with anxiety, sleep, or digestive problems, consider changing your relationship with coffee and other highly caffeinated beverages.

      How to consume caffeine in a more supportive way:

      • Allow your body to wake up naturally. Cortisol levels rise to their peak in the morning. When you allow your body to wake up naturally, before having coffee, you avoid overloading your body with added stimulants and raising your cortisol (the stress hormone) even further. 
      • Don’t overdo it. Drinking 1-2 cups rather than 3-4 will help reduce your stress response and blood sugar imbalances. 
      • Switch to organic coffee to avoid toxic herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers that are taxing on the nervous system.
      • Swap it out. Try a turmeric latte, dandelion, chicory, mushroom, herbal coffee, or decaf tea instead. 

      A note on decaf coffee: If you are going to drink decaf, make sure it’s from a brand that uses a non-chemical based method of decaffeination. 

      12. Nourish Your Nervous System with Food

      Opting for the right foods can soothe the nervous system and even boost brain health. For women, it’s especially important to consume a balance of healthy fats, high quality protein, and complex carbohydrates. Fat helps create a healthy brain and nerve tissue, so aim to include more healthy fats into your diet – such as avocado, nuts and seeds, fatty fish, olive oil, coconut oil or ghee (avoid seed and vegetable oils). It’s also best to avoid a ketogenic or low-carbohydrate diet if you are experiencing stress or anxiety. 

      Some of the best foods to include for your nervous system include: 

      • Green leafy veggies like spinach, which contain Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Magnesium.
      • Other Vitamin B rich foods, like salmon, tofu, green peas, avocado, brown rice, barley, millet, grass-fed beef, liver, eggs, lentils, mushrooms, asparagus, and algae like spirulina and chlorella.
      • Broccoli is rich in Vitamin K which is known to improve cognitive skills. 
      • Blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries are all packed with vitamins and minerals that the nervous system craves.
      • Cacao helps lower levels of cortisol and stress hormones, giving your nervous system much-needed relief. Opt for dark chocolate (at least 70%).
      • Fatty fish like salmon have Omega 3 fatty acid and thus helps in healing of the nerves and nervous system. 
      • Almonds and walnuts have high levels of brain-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
      • Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of minerals and antioxidants that protect the body and brain from free radical damage.
      • Green tea contains amino acids and antioxidants that relieve stress.
      • Adaptogenic herbs like Ashwagandha can help modulate your stress response. 

      P.S. Make sure to drink plenty of water, as dehydration is not good for the nervous system. Consider getting a filter like the Berkey water filter system to avoid ingesting fluoride, chlorine, and heavy metals. 

      13. Hot and Cold Therapy 

      Exposing your body to acute cold conditions, such as taking a cold shower or splashing cold water on your face, increases stimulation of the vagus nerve. While your body adjusts to the cold, sympathetic activity declines, while parasympathetic activity increases. 

      Cold showers can also help reduce inflammation, relieve pain, improve circulation, lower stress levels, and reduce muscle soreness and fatigue. *Those with heart conditions and high blood pressure may want to avoid cold therapy. 

      On the flip side, sweating in the sauna while relaxing can also help reset the nervous system and give your adrenal glands a much needed break. A sauna applies heat to your body and gives it a workout similar to moderate cardiovascular exercise. This causes you to relax, burn calories, and calms down that nervous system. Any hormonal production related to stress is given a break in a sauna while you sweat. 

      For optimum benefits, limit your time in a sauna to no longer than 20-30 minutes, and make sure you are properly hydrated.

      The Bottom Line

      Finding ways to combat stress, induce a sense of calm, and incorporate self-care is essential – now more than ever. 

      Learning to engage in nervous system regulation is about understanding what you need to feel grounded and safe. When you work towards nervous system regulation, you create a different way of living. Your lifestyle becomes different and, in many ways, you have to choose — in every moment — how you will interact with yourself and the world around you. 

      This is how your journey back into balance begins.

      ]]> 2023-02-13T16:22:29-06:00 2023-09-21T22:04:44-05:00 10 Practices to Cultivate Self-Love Team Olaya Love After Love
      A Poem by Derek Walcott
      The time will come
      when, with elation,
      you will greet yourself arriving
      at your own door, in your own mirror
      and each will smile at the other's welcome,
      and stay, sit here. Eat.
      You will love again the stranger who was your self.
      Give wine. Give bread, Give back your heart
      to itself, to the stranger who has loved you
      all your life, whom you ignored
      for another, who knows you by heart.
      Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,
      the photographs, the desperate notes,
      peel your own image from the mirror.
      Sit. Feast on your life.

      From your first breath until your last, there is only one person who will be with you every step of the way. Who will hear your every thought and share your deepest desires and values. Who will sit with you as you experience the depths of love, joy, ecstasy, bliss, fear, anger, grief, and shame. 

      At times your truest friend. At others your harshest critic. 

      This “stranger” who knows you by heart…is you. And you are worthy of love. You do not have to ‘do’ or ‘achieve’ anything to be loved. It is your birthright. 

      More often than not, we direct our love outwards. And while love of others is one of the most beautiful parts of life, it is equally important that you direct that love inwards. 

      Self-love is fundamental to living your most authentic, fulfilling life, and to sharing that love with the world around you. 

      What Is Self-Love?

      Self-love is a term that is often misunderstood. At best, it may be associated with self-care, self-compassion, or self-esteem. At worst, it is mistaken for pride, arrogance, vanity, and even narcissism. 

      But contrary to what we are sometimes told, self-love is not selfish. And it isn’t just about bubble baths or a day at the spa. Loving yourself goes so much deeper.

      True self-love is a state of wholeness or self unity. It is a practice and state of appreciation that grows from actions that support your physical, psychological, and spiritual growth. Self-love is honoring who you are and treating yourself with care. 

      You cultivate self-love when you allow your most vulnerable, raw, and powerful self to be deeply seen, heard, and known. Practicing self-love means learning how to trust yourself, and treat yourself with respect, kindness, and affection. 

      Self-love is not a state of perfection, nor is it always being happy. It is not based on your success or achievements, and it does not shame or criticize. Self-love shines through even when you make mistakes or don’t accomplish your goals. When you love yourself, you acknowledge your flaws and weaknesses, accepting your imperfections with compassion and grace. 

      People who show themselves love are filling in their own internal need to such a degree that there is overflow. And in that abundance, they do not feel lack, and their love spills over to others. Self-love is the root from which everything grows, and the fuel that will allow you to reach your full potential. 

      The Benefits of Self-Love 

      Imagine for a moment what your life would look like if you loved yourself unconditionally. What would be different? What would change if you let go of self-doubt, self-judgment, perfectionism, or the fear of not being enough? 

      Imagine a life where you feel whole, worthy, and fully accepting of every aspect of yourself.

      Self-love is an incredible force that opens the door to feeling free and in alignment with who you are. It will uplift you, change the way you view life, and lead to greater health, happiness, success, and wellbeing.

      Benefits of self-love include:

      • Healthier relationships 
      • Relief from stress and anxiety
      • Improved health, wellbeing, and sense of peace 
      • Better decision making 
      • Alignment with meaning and purpose  
      • Higher self-esteem and confidence
      • Protection from negative thoughts and self-sabotage 
      • Better communication 
      • Increased motivation and determination 

      A note on self-love and relationships: The relationship you have with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship in your life. When you love and respect yourself, you can relate and connect better with others. Self-love also creates a precedent for others to treat you with love and respect. And with time, self-love makes it easier to let go of any unhealthy relationships or situations.

      How to Cultivate Self-Love 

      The following practices are valuable ways to develop and cultivate self-love in your own life:

      1. Think of self-love as a practice, not a destination.

      There is no “finish line” you cross when you officially love yourself, and cultivating self-love doesn’t mean you have to love every single thing about yourself, right now. 

      Self-love is an everyday practice, and certain days will be easier than others. This is where self-acceptance and self-compassion come in. If you start by accepting yourself as you are now, and begin treating yourself with compassion, grace, and gratitude, you’ll be better equipped to show yourself the love you deserve.

      Like any habit, accepting and being kinder to yourself takes time and a commitment to change. Be patient and release any expectations of perfection. 

      2. Cultivate awareness and listen inwardly.

      Self-love starts with awareness and mindfulness. People who have cultivated authentic self-love tend to have a better understanding of themselves. So take some time to look inward, attune to your thoughts and feelings, and ponder the following questions:

      • How do you speak to yourself? Is your self-talk positive and encouraging, or negative and self-critical?
      • What are your deepest needs, desires, and values? 
      • What do you appreciate and admire about yourself right now? 

      By connecting inwardly, you can make more discerning and empowered choices. You can release other people’s expectations and live more in alignment with yourself.

      Consider starting meditation or journaling practice to help grow and develop your self-awareness and understanding. Here are a few guided meditations you can try:

      3. Honor your feelings. 

      Through the process of cultivating self-love, it’s important that you allow yourself to feel and experience ALL emotions, without judgment. When you accept yourself for being human and allow your emotions, no matter what they are, you’ll have greater self-awareness and self-compassion. 

      The truth is, emotions are never inherently good or bad. Feelings (like a compass) show you whether or not you are living in alignment with your true self – your deepest values and desires. When you stop and listen to your feelings and begin to take baby steps to act on them, a whole new universe of possibilities opens up for you.

      4. Be kind to yourself.

      Treating yourself with compassion is key to self-love. By letting go of self-judgment and criticism, you create a strong inner support system. 

      Start by saying positive things to yourself, and remember – you don't have to be perfect. Simply do your best, accept your imperfections, and learn to forgive yourself when you make a mistake. As humans, we can be incredibly hard on ourselves. But you have to accept your humanness and imperfections before you can truly love yourself. There are no failures if you have learned and grown from your mistakes; there are only lessons learned.

      If you notice yourself caught in critical or judgmental thoughts, stop when you become aware, accept and allow the thought to be what it is, send love to yourself, and move on.

      5. Avoid comparison. 

      The “comparison trap” is the ultimate killer of self love (and self esteem), and unfortunately, it’s very easy to fall into these days, especially with social media. It’s okay to look up to or admire others, however, it becomes toxic when you start comparing yourself or talking down to yourself because of it. 

      Stop trying to compete with others or reach an unattainable ideal of perfection. Focus on being more present in your own life. Love who you are now. You are exactly where you should be, and that is enough. This mindset and shift of energy will help set you free.

      Tip: Unfollow social media accounts that make you talk down/think negatively about yourself. Make an effort to only follow accounts that add value, positivity, or inspiration to your life.

      6. Prioritize your needs, health, and well-being. 

      Self-love is all about choosing what feels good and right for YOU – and letting go of what doesn’t. 

      Learn to put on your oxygen mask, fill your cup first, and meet your needs. Ask yourself, what do I need now? Do I need more time off, sleep, rest, or help around the house? Take time to do things that make you happy. Ask for help from family and friends. You don't always have to do it alone. 

      7. Practice self-care.

      One of the most loving things you can do is practice self-care. Whether it’s healthy activities, good nutrition, exercise, meditation, or simply resting and reflecting, take time to focus on what nourishes you. Self-care restores the mind and body. It will help you to meet the world feeling replenished. And it is a powerful affirmation to yourself that you deserve to be treated with love.

      As you add more loving, self-care actions to your daily life, you will feel better about yourself and value your needs, making you happier. 

      8. Surround yourself with people and situations that uplift you. 

      As well as creating a healthy inner state, it’s vital to surround yourself with people and experiences that uplift you. Cultivating love, joy and positivity in your social connections, activities and environment is a wonderful way to boost self-love. 

      Do what you can to move away from the people, places, and things that drain you of your energy. Surround yourself as much as possible with those who are loving and supportive.

      If you are at a job that you dislike, look for something you are passionate about. The more that you begin to honor yourself and do what you feel is for your highest good, the more love that you begin to feel.

      What makes you feel happy, peaceful and expansive? Who truly loves, supports and inspires you? Connect with these as often as possible. 

      9. Set healthy boundaries. 

      Setting boundaries involves being able to say “no” to relationships, activities, and work that drain you, create stress, and negatively impact your life and happiness. 

      Understand your values and what is important to you—not letting others take advantage of or abuse you. The ability to set these boundaries shows self love and compassion because you are cutting out the things that harm you. 

      Sometimes you may just need to take a break from certain people or commitments, and taking that break gives you time to evaluate whether or not you want to invite these people/things back into your life later on.

      10. Ask yourself this question:

      “What would someone who loved themselves do?”

      Every time you make a decision, no matter how small, ask yourself this question. Listen to your intuition and take action on what your heart tells you.

      By asking this simple question, you will live more intentionally. The answer allows you to live in alignment with your personal truth and highest expression. You will accept and love yourself more, no matter what is happening in your life, when you live with purpose and design.

      The Bottom Line

      Developing a regular self-love practice is about honoring your needs and valuing your own happiness and well-being. If at first these strategies feel strange or uncomfortable, that’s okay! It may just take some time for it to feel more natural.

      As a more loving and compassionate way of thinking and being is cultivated, you will feel a general sense of peace that you have never experienced before. 

      Remember, love is the truth of who you are. It is the source of everything, and it is your birthright. All you have to do is open yourself to receiving it. When you open yourself to love, you fully embody your power. You will create your life the way you want it to be, and anything and everything is possible. 

      ]]> 2023-02-06T10:27:06-06:00 2023-11-12T21:56:15-06:00 The Ultimate Guide to a Mindful Evening Routine Team Olaya Relaxing Rituals for Better Sleep and a More Productive Morning

      You’ve probably heard about the power of a mindful morning routine from our previous post, and its myriad of benefits for a healthier, more productive life. You may even practice one yourself.

      But what about your evening routine? 

      Although nighttime routines are often overlooked due to busy schedules and chaotic lifestyles, the way you spend your evenings has a huge impact on your life. It’s important for both your physical and mental wellbeing that you take some time every night to relax, unwind, and de-stress.

      What Is an Evening Routine? 

      Also referred to as a nighttime or bedtime routine an evening routine is a set of practices or rituals you perform every night, usually in the 30 to 60 minutes before you go to sleep. These routines can vary, but often include calming activities like reading, warm baths, meditation and journaling. 

      Why Is It Important?

      Implementing a mindful evening routine is a simple lifestyle change that will lead to positive shifts in your mind, body, and soul.

      According to research by the National Sleep Foundation, adults should aim to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night (7 to 8 hours for older adults). Quality sleep is essential for health and longevity, and a lack of sleep can cause a variety of health issues, trouble concentrating, irritability, weight gain, poor work performance, and more. 

      Creating and maintaining a consistent evening routine can help you get the sleep you need to feel well-rested and alert the next day. 

      Additional benefits of a nighttime routine and quality sleep include: 

      • More energy, focus, and productivity the next day
      • Lower levels of stress, anxiety and depression
      • Improved brain functioning 
      • Faster healing 
      • Lower levels of inflammation 
      • Increased metabolism 
      • Improved mental health and wellbeing
      • Healthier, more balanced hormones 
      • Increased feelings of purpose, connection and gratitude 

      Having a mindful evening routine is one of the best things you can do to create a healthier, more fulfilling life. Your nighttime rituals will help you reflect on your day, clear your head, and cultivate relaxation and calm before sleep. 

      How Long Should Your Evening Routine Last?

      In order to create a lasting and sustainable routine, it’s important to create something that suits your personal needs and goals.

      You want your evening routine to uplift and inspire you, not overwhelm you. So let go of what you “should” be doing, and focus on what works best for your unique lifestyle. 

      The best way to figure out what suits you best is to simply experiment. Start with a short routine (one or two practices) of about 15 minutes, and gradually build it up from there. 

      Powerful Rituals for a Mindful Evening Routine 

      Ready to dream up your ideal bedtime routine? Read on for 10 tips and practices to help you relax and ease into your evenings.

      Keep in mind that this list is in no specific order. Some of the practices will resonate, and some won’t. That’s ok. There’s no perfect equation for everyone. What matters, above all else, is that it is realistic and feels good for YOU. 

      Prepare for Tomorrow 

      Many successful people spend their evenings getting ready for the following day. Not only does this help to reduce stress, but it also frees up your mornings to get a jump on meaningful work. Furthermore, when you don’t have a million things to do upon waking, it’s easier to fall asleep. Try ending your evenings by writing down three things you want to accomplish the next day. 

      Additional Evening Tips for a Stress-Free Morning:

      • Plan your outfit.
      • Prepare a make-ahead breakfast.
      • Prep your lunch/snacks. 
      • Set the coffee maker.
      • Have young kids? Lay out their outfits, prepare breakfast and lunch, and pack their bags the night before.
      Decide on a Set Bedtime 

      Decide when you will go to bed, and do your best to stick with this every night. Once you decide on your bedtime, you can choose a time to begin your evening routine (ideally, anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours before bed). 

      Following a consistent evening routine can feel challenging (especially on the weekends), but it’s an important step that trains your brain to naturally feel tired when it’s time for bed. 

      P.S. – A consistent wake time is equally important. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep, set your alarm for the same time every day, and avoid hitting the snooze button.

      Minimize Screen Time 

      Say goodnight to your electronics (yes, even your phone) at least an hour before bed (2 hours is even better).

      Electronic devices, including computers, televisions, smartphones, and tablets, all emit blue light. This light suppresses the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, and makes falling asleep more difficult. 

      To make this easier, choose a set time to put your phone on Do Not Disturb, and leave your electronics outside of your room at night. 

      Sip on a Relaxing Bedtime Drink 

      No, I don’t mean alcohol. Unfortunately, that nighttime glass (or two) of red wine can disrupt your sleep cycle. Although many people feel drowsy or fall asleep more quickly after consuming alcohol, your sleep won’t be restful. Sleep problems may occur later in the night, after the alcohol has been metabolized. 

      If you plan on drinking alcohol, stop consuming it four hours before bed. This will allow your body plenty of time to metabolize the alcohol and get it out of your system. 

      An even better option? Skip the booze altogether. 

      One of my favorite evening rituals involves a calming sleepy time tea. Brewing tea in and of itself is a simple ritual, and by having it as a consistent part of your evening routine, your body will associate this habit with winding down before bed. 

      Use herbs that promote relaxation and sleep, such as valerian root, chamomile, lavender, and passionflower.

      You can also try a dreamy nighttime latte. Here are a few options to consider: 

      • Moon Brew: A calming and soothing blend of adaptogens with chamomile, rose, and magnesium.
      • Sleeptime SuperLatte: A caffeine-free nightcap infused with potent sleep-supporting botanicals.
      • Want to make your own? Here are 3 bedtime latte recipes for the ultimate rest, or try this Pink Moon Milk {a sleep tonic made with almond milk, honey, and tart cherry juice}.

      Bonus Tip: Ditch caffeine 6 hours before bedtime. Caffeine disrupts your circadian rhythm and stops the production of adenosine, a key player in making you sleepy. 

      Practice Nighttime Yoga 

      Incorporating gentle yoga into your evening routine can soothe both physical and mental tension, helping you release stress before sleep. It also activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which triggers relaxation.

      It’s a beautiful opportunity to stretch, unwind, and focus on restorative movement after a long day. 

      Some of my favorite evening yoga classes are Yoga with Bird’s bedtime yoga stretch to release tension and stress, Jessica Richburg’s slow flow yoga for better sleep, Yoga with Adriene’s 20 minute bedtime yoga practice, or Boho Beautiful’s gentle evening yoga.

      Enjoy a Warm Bath or Shower 

      Throughout the day, your body experiences various hormonal changes. One of these is melatonin production, which begins in the evening and prepares you for sleep. As this happens, your core body temperature drops, and scientists have found that a warm bath or shower can trigger a similar sleep response. As soon as you step out of the bath or shower, your body temperature drops to re-regulate with the temperature of the room, creating a sensation that makes you feel more tired and relaxed.

      And it doesn't stop there. Immersion in warm water releases the bonding hormone oxytocin, which counteracts feelings of loneliness. 

      Luxury Tip: Turn your evening soak into a luxurious ritual. Make your shower a soothing escape by hanging fresh eucalyptus or lavender from your shower head. If you’re taking a bath, a couple drops of essential oils or epsom salts will make for an extra treat-yourself moment. You could also include a hydrating face or hair mask, body polish, candles, and your favorite book (or some relaxing music). 

      Meditate or Focus on Your Breath 

      Incorporating meditation and/or breathwork into your evening routine is a beautiful way to connect with your mind and body and prepare yourself for sleep.

      You can practice mindfulness meditation by simply closing your eyes, focusing on your breath, and allowing yourself to witness whatever comes up without judgment. 

      Meditate to soothing sounds or relaxing music, or find a guided meditation made specifically for sleep. There are plenty on the app Insight Timer, or try one of these sleep meditations from YouTube:

      Reflect on Your Day 

      Many people find it restorative to journal, and doing so in the evening will help you clear your mind before going to bed. The end of the day is the perfect time to reflect on how you’re feeling, and bedtime journaling has been scientifically proven to help you get a better night’s sleep.

      Consider the following journal prompts to spark your creative expression before bed:

      • One word to describe my day is…
      • Emotions I felt today include…
      • My biggest challenge today was…
      • Today, I’m proud of the way I…
      • My favorite moment of the day was…
      • Today I’m grateful for…
      • Today I learned that…
      • Something I’d like to achieve tomorrow is…
      • Tomorrow I want to feel…

      If you don’t have a lot of time, use this opportunity to express what you’re grateful for. Practicing gratitude before bed can lead to a longer and more refreshing sleep, so try writing down at least one thing you’re thankful for every night. 

      Read a Book or Listen to Relaxing Music 

      Reading before bed is one of the best ways to wind down. Not only does it help you take a break from screen time, but research also suggests that nighttime reading can help ease stress, improve sleep quality, reduce insomnia, and improve brain health. 

      If you’re too sleepy to read, try listening to some relaxing music. Calming music can help distract you from your worries and calm you down before you sleep. Other types of audio, like ambient sounds or white/pink noise, are also good for sleep. You can find playlists on YouTube, Spotify, or smart home devices like Alexa.

      Prepare Your Bedroom

      Dedicate part of your evening routine to transforming your bedroom into a sleep oasis. Set your thermostat to somewhere between 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit (the ideal temperature for sleep), turn off noisy electronics, and dim the lights.

      Bonus Tip: After sleeping for (ideally) 7-8 hours, your body needs to rehydrate! Keep a glass of water next to your bed and drink it as soon as you wake up.

      Final Thoughts 

      Creating a more mindful nighttime routine doesn't need to be complicated – instead, focus on a few things you can implement into your evenings that will help you relax, sleep well, and wake up refreshed. Your ideal evening routine is about adding simple rituals you can sustain, to continue to grow and bring yourself closer to the person you know you’re meant to be. 

      ]]> 2023-01-30T14:53:43-06:00 2023-11-11T22:14:09-06:00 Cycle Syncing: A Woman’s Guide to Health & Hormones Team Olaya How to Align Your Workouts, Nutrition, and Lifestyle to Your Menstrual Cycle

      As women, it’s amazing how little we are taught about our menstrual cycles, especially considering the massive impact they have on all dimensions of our wellbeing. 

      The term “cycle syncing” was introduced in the book ‘Woman Code’ by functional nutritionist Alisa Vitti, creator of the MyFlo app. Cycle syncing is the practice of adjusting your lifestyle, diet, exercise, and even work routines to match the current phase of your menstrual cycle. It helps those who menstruate create routines that are in tune with their biological rhythms.

      “It turns out that having an infradian rhythm, also known as our monthly cycle, causes changes in our metabolism, brain, stress and other systems,” says Vitti. “Simply stated, we’re not the same throughout the 4 phases of our menstrual cycle. We have different calorie, fitness, and nutrient needs depending on which phase we are in,” she says. 

      Benefits of Cycle Syncing 

      When you live in sync with your menstrual cycle, you are working with your body, rather than against it. By living in tune with your natural rhythms, you will feel more balanced, energized, healthy, and productive. 

      According to experts, cycle syncing can also provide the following benefits: 

      • Hormonal balance
      • Fewer PMS and period symptoms, including mood swings and anxiety 
      • More effective workouts 
      • Increased energy 
      • Fertility support 
      • Improved sex drive
      • Healthy weight 
      • Better sleep
      • Improved sense of wellbeing 

      A quick note about hormonal birth control: Hormonal contraceptives suppress your body’s natural hormonal phases, so you won’t experience a true cycle. As a result, cycle syncing may not have the same impact. 

      Understanding The Phases of Your Menstrual Cycle 

      In order to experience the benefits of cycle syncing, we must first understand the menstrual cycle, its unique phases, and the main hormones involved. 

      Your menstrual cycle — the cyclical shedding of the uterine lining — is a natural process that happens every month to prepare your body for pregnancy. If you are not pregnant, your hormones send a signal to your uterus to shed its lining (this becomes your period). 

      Your cycle, which has four distinct phases, begins on the first day of your period and ends on the first day of your next period. The average menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, but a cycle ranging from 21 to 35 days is still considered normal.

      Menstrual Phase (Days 1-5)

      Day one of your period, when you begin your bleed, is the start of a new hormonal cycle. Also known as menstruation, this phase takes place when you are actively bleeding (as your body sheds its uterine lining) and usually lasts 3-7 days.

      Progesterone and estrogen are at the lowest levels during this phase, taking energy down with them, and also potentially affecting your mood. Pain or abdominal cramping can occur due to contractions of the womb as the uterus lining sheds. Some people may also experience headaches, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. 

      Follicular Phase (Days 6-14)

      Your follicular phase begins after you finish your bleed, and usually lasts between 7 and 10 days. During this phase, your body starts to release the hormones needed to stimulate the release of an egg (which happens during ovulation) and also build the lining of your uterus, which you shed during menstruation.

      Hormones start out low, but estrogen and progesterone continue to rise, providing you with more energy and helping to elevate your mood. Cramping and other symptoms are typically not present in the follicular phase. 

      Ovulatory Phase (Days 15-17)

      During the ovulatory phase (3-5 days), your body releases an egg into the fallopian tubes to be fertilized. This phase of your cycle is also referred to as the “fertile window”, since it’s the only time when pregnancy can occur. 

      Although ovulation normally lasts between 16 and 32 hours (24 on average), it is possible to get pregnant in the five days leading up to ovulation. Since sperm can live inside a person’s body for up to five days, it could potentially fertilize an egg five days after sex has occurred. 

      In this phase, estrogen peaks and progesterone levels rise. This results in the highest libido, highest energy, and most power as your body gets ready to potentially have a baby.

      If pregnancy doesn’t occur within 24 hours after ovulation, the unfertilized egg disintegrates and estrogen levels fall, signaling a return to menstruation within about 14 days. 

      Luteal Phase (Days 18-28)

      The luteal phase lasts, on average, 10-14 days. After releasing an egg during ovulation, our bodies release progesterone, which helps to prepare the uterus for a potential pregnancy as it continues to its peak in the middle of the phase. As a result, you may still feel the energy from your ovulatory phase continuing into the first part of your luteal phase. 

      Then, if pregnancy has not occurred, both estrogen and progesterone decrease as the body gets ready to move into the menstrual phase once again.

      Usually, your energy levels will drop significantly in the second half of your luteal phase. You may feel more irritable, less sociable and more introspective. PMS also occurs during this phase and can result in various symptoms. 

      Tracking Your Menstrual Cycle: 

      To begin tracking your cycle, start keeping a record of how long your cycle lasts (from the first day of your period to the first day of your next period). This will give you an idea of which phase you are in on any given day. You can also track symptoms such as cervical fluid, energy and mood changes, as well as temperature. There are many apps available to help with tracking this information, including Clue, Flo, Ovia Fertility, Eve by Glow, MyFlo, and more. 

      Cycle Syncing: Fitness, Nutrition and Lifestyle 

      Now that you have a better understanding of the different phases of your cycle, let’s discuss how you can adjust your fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle habits to best support each phase.

      Menstrual Phase

      Fitness: Walking, stretching, mat pilates, gentle yoga, hiking

      Your menstrual phase is the time to slow down your workouts and move in a way that isn’t too taxing on your body and your hormones. This isn’t the time to push yourself with intense workouts. In fact, intense workouts during this phase can be counterproductive – putting stress on the adrenals, increasing fat storage, and resulting in muscle wasting. 

      Nutrition: During your menstrual phase, it’s important to replenish your body with iron, zinc, and mineral-rich foods. High quality protein and healthy fats will help stabilize your energy and moods, and magnesium and potassium rich foods can help with cramps and fluid retention. It’s also incredibly important to stay well hydrated during this phase of your cycle. 

      What to include during this phase: 

      • Veggies: dark leafy greens, spinach, kale, broccoli, beets, arugula, sweet potatoes, root vegetables, mushrooms, sea vegetables (dulse, kelp and nori)
      • Fruits: blueberries, blackberries, avocado, watermelon, pomegranate, bananas
      • Grains: buckwheat, wild rice, quinoa, brown rice, lentil or chickpea pasta
      • Healthy Fats: flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, peanut butter, cashews, chia seeds, hemp seeds, almonds, coconut yogurt or kefir 
      • High Quality Protein: salmon, lentils, kidney beans, adzuki beans, oysters, duck, grass-fed beef, eggs, organ meats
      • Herbs & Spices: turmeric, garlic, ginger, parsley, cayenne, cinnamon, nettle 
      • Teas: red raspberry leaf, chamomile, peppermint, dandelion, nettle  
      • Extras: dark chocolate, nourishing soups and stews, bone broth, molasses, miso, tamari/liquid aminos, himalayan salt, trace minerals 

      Lifestyle: Focus on rest, self-care, reflection, compassion, and nourishment.

      • Your menstrual phase is considered the “winter” of your cycle – a time to rest, go inward, and prioritize self-care. Give yourself permission to truly slow down, focusing on activities that nourish and calm you.
      • Clarity and intuition are at an all-time high, so this is the best time to evaluate your life, make informed decisions, and determine the best path forward. 
      • This may also be a good time to work from home and avoid social gatherings.

      Follicular Phase

      Fitness: Low impact cardio, sculpt, pilates, light runs, hiking, vinyasa yoga

      During the follicular phase, after menstruation, your hormone levels start to rise. You will have more energy and feel stronger, so it’s the perfect time for workouts that feel energizing and up lifting. 

      Focus on low impact cardio, and keep your exercise in the light to moderate zone (you can build up a sweat, but you shouldn’t be dripping). This will result in lean muscle gain and better usage of stored fat for fuel.

      Nutrition: Your follicular phase is a great time to increase lighter sources of protein, fuel your body with whole foods, and consume complex carbohydrates. It’s important to have adequate fiber and cruciferous veggies to support your body’s metabolism of estrogen. Furthermore, pre- and probiotic rich foods will support your gut health.

      What to include during this phase: 

      • Veggies: brussel sprouts, kale, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, leafy greens, artichoke, zucchini, carrots, green peas, green beans, asparagus, onions
      • Fruits: lemons and limes, grapefruit, oranges, cherries, avocado, pomegranate, plums, tomatoes, bananas 
      • Grains: oats, barley, rye, wheat 
      • Healthy Fats: flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, olives and olive oil, brazil nuts, cashews, coconut yogurt, ghee, grass-fed butter 
      • High Quality Protein: organic tofu, legumes, lentils, split peas, black eyed peas, hemp protein, pea protein, salmon and other fatty fish, free-range chicken and eggs, shellfish 
      • Herbs & Spices: ginger, garlic, chili pepper, parsley 
      • Teas: nettle, holy basil 
      • Extras: fermented foods such as kimchi and sauerkraut, vinegar, sprouts

      Lifestyle: Focus on creativity, problem solving, brainstorming, and intention-setting.

      • Your follicular phase is known as the “spring” of your cycle, and the rise in estrogen and progesterone has you feeling more like your best self – with a more positive mood, high energy, and an increasing sex drive. 
      • At this time, women have the greatest access to creativity and problem solving. Tackle big projects, explore new ideas, brainstorm, and schedule important meetings during this phase of your cycle.
      • You’ll likely feel more social during this time too, so make time for friends and family, and put yourself out there to meet new people. 

      Ovulatory Phase

      Fitness: HIIT, circuit training, bootcamp, spin, power yoga, weight training 

      During ovulation, your testosterone and estrogen are peaking, maximizing your power and potential. Leverage your high energy with high intensity exercises.

      Your hormones are primed to power you through, so this is the time to go for personal records and work up a good sweat. You can push yourself during this time and get great results. 

      Nutrition: Your hormones are at their peak, so you’ll want to focus on anti-inflammatory foods that support your body in maintaining balanced estrogen levels. Chow down on vitamin-rich foods, raw vegetables, and lots of cruciferous vegetables to assist the liver in detoxing excess estrogen. Support muscle growth with protein and high-fiber, carb rich meals. 

      What to include during this phase: 

      • Veggies: brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, red bell pepper, eggplant, spinach, carrots, cucumber, swiss chard, asparagus, fennel
      • Fruits: coconut, figs, strawberries, raspberries, apricots, cantaloupe, guava, persimmon, tomatoes, pineapple 
      • Grains: quinoa, amaranth
      • Healthy Fats: pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, pistachios, pecans, almonds, hemp seeds, coconut yogurt, olives, olive oil
      • High Quality Protein: lentils, salmon, eggs, tuna, pea protein, hemp protein
      • Herbs & Spices: dandelion, burdock root, turmeric
      • Teas: dandelion
      • Extras: maca, kimchi, sauerkraut, apple cider vinegar, bone broth 

      Lifestyle: Focus on having fun, being social, communicating your needs, and putting yourself out there!

      • The ovulatory phase is considered your inner “summer” – your hormone levels are at their peak, your energy is high, and your moods are stable. 
      • This surge often makes you feel more focused, magnetic, confident, sexy, and social. This is the time to ask for a raise, launch new offers, network, negotiate deals, or attend public speaking engagements. 
      • You are most fertile during this phase. If you’re trying to conceive, it’s go time! If you aren’t looking to get pregnant, make sure to use protection. 

      Luteal Phase

      Fitness: Strength training, light circuit training, pilates, yoga, walks 

      The luteal phase takes place after ovulation and up until your period, and during this time your hormone levels fluctuate a lot. In the first half of your luteal phase, while your energy is still high, incorporate strength training, low impact cardio, vinyasa yoga and mat pilates. Avoid higher intensity cardio workouts. 

      Once you notice that your energy is shifting and you’re coming down from the estrogen high, tweak your workouts accordingly. Focus on more restorative movements as you near your next menstrual cycle, such as walking and more gentle forms of yoga and pilates. 

      Nutrition: Nourish yourself with whole foods and blood sugar balancing meals. You may feel an increase in hunger this time of the month, since your metabolic rate is increasing. It’s important to reduce carbohydrates in this phase – the body is most insulin resistant and has more trouble using carbs.

      Make sure you consume B-vitamins for sustained mood and energy. Anti-inflammatory foods, calcium, magnesium, and potassium rich foods will help combat fluid retention, reduce cramping, and ease other PMS symptoms.

      Drink lots of water and avoid foods and beverages that will trigger PMS symptoms, such as alcohol, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, red meat, and dairy.

      What to include during this phase: 

      • Veggies: cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, collard greens, mustard greens, onion, parsnip, pumpkin, radish, squash, potatoes, sweet potatoes 
      • Fruits: apples, dates, raisins, pears, peaches, papaya, bananas
      • Grains: brown rice, millet
      • Healthy Fats: sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pine nuts, walnuts, coconut, almonds, chia seeds, coconut oil 
      • High Quality Protein: lentils, chickpeas, navy beans, salmon, cod, flounder
      • Herbs & Spices: burdock root, dandelion, ginger, garlic, turmeric, cinnamon
      • Teas: red raspberry leaf, dandelion, ginger, peppermint
      • Extras: dark chocolate, spirulina, coconut water

      A note on fasting: Avoid fasts (including intermittent fasting) during your luteal phase. Fasting during this time may lead to the depletion of nutrients and hormones necessary in the days leading up to your menstrual cycle.

      Lifestyle: Focus on self-love, self-care, administrative tasks, finishing tasks, honoring your body, and setting personal boundaries. 

      • After riding the high of ovulation, you enter the luteal phase, aka your inner “fall”. Energy starts to dwindle, and you may find yourself becoming more inward-focused. 
      • This is when PMS occurs, so it’s important to support your body with proper rest, recovery, and relaxation.
      • Focus on administrative tasks, creating routines, organization, planning, research, and finishing projects. 
      • If you notice yourself feeling more introverted, give yourself permission to set boundaries and say “no” to social gatherings.  


      One of the most beautiful things about living in tune with your cycle is that you can begin to honor your natural ebbs and flows – truly embracing the changes your body goes through each month. 

      Remember, everyone is different. Above all else, it’s important to listen to and honor your own body. Be patient, don’t expect perfection, and allow yourself grace. Cycle syncing aims to make your life easier, not more stressful. Start small, and over time it will become more intuitive to live in tune with your natural rhythms. It's all about welcoming and embracing the flow, and there is nothing more empowering than living in alignment with yourself and your body. 

      *We are not medical professionals. Consult with your physician for medical advice.*

      ]]> 2023-01-24T11:53:23-06:00 2023-10-24T21:50:17-05:00 Create A Powerful (And Realistic) Morning Routine Team Olaya Transform Your Life with Intentional Morning Rituals

      Many people start the day with a blaring alarm clock (maybe hitting snooze a few times), a scroll through emails or social media, and a cup (or two…or three) of coffee. 

      But here’s the thing – your morning sets the tone for your entire day. 

      According to Hal Elrod, author of The Miracle Morning: “How you wake up each day and your morning routine (or lack thereof) dramatically affects your levels of success in every single area of your life. Focused, productive, successful mornings generate focused, productive successful days — which inevitably create a successful life — in the same way that unfocused, unproductive, and mediocre mornings generate unfocused, unproductive and mediocre days, and ultimately a mediocre quality of life. By simply changing the way you wake up in the morning, you can transform any area of your life, faster than you ever thought possible”.

      Benefits of an Intentional Morning Routine 

      Having a daily morning routine isn’t about causing additional stress or adding more to your to-do list. It’s about incorporating practices that will help you rejuvenate, reset, and refocus for the day ahead. 

      Some of the top benefits of a morning routine include: 

      • Improved mental health and wellbeing
      • Reduced stress and anxiety
      • More energy, focus, clarity, and confidence 
      • Greater productivity and success 
      • Increased feelings of purpose, connection and gratitude
      • Better time management 
      • Improved quality of work 

      Whether or not you’re a “morning person”, incorporating intentional practices that promote self-care and wellness is essential to building the life you desire. By taking the time to fill your cup, you’re more likely to have the mental, emotional, and physical capacity you need for a productive, fulfilling day. 

      Powerful Rituals for a Mindful Morning Routine 

      Ready to create your own miracle morning? Read on for 10 realistic tips to build your ultimate morning routine.

      Keep in mind that this list is in no specific order. Some of the practices will resonate, and some won’t. That’s ok. There’s no perfect equation for everyone. Experiment with different things and observe what works best for you. 

      1. Clarify Your Why 

      One of the most important steps to creating a powerful morning routine is to clarify WHY you want to do so in the first place. What aspects of your life do you want to shift or improve, and how will your morning routine support that shift? Maybe you want to be more successful at work, lose weight, have more time to connect with your family, or reconnect with your spiritual practice. Whatever it is, make sure your goal is something that truly lights you up.

      Too often, we go through life on autopilot, losing sight of our values, dreams and aspirations. Clarifying your ‘why’ will create a sense of purpose and help you stay motivated, especially on those mornings where you’re feeling groggy or uninspired.

      2. Start the Night Before

      Best way to have a productive morning? Get a head start the night before. 

      Planning your day the night before can help increase your morning productivity and reduce the need for important decision-making when your day begins. 

      Many successful people spend their evenings getting ready for the following day because it frees up their mornings to get a jump on meaningful work. Try ending your evenings by writing down three things you want to accomplish the next day. 

      Additional Evening Routine Tips:

      • Pick out your outfit or gym clothing.
      • Set the coffee maker.
      • Have young kids? Lay out their outfits, prepare breakfast and lunch, and pack their bags the night before.
      • Get off your electronics (yes, even your phone) at least an hour before bed (even better if you leave them outside your bedroom at night).
      • Create a consistent sleep routine and try to go to bed around the same time every night.

      3. Avoid the Snooze Button and Stay Off Your Phone

      How you wake up is equally as important as what comes afterwards.

      Step 1: Avoid the snooze button. 

      The unfortunate reality is that going back to sleep after your alarm goes off can actually increase your level of tiredness, since you aren’t able to fall back into a deep sleep. The more you snooze, the more unsettled your internal clock becomes. So make sure to get up when your first alarm goes off. 

      If you have trouble rising with the first alarm, here’s a little hack: Simply count down 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… then roll out of bed! This five-second rule will help train your brain and help break that pesky snoozing habit. 

      Another option: Consider a more gentle alarm – like the Philips Wake-Up Light Coloured Sunrise Simulation or this Light Therapy Lamp. These alarms simulate the sunrise, help you wake more naturally, and are especially beneficial during the winter time.

      Step 2: Avoid reaching for your phone!

      Scrolling your phone first thing in the morning is the worst form of self-sabotage. As Arianna Huffington, founder of the Huffington Post says,  "A big part of my morning ritual is about what I don't do: when I wake up, I don't start the day by looking at my smartphone. Instead, once I'm awake, I take a minute to breathe deeply, be grateful, and set my intention for the day.”

      Additional tips for a better wake-up: 

      • Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep. 
      • Set your alarm for the same time every day.
      • Set your alarm out of reach, either across the room or in a different room.

      4. Take a Moment for Gratitude 

      Practicing gratitude is a life-changing ritual, and can be especially powerful in the morning. By priming your brain with positive information at the very start of your day, you reprogram your mind to have a more upbeat world view. Gratitude makes you happier, more resilient, more likable, and can literally add years to your life. 

      Try starting your day with this simple ritual: as soon as you open your eyes, think of three things that you’re grateful for.

      Starting your morning on this positive note will carry you through the rest of your day and help you maintain good vibes. You’ll feel more ready and excited to hop out of bed and conquer each day.

      5. Hydrate

      After sleeping for (ideally) 7-8 hours, your body needs to rehydrate! Dehydration is one of the main causes of feeling tired and lacking energy, so it’s imperative that we drink plenty of water in the morning. Drinking water first thing also helps to fuel the brain, increase alertness, fight sickness, and jump-start your metabolism.

      Tips for morning hydration:

      • Keep a glass of water next to your bed and drink it as soon as you wake up.
      • Add a pinch of sea salt and a squeeze of lemon to achieve optimum hydration, boost energy, and support your body with the right balance of electrolytes and minerals. 
      • Don’t go straight for the caffeine. Drink at least one glass of water before your first cup of coffee.

      6. Clear Your Mind

      When did you last truly spend time with yourself in the morning before rushing into your day? 

      Incorporating meditation and/or breathwork into your morning routine is a beautiful way to connect with your mind & body. By nurturing your ability to connect and lovingly witness the spaces within yourself, you’ll become more familiar with them and develop the ability to stay in that space throughout the rest of your day.

      If you’re short on time, a meditation practice can be as simple as focusing on your breath for a few moments. It can even be incorporated into other practices, such as walking in nature, driving, or eating breakfast. Simply slow down, take a few deep breaths, and allow yourself to be present with the moment. 

      If you have a little extra time, try meditating or practicing breathwork for at least 10 minutes, and work your way up from there. You can even use an app or guided practice from YouTube. Here are a few of my favorites:

      7. Move Your Body

      Regular exercise and mindful movement comes with tons of health benefits, including better mental health, improved mood, more energy, and increased brain function. 

      By incorporating some form of movement into your morning routine, you can:

      • Gain mental clarity 
      • Improve attention span and productivity 
      • Feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and accomplished 
      • Boost your metabolism and energy levels 
      • Decrease depression, stress, and anxiety 
      • Feel more confident 
      • Lower your risk for certain diseases
      • Sleep better 
      • Live a longer, healthier life 

      Whether it’s a walk in nature, yoga, pilates, running, strength training, dancing, or your favorite group fitness class – the goal is to find something that feels good for you and your body. By choosing a workout you actually enjoy, you are more likely to stick with it. 

      If you don’t have a ton of time in the morning, even just a few minutes of stretching can have amazing benefits. It’s a great way to connect with your body, release tension, improve your posture, and improve your mood. 

      Here are a few workouts you can add to your morning routine:

      8. Journal With Your Favorite Morning Drink

      One of my favorite morning rituals involves journaling with a cup of coffee or a heart-opening cacao. I use this time to reflect, express how I’m feeling, look ahead, and clarify what I want to create in my life. 

      Whether you practice morning pages, list your goals and intentions, or write down positive affirmations – a morning journaling practice is a wonderful way to begin a new day with clarity and purpose. 

      Here are a few journaling prompts you can use to transform your day:

      • Today I am grateful for…
      • Today I am excited to…
      • Right now I am feeling…
      • My main intention for today is…
      • Today I want to feel…
      • My ideal lifestyle is…

      You can also consider and journal about the following questions:

      • What am I ready to release from my life?
      • What things in my life am I most proud of?
      • What personal qualities do I want to nourish and grow?
      • What goals do I want to prioritize?
      • How can I bring more peace and fulfillment into my life?

      Consider adding things that stimulate the senses and create a more ritualistic feel – such as a candle, incense, or a warm, comforting beverage. 

      9. Feed Your Mind

      Starting your day with some form of learning can help bring a new perspective to your life and inspire you to think more creatively. 

      Take some time in the morning to read a book, listen to a podcast, or practice a new skill. The key is to learn from the experts. One of the fastest ways to achieve what you want is to model successful people who have already achieved it.

      No matter how busy you are, investing even ten minutes towards learning something new every day will help improve your personal and professional growth.

      10. Keep It Simple

      This is one of the most important aspects of a healthy, sustainable morning routine. Rather than trying to do everything right away (and then giving up), start small and work your way up. 

      Use your morning routine as an opportunity to incorporate rituals that will elevate and enhance your life, and don’t judge or shame yourself for not being perfect. Some mornings life just gets in the way, and that’s totally ok. Take these moments as an opportunity to practice more self-love and compassion.

      Making small, simple steps to improve each day will ultimately lead to higher productivity and happiness in the long run. Even if you just take one of these habits and add it into your daily routine, you’ll find yourself amazed with the results.

      Bonus Practices 

      Looking for a little extra inspiration? Here are 10 bonus practices to consider adding to your morning routine:

      • Make your bed
      • Hop in a cold plunge (or take a cold shower)
      • Practice self-care
      • Diffuse essential oils
      • Listen to your favorite music 
      • Call and chat with a loved one
      • Pray
      • Cuddle your pet
      • Water your plants
      • Make a nourishing breakfast

      A Note On Breakfast…

      I love a good nutritious breakfast. It helps balance my hormones and blood sugar, and gives me the energy I need for a productive day. I always try to eat a healthy meal with a mix of high-fiber carbs, healthy fats, and protein. Some of my favorites breakfasts include:

      • Avocado or hummus toast with mushrooms, spinach, and hemp hearts
      • Egg, tofu, or chickpea scramble with veggies and avocado
      • Protein oatmeal or overnight oats
      • Green protein smoothie 
      • Berry chia pudding 

      P.S. – Coffee is NOT breakfast. Caffeine on an empty stomach raises cortisol, stresses the adrenals, and is hugely taxing for your hormones. Make sure to enjoy your coffee with, or after, a nourishing meal. 

      Your body is unique, and so are your needs. Understanding how your body works, what food it needs, and how much food (energy) you need to power you through your day is key.

      Crafting Your Own Morning Routine 

      Your morning routine could be as quick as a few minutes – wake up, drink water, and meditate for 5 minutes – or as long as a few hours, including meditation, yoga, journaling, and a walk in nature. 

      What matters, above all else, is that it is realistic and feels good for YOU. 

      So sit down and take some time to truly reflect on what your ideal morning routine would look like. Ask yourself:

      • How can I connect with myself on a deeper level every day? 
      • What brings me the most joy? 
      • What practices will support me in reaching my goals?

      Your optimal morning routine is about adding simple rituals you can sustain, to continue to grow and bring yourself closer to the person you know you’re meant to be. 

      Ready to go? Try implementing at least one new ritual into your routine tomorrow morning!

      ]]> 2023-01-05T09:18:16-06:00 2023-10-29T23:16:03-05:00 The Power of Community and Sisterhood: Why Women Coming Together Will Change the World Team Olaya A profound power arises when women come together and support other women – when we unite in a community that allows for safe, vulnerable, and authentic connection. In a space where we can be held, met, and seen, deep healing occurs, and anything is possible. 

      The truth is, we cannot reach our highest expression without the love and guidance of other women. We cannot be the friends, wives, mothers, daughters, or entrepreneurs we want to be if we are not held in true sisterhood.

      In order to truly change ourselves and the world for the better, we need to reclaim our right to sit in community with other women. As writer and poet Alex Elle said, “It takes a village to thrive and be great. We cannot do it alone. Life wasn’t meant to be lived that way.”

      A Brief History of Women in Community

      The ritual of women gathering to connect and share stories is universal. It is as old as humankind itself, existing in ancient cultures worldwide. 

      For thousands of years, women gathered in nature, around campfires, or in sacred space to pass down wisdom – sharing resources, medicine, traditions, recipes, spiritual lessons, and stories. Many of their rituals were tied to phases of the moon, nature, spirits, seasons, and even menstruation. 

      As they shared their wisdom, healed, and connected on a deeper level, women became more powerful. They started to speak up, amplifying their voices and making positive changes in their tribes, towns and communities. 

      Unfortunately, this all began to change with the rise of patriarchy and hierarchy, which pushed down ritualistic and community-oriented practices. Masculine, linear progress began to replace more feminine, cyclical ways of being. It was during this time that women were removed from power, persecuted, or even burned at the stake for being ‘witches’ (oftentimes these women were healers or spiritual leaders). 

      Women’s circles, rituals and community decreased drastically, and the sister wound was born. 

      Healing The Sister Wound 

      The sister wound lives in all of us. It is the manifestation of women living in a patriarchal society that reinforces unhealthy coping mechanisms to survive. The sister wound is the pain, distrust, jealousy, insecurity, comparison, and fear we sometimes feel when relating to other women. 

      Although the patriarchy and sister wound robbed many women of their sense of community, things are starting to shift. Today, women all over the world are cultivating community to share their experiences and wisdom, heal their wounds, and lift each other up. 

      Through sisterhood and community, we unlearn what we’ve been told by the patriarchy – that competition and jealousy rule the relationships women have with each other. Through feminine connection, we emerge empowered and supported, knowing that we are never alone, and that together, anything is possible. 

      The Benefits of Joining a Community of Women

      For women, being part of a community is associated with a multitude of benefits, including better health (both physically and mentally), increased confidence and self-esteem, emotional connection, and so much more. 

      Community is instrumental in encouraging women to be their best selves and recognizing that we are more powerful when we come together. 

      Here are some of the top reasons community is so beneficial for women:

      Provides a safe space

      Sadly, many women have never experienced a safe community of other women. In fact, many have reported that their connections with other women actually resulted in challenges, judgment, and even trauma. Again, this sort of experience stems from the sister wound that has ingrained itself into our psyche after centuries of being pinned against each other to dim our own power. 

      But in a conscious, intentional space, women’s communities provide a safe place to heal and show up in our truth – feeling held, seen, and heard. They create a container for vulnerability, assisting us in releasing emotions and unhealthy patterns while increasing our ability to connect with and hold space for others. 

      Gathering in a circle of women can be a profoundly transformative experience that supports us in navigating the ups and downs of life and feeling less alone in what we are going through. 

      Allows us to learn, share knowledge, and actively listen

      In a community setting, women can bring together an array of different perspectives, skills, wisdom, and experiences, and everyone has the opportunity to share. At the same time, all members have the opportunity to listen with intention.

      By pooling our knowledge and skills, we are better able to learn, solve problems and understand complex ideas. Engaging with other women in such a setting creates a safe space for us to broaden our minds and see the world from a whole new perspective. Working together and interacting in such a way can also be energizing and motivating for all involved. It provides a space to not only learn and grow, but also express oneself without fear of judgment. 

      “I can promise you that women working together – linked, informed and educated – can bring peace and prosperity to this forsaken planet.” -Isabelle Allende

      Supports and empowers us

      In patriarchal societies, it is common for women to place competition over collaboration. But contrary to some beliefs, women can be each other’s biggest supporters, and are incredible allies when put on the same team. 

      The most effective way we can begin to heal the sister wound is by lifting each other up. The aphorism “a rising tide lifts all boats” expresses this inherent truth – our light doesn’t dim when we ignite someone else’s flame. It just makes the world shine that much brighter. Empowering women is about sharing our experiences with one another in hopes that our words and actions will inspire, and more importantly, uplift them. It is all about helping other women enhance and enrich themselves.

      We all deserve to be treated with respect, love, honesty and compassion, and a women’s community or circle provides the perfect container for this kind of energy. In such a space, what we say, feel, and think matters. We know other women have our back, which allows us to be vulnerable. We can sit in community with other women and speak our truth, sharing our deepest fears, shame, insecurities, hopes, dreams, and desires. 

      As we hear other women, women who we might have perceived as confident, put together, or ‘having it all’ – we realize that no one is perfect. We are all on our own journeys, and we all have insecurities, fears, wounds, and various things that we would like to shift in our lives.

      Furthermore, in many societies, women are taught to behave a certain way in order to be accepted or ‘worthy’. As a result, we often self-censor and hold ourselves back from our full, authentic expression due to self-doubt or fear of judgment.

      Women communities change this. They hold space for us to share and amplify our voices and our truth, increasing our confidence and self-esteem. They also encourage the sharing of stories and past experiences, which helps in releasing limiting beliefs and even healing personal or ancestral trauma. 

      “I want to build a community where women of all races can communicate and ... continue to support and take care of each other. I want to give women a space to feel their own strength and tell their stories. That is power.” - Beyonce

      Helps us succeed

      Study after study shows that women who support women are objectively more successful. A study published in the Harvard Business Review demonstrates that women are more likely to achieve the highest possible levels of success in their careers if their inner circle is made up of other women. 

      In community, women can empower and support each other to be more successful, confident, and motivated. From professional accomplishments and guidance, to mental health support and workplace obstacles — women communities become spaces where women can share career advice and create opportunities for each other, together. We can encourage each other to try something new, take risks, and step out of our comfort zone.

      “Behind every great woman... is another great woman." -Kate Hodges

      Makes us healthier

      Being in community with other women can also improve our health, both physically and mentally. 

      Scientists share that being in the company of like-minded women releases oxytocin, which can help counteract the day-to-day stress most of us experience. 

      Furthermore, women with a female support network have a better chance of surviving various diseases. Research published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology looked at women diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer and found that those who have strong female bonds were four times less likely to die from cancer. 

      “Communities, countries, and ultimately the world are only as strong as the health of their women.” -Michelle Obama

      How to Form Strong Relationships with Women

      Now that you understand the value of being in community with other women, you may be asking yourself: How can I form stronger relationships with the women in my life? Here are a few tips:

      • Be proactive. Reconnect with the women you’ve known throughout your life that you liked, and from there rebuild your relationships with them. 
      • Whenever you meet a woman that you feel a connection with, get in touch and see where the friendship may lead you. Deep connection with other women is not something that happens to you, it’s something that you willfully create.
      • Be intentional about the women you surround yourself with. You have the right to decide who you spend your time with, so choose women who uplift, love, support and inspire you. 
      • Don’t be afraid to go deep. Joining a women’s community means that you’re willing to be vulnerable – to love fully, with all that you are. 
      • Consider joining a local or even an online community of women. Find a group that shares similar values. This may be a book club, yoga group, philanthropic cause…anything that sparks your interest. What’s important is that you’re getting together with other women who share a common interest—and that you go to meetings and events often enough to let these strong connections develop.

      Right now, connecting with each other and coming together to support one another is more important than ever before. To share our stories…to be real with a community of women we can trust is one of the best feelings in the world. It is in this space that we can reawaken to our true power. 

      These communities are instrumental in encouraging women to be their best selves and realizing that we are stronger when we come together. We trust that women who are empowered have the power to bring about positive change in the world.

      “The true wealth of a community is measured by how carefully it listens to its women and how sincerely it values their wisdom. Empowering women empowers us all.” -Forest Whitaker

      ]]> 2020-10-13T08:00:02-05:00 2023-11-09T22:30:02-06:00 Practice Makes Perfect Lauren Olaya

      We play a sport where practice is everything. If you want to improve your score, there's just no way around the fact that you have to practice if you want to have any hope of getting better. But there's a big difference between aimlessly hitting balls at the range, and actually practicing with a purpose.

      Here's something to try the next time you head to the driving range ...

      From the very beginning of your practice sessions, try to make your practice count by having a plan for each and every shot.

      While you're hitting range balls, imagine you're out on the course.

      Try playing "9 holes" on the range, and use targets that are approximately the same yardages of the shots you expect to have while making your way around the course.

      If you're working on swing changes to improve your accuracy, ball flight, shot shaping, or another part of your game ... work on those things in the context of putting a purpose behind every swing you make.

      And if your planned shots don't happen perfectly, it's okay! It's just practice :-)

      ]]> 2020-10-07T20:20:24-05:00 2023-09-12T21:34:50-05:00 Pro Tip: How to Keep Any Round From Falling Apart Lauren Olaya

      After trying a little meditation from the previous post, hopefully you are seeing some benefits and an increased feeling of overall calmness.

      That aside, I have a question for you about how you deal with adversity on the course...

      When you have a few bad shots or holes, how do you handle it?

      Do the "wheels come off" and your round starts spiraling out of control?

      Do the bad shots and holes continue?

      OR are you able to make a mental shift and get yourself back to playing like you know you're capable of playing?

      The tips we shared about meditation last week will help, but there's something very powerful you can do...

      Try adjusting your perspective in the moment.

      With golf, sometimes it's easy to get overwhelmed when the bad shots start coming.

      This is true especially when we think about more challenging holes that are coming up.

      As you stand on the next tee box, imagine that the hole you are on is the ONE AND ONLY hole you are playing today.

      Then decide what score you'd be happy with on the given hole if you were to play it like you usually do, and then do it!

      Here's an example ...

      If I'm standing on a tee box, I know if I tell myself this is the ONLY hole I'm playing today, I should get a par at worst.

      If I get a birdie, great ...

      If I get a bogey, that's fine too, but the point is to force myself to ONLY think about the hole directly in front of me.

      I personally like this approach A LOT better than the old, worn-out tip you always hear of taking it one shot at a time!

      Give this a try and let me know what you think.

      It will help you stay more present the next time you run into difficulty while you're out on the course.
